Living in the World of “The Apprentice”

“You’re Fired!”

And one more bites the dust.

The most recent “apprentice candidate” to be sent packing is Rex Tillerson, Secretary of State. He joins several other “candidates” who didn’t meet the boot-licking requirements of “The Boss.”

While not every person who has left the White House under tRumpsky’s reign has heard the infamous words, “You’re Fired!” several saw the writing on the wall and beat him to the punch. Others left with little fanfare, albeit in many cases under no small amount of pressure from he who sits in the plush leather chair.

Here is a list of the “has-beens”:

  • Sally Yates
  • Michael Flynn
  • Preet Bharara
  • Katie Walsh
  • James Comey
  • Andrew McCabe
  • Christopher Wray
  • Michael Dubke
  • Anthony Scaramucci
  • Hope Hicks
  • Walter Schaub
  • David Apol
  • Sean Spicer
  • Michael Short
  • Derek Harvey
  • Reince Priebus
  • Elaine Duke
  • George Sifakis
  • Steve Bannon

Some of these individuals have been replaced while others have not. But hey … it’s all about “small government,” is it not?

I’m sure many of you join me as I experience such comfort in knowing our government is being run by someone with such excellent judgment. Someone with such a keen sense of discernment that he knows (sometimes within a matter of days) whether a person will sufficiently kiss his ____.

And the show goes on.

P.S. This list is subject to change!