36 thoughts on “Please Help

  1. It’s shocking to think we have had these deadly things in our gardens al this time and nary a warning on the packet. I want to sue the manufacturers but I don’t want to encourage Trump to go after even more money.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Hello Nan. I am in awe of the large brain that figured out something our greatest scientists some how missed. He is so “like a stable genius” because his head gets more blood than most of us because his hands are so tiny. 😀😁🤣😂😉 Hugs

    Liked by 4 people

    • El dumpo, being a stable genius, lives in a stable. Self-respecting scientists know nothing about stables, except they are full of horseshit. Trump knows all about horseshit. He wallows in it daily..
      El dumpo also knows all about windmills. Not the garden variety kind, but the great big 100 foot tall windmills that harness the energy in the wind, create electricity, and store it in batteries. You know, the kind that kills birds because the blades are so sharp and go around so fast birds can’t see them, so get sliced to trying to fly through them. Yes, they must circle at about 2 rpms (revolutions per minute). They make so much noise you cannot hear them 10 ft away, as long as they are kept well oiled. Trump would never think to use oil on a windmill. It runs on air, doesn’t it?
      Windmill cancer? yeah, if the wind turns the blades, but you never give the bearings oil, probably your windmill will get cancer. But it usn’t contagious. Machine to man cancer? Who is he trying to kid? Oh, yeah, his evangelicals. Does the bible have windmill instructions? No? Then I guess they will all get windmill cancer. Hope it is covered by their healthcare?

      Liked by 2 people

  3. While cancer is no joke, our president sure is.

    …and U.S.A. is the punchline to the jokes told ’round the world right now.

    Q: How many Americans doe it take to change a light bulb? A: It doesn’t matter, they can’t figure out how to turn on the switch!

    Liked by 3 people

  4. There’s dialog from the old Carol Burnett Show that’s fitting here for Trump. Thelma “Mama” Harper (played exquisitely by actress Vicki Lawrence) to her high-strung daughter Eunice (Carol Burnett):

    “You are really nuts, you know it? One a these days they’re gonna come over and just lock you up! You aren’t playing with a full deck… I think somebody blew your pilot light out. There’s more. You know what? You got splinters in the windmill of your mind. You’re playin’ hockey with a warped puck!”

    Liked by 4 people

  5. Have we checked to be sure the man isn’t also a registered member of the Flat Earth Society? Oh, and let us not forget that power lines can cause cancer if you stand under them.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. OMG! I can see around a hundred of them wind turbines from almost every room of our house. I’m doomed.

    Even wind generation has its conspiracy theorists. There are those who are convinced wind turbines are net users of electricity, not net generators. Their “proof” of this is just as strange and ridiculous as are the reasons why we are being “lied” to.

    Liked by 4 people

      • Two problems:
        1. There are 3 wind farms, each owned by different companies. Regardless of whether I wanted to one or all three, it’s irrelevant because…
        2. In NZ we can not sue for injury. We have a universal no faults accident compensation scheme. I’d need to prove that I have cancer and it was caused by wind turbines to receive compensation.

        Liked by 1 person

          • Or lucky, for as far as I’m aware I don’t have cancer, and if family history is anything to go by, very unlikely to develop any form of it.

            Never the less, I’ll keep my fingers crossed, and continue wearing my tinfoil vest and hat at all times. It does make showering rather uncomfortable, but I’d rather be safe than sorry .:)

            Liked by 1 person

  7. This just in … !!

    Windmills make noise. Noise causes lack of sleep. Lack of sleep reduces one’s resistance to cancer. Ergo, windmills cause cancer. I don’t see why people don’t respect Donald Trump. Even if he’s a puppet, he’s the most honest puppet president in about 50 years.

    Believe it or not, this delightful comment was on a Christian Forum!

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