We Are All Atheists


We are all atheists with respect to Zeus and Thor. (Sam Harris)


And with respect as well to Odin, Hercules, Atlas, Hera, Ares, Mars, Eros, Jupiter, Baldur, Apollo, Hades, Venus, Bacchus, Tiamat, Ishtar, Diana, Marduk, Osiris, Anubis, Ra, Isis, Waukheon, Wakan-Tanka, Cupid, Quetzalcoatl, Aphrodite, etc., etc.

So the question becomes … why is it different when it comes to Yahweh, the god of the Jews?

The Supreme Court vs Texas

scales-of-justiceIn reference to the recent Supreme Court’s decision to overturn restrictions that would have closed all but a handful of abortion providers in Texas, Hillary Clinton welcomed the court’s decision and called the efforts to curtail access to abortion as “politically motivated.”

(No. Not politically motivated. Religiously motivated.)

While there would still have been available clinics in large metropolitan centers (Dallas, Fort Worth, Austin, and San Antonio), access would have been severely limited for many women. And one cannot help but portend that had the Supreme Court upheld this legislation, even these clinics would eventually have been shuttered.

Amazingly, Texas legislators claimed there was medical justification for their actions … that they were protecting women’s health (!). Thankfully, the majority of the Supreme Court judges did not see it that way.

I know addressing this subject is opening a can of worms and the anti-abortionists will no doubt come out of the woodwork to scream that a zygote is an embryo is a fetus is a human … and thus should never be aborted. But I stand by my long-standing persuasion that it is a woman’s decision. And similar to the right some people claim related to gun ownership, a woman, based on the indisputable fact that she is a primary factor in the perpetuation of the human race, has the right to choose abortion. And thus, safe and convenient medical facilities should always be available to her for this purpose.

Heaven: Is It All That It’s Cracked Up To Be?

heaven-hellI’m sure you’ve noticed that a common theme among many Christian bloggers is the topic of “hell.” They seem to relish the idea of pointing out that “hell” is the destination of anyone who rejects God/Jesus as their savior. Often they include what they believe are the horrors of this “terrible place” (burning sulfur, everlasting fire, tortured screams, etc.). They seem to delight in pointing out what awaits you as an unbelieving, sinful, god-rejecting reader.

Then, at the close of their tirade, they switch gears and affectionately share the “gospel story” with you, urging you to to accept Jesus into your life (whatever that means) and avoid ending up in the fiery pit of “hell” … for eternity.

What I find rather interesting is how few write about the location at the other end of the spectrum. Of course, I’m talking about “heaven.” I wonder why that is. Let’s think about it for a minute.

Although believers tend to talk glowingly about their ultimate destination … how it’s going to be such a “heavenly” place and how they’re looking forward to worshiping Jesus/God for eternity … I can’t help but wonder if this is truly the way they hope/plan/expect to spend infinity. After living on this earth and experiencing so much of what “LIFE” has to offer, can an individual truly be content spending their eternal existence doing nothing but demonstrating their love and devotion to a deity? I mean, think about it. We’re talking 24 hours a day … FOREVER!

Many have speculated on what this existence will be like (they’ll be with loved ones who also “made it,” they’ll walk streets of gold, they will be forever “happy”) but in actuality, there is nothing in the bible that expounds on what will take place … except worship.

Let’s be honest here, Christians. When you say you aspire to reach “heaven,” have you seriously considered what awaits you?

Ditch the Prayers

Many will offer “prayer” in the wake of the Orlando tragedy. Whether it’s done in a church, over a microphone by a politician, or through Tweets, Facebook, and blog postings … prayer will be the common response to what has been described as “the worst killing spree in U.S. history.”

Yet the truth remains … the ONLY efficacy of prayer related to any tragedy is for the people doing the praying.

Over a period of many centuries, it has been indoctrinated into the human psyche that a loving, invisible entity hears a person’s pleas and will offer comfort and solace to those in need. Thus, by simply uttering a few relevant words to this unseen being, many believe they have helped to ease any suffering and/or pain experienced by the loss or injury of someone else’s loved ones. In other words, they have “done their part.”

Few (if any) ever take the next step — even though the teaching of their “Good Book” says … “let us not love with word or with tongue, but in deed and truth.” (1 John 3:18) Or, as the ISV puts it,  “we must stop expressing love merely by our words and manner of speech; we must love also in action and in truth.”

Opening the mouth and directing a few words “heavenward” may be quicker and easier than actually doing something, but the truth remains … actions speak louder than prayer.

Even when miles separate us from those who are hurting, there are ways to ease suffering. Try contributing to the Red Cross or other disaster funds. Send a virtual hug if you know the affected parties. If you happen to live close by, perform simple, small acts of kindness. Offer words of solace and understanding. In other words, be human. And ditch the prayers.

A Grand Conspiracy?

I have a friend on Facebook that is absolutely and unwaveringly certain the Sandy Hook shooting was a conspiracy. He has, over a period of time, offered “proofs” on why he believes this. Now he has included the Orlando shooting. This is what he posted today:

Israel hates Arab Muslims so badly, they wish to obliterate them. Israeli children are taught to hate Palestinians from Kindergarten up. Just take a look at what Israel is doing to Muslim Palestinians and the Gaza Strip. So Israel (ISIS) attacks under the fictional ISIS flag because they cannot attack under their own flag. Why else do you think ISIS has never attacked Israel?

Now the name of ISIS is being used in other areas, like mass shootings, in an effort to alter the 2nd Amendment. Ask yourself what a terror group would want with an insignificant gay club in Florida when there are thousands of gay clubs and bars across the nation and world? The answer is Nothing. But since Florida has NO regulations on the type of weapons claimed to have been used in the club shooting, this event would be the perfect excuse (largest mass shooting in US history) to enact legislation to heavily restrict guns. Just wait and see; but whatever you do, stop believing what the news is pushing down your throats. Use your logical brains out there. With ISIS being a work of fiction between the U.K., U.S. and Israel, the group can be made to take credit for any agenda that is out there.

He also claims tragedy donation and RIP webpages (for the teacher killed at Sandy Hook) were set up on Facebook, United Way, Red Cross, and others FOUR days before the shooting occurred.

He further writes:

Who knew 4 days in advance that a shooting was to happen? The fact that a Sandy Hook tragedy was in print 4 days early proves the event was staged and faked for a multi-purpose agenda. In reality, no one died at Sandy Hook. Stop believing what you saw on the news and the sadness they made you feel in your heart and LOOK IT UP FOR YOURSELVES. Good Grief, Stop Being Propaganda Supporters. Now ask yourselves about the Florida nightclub and remove yourself from the shock that comes with the notion of a massacre and look at things objectively. I know you all want to believe that this many people could not possibly be in on a great deception; but you would be mistaken. I have studied Sandy Hook since the day it happened; and this one is unfolding the exact same way – as many other “shootings” have unfolded; with crisis actors and the works. 
