Michelle Obama

ABC's "Black-ish" - Season Eight
 (Richard Cartwright/ABC via Getty Images) MICHELLE OBAMA

Michelle Obama has made it very clear that she is NOT interested in becoming a 2024 presidential candidate. Her husband and former president, Barack Obama, has further emphasized her position with this comment:

“Michelle will not run for president. I can guarantee it.”

Yet the talk of this potentiality continues to ripple through the political world.

And Republicans are particularly concerned about the possibility. In fact, at the CPAC convention earlier this year, Monica Crowley, a sometime Fox News contributor who is well-connected in Trumpworld, mused that if Michelle were to run, “that would be a very difficult situation for us.”

Crowley added that even though Michelle Obama is not “political,“ Republicans should still keep a very close eye on her because “her trajectory is exactly what Barack Obama did before he ran for president and what Bill and Hillary Clinton both did.”

While there are several reasons why I personally would like to see Michelle as a candidate, at the same time I would hate for her to be dragged through the political mud that accompanies political elections. No matter how strong a woman she is, the *CRAP* that Republicans would dig up and dish out has been demonstrated on innumerable occasions to be formidable.

In any event … what do YOU think? Is there ANY chance that Michelle Obama will show up on 2024 voting ballots?

Overall, I tend to think it’s wishful thinking.

Source article: Republicans fear Michelle Obama presidential run