What Do You Think?

No, I’m not well yet (frustrated sigh), but I had to squeeze in a question that I probably know the answer to. But then again, maybe not. 🤔

In any event, I’m going to ask it anyway.

Will Trump be found guilty in this latest trial? Why or why not?

Please don’t leave out the answer to the second part of the question because your opinions are what really adds to the discussion.


P.S. I’m on a new medication now which I’m hoping bring some positive results!

48 thoughts on “What Do You Think?

  1. It’s hard to tell. I’ve been watching the commentary on the web and tv (mostly MSNBC) Consensus seems to be that the defense crapped all over it’s case with their last witness. The emails clearly said that this was all done at TFG’s instructions.

    The paper trail makes it clear why this was all done, it’s just a matter of whether the jury will believe Cohen.

    I think they will, because to me, the defense was more about mollifying their client’s desire to vent and vilify more than mounting an actual defense against the charges. They’re counting on the Appeals court(s) overturning any conviction.

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  2. I imagine the WHY NOT will depend upon whether the current judge is open to offers or threats. If he’s as fair as he currently seems then I’d say Trump will have his first Guilty verdict.

    If not, then as usual Trump will walk away hoping his ‘luck’ or his followers pursestrings hold out for the next trials. Trump is determined to win no matter what he has to do or more accurately whst his followers are willing to do.

    There are some honest jurists out there, lets hope this is one of those who is willing to let justice run it’s course.


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    • This case has a jury. They, not the judge, will decide guilt or innocence. The judge’s description of the laws that apply may have a small effect on the jurors, but both the defense and the prosecution are meeting with him on that, From what I’ve heard, the judge has discarded the more outrageous suggestions of the defense,

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  3. I’ve been having a horrible feeling that there will be a hung jury. The reason is that it feels to me (based on almost nothing) that both sides are trying soooo hard to be open-minded and reasonable that it’ll be a cut down the middle. Of course that could work for convincing the 3 people on minority side and we’ll get an actual verdict.)

    I suspect he’ll be found guilty because the jury is from Manhattan.

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  4. I’d say there’s about an 80% chance he’ll be convicted. The conviction will immediately be appealed, of course. If he’s elected president, which looks like a 50/50 chance right now, he’ll go after the prosecution team and the judge immediately any way he can, utterly ruining their careers and personal lives in order to scare off anyone who would dare to try to prosecute him again.

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  5. I think he’ll be convicted because:

    a) The case is based on a LOT of documentation,
    b) David Pecker’s testimony was, in my less than humble opinion, devastating.
    c) The defense expended a lot of effort trying to slander witnesses … especially Stormy Daniels and Michael Cohen. Many of Stormy’s responses to their questions stopped their insinuations in their tracks. Michael kept his cool and held his own against them in spite of his own checkered past..
    d) The judge showed Trump, his lawyers, and their witnesses that he wasn’t going to allow crap in his court nor Trump’s mob boss insinuations and intimidation outside.

    I’ll throw in another prediction for free. No matter what, Trump will lose in November and his cult followers will lose the House while the Democrats hold the Senate … because the majority of the voters aren’t nearly as stupid as Trump thinks they are,

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    • one thing about stupid vs. aware/intelligent; there are some very intelligent people out there for whom Trump resonates. No idea why, but when you try to point out even the little stuff that gives him away, they go all neutral and just say, “well, i never saw that, I think he’s remarkably intelligent to get where he’s gotten to…” and edge away from the crazy lady. But oh I hope you’re right…


      • I know what you men, Judy. I’ve read that there are different kinds of intelligence. Maybe this is a case of those who lack an intelligence about people. There are also those who who consciously or subconsciously choose to be ignorant about some things … what my graduate advisor called “hardening of the categories”.


        • you’ve just described my Trump supporting husband, perfectly. He’s an only, as I am, but he’s not totally comfortable around people, especially strangers, and would prefer to be alone. But when he fastens onto someone like Trump, he’s like a bulldog about it.

          We don’t discuss it, lol. No sense stirring the waters.

          That’s a great description, by the way…


  6. I think Trump might survive unscathed and the reason has little to do with either side’s legal prowess. I base my fears on the fact that the most persuasive arguments (at least in America) are simple and direct. The prosecution’s case is neither.

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  7. I haven’t been following this too closely, but I get the impression that even if Trump is found guilty it will have little consequence for him except a minor inconvenience. As much as people would like to think the justice system works, the truth is rich and powerful people don’t get to face the same consequences as you and I. Of course, if he won the election he could potentially overturn all convictions against himself anyway.

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    • Ive been trying to avoid any and everything that Trump is involved in, but frankly even if he’s found guilty he’ll just whine and kick the table and fuss and throw his tantrums and finally get his own way because he always does. The people who think the sun rises and sets on him will only believe what he says. The ones who don’t, won’t. and we will have gotten nowhere on a slow horse.

      If he does get sent to prison he will be campaigning behind bars, and god help us, people will probably write him in on voting day, just because they can.

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  8. From the perspective of a foreigner, it seems to me to be unlikely that he will be found guilty, as ‘technicalities’ often seem to sway juries. I’m sure there are many involved who might also fear some personal retribution if Trump wins in November. Even a guilty verdict will probably mean little, as he can drag appeals through the system until he is either president again, (and pardon himself) or dead.

    Best wishes, Pete.

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    • My only hope is that without the makeup and the wavy hair, he is as fragile as he looks and sounds. He has spent his life on himself, whether it was women, money, or privilege, and he seems to have no idea that he isn’t winning too many new friends. Dudes like this have the most amazing tunnel vision, and only see what they want to see, only take what they want, and to hell with the rest of the crowd.

      Notice that every sentence he makes involves him and no one else, unless they are in some way connected to him. His idea of right and wrong ends at his stubby little fingers. If he wants it, he gets it or knows someone who can.

      The one positive note in this is the jury. I’ve been on three juries, and we took our job very seriously. Granted, they were small potatoes to this, but the general temper is the same: we’re here to decide an important thing, and it all rests on us. Something interesting happens to a jury during a trial; by the end of the first day you have developed a kind of mutual mind meld that lasts for the duration of the trial. I wonder if this jury will turn out like that.

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  9. Glad you are on the mend..hope the new medicine works. Have missed your posts.
    I think there’s a good chance he will NOT be found guilty. All it takes is one juror. And there is the long arm of the law (Oh I mean mafia).I do t doubt for a moment that trumps people can’t find out the names of the jurors..and threaten them.
    So not guilty due to one or more jurors. Hope I’m wrong

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    • and here’s something that just drifted by, and I wish it would go away. Trump’s followers are not noted for their integrity and/or loyalty to anyone but Himself: who is to say that there are not actual Trump followers among the jurors? All it would take would be one or two to throw this entire trial under the proverbial bus.

      There now, don’t we all feel better? Hm?

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      • Yes..it just takes one…and 30 appeals to drag it out. And let’s see if Jack Smith can make his proposed new gag order about all the lies he was saying about the FBI at Maro Lago stop.


        • I may be wrong about this, but it does seem that even with a gag order in place, there seems to be no way to stop people from remembering what was said before the gag order was put in place to stop that person from saying what he has already said or alluded to already…unremembering just don’t work no mo’


  10. Looking at the prosecution’s intention – to prove that Trump knowingly paid to silence people whose testimony would jeopardise his election chances then hid the payments from the public, auditors, tax dept, in fact was interfering in the election outcome. Had people known they might not have voted for him. The prosecution case was solid and had substantial evidence – photos, recordings, signed checks, and a series of witnesses whose testimony supported each other – validating the testimony – so solid. The jury could be a wild card, but it is unlikely, I don’t think there will be a not guilty result. I’m expecting a guilty result. The interesting part will be the sentencing. Additionally, Trump didn’t help his case because of his behaviour, his two witnesses (one inconsequential, one ridiculous) and the fact that he didn’t testify. The trial also showed a pattern of deception.

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  11. At this point I only see two possible outcomes to this trial: Guilty, or the jury gets deadlocked and is unable to render a decision. I cannot see him being found not guilty.

    Maybe I’m prejudiced against Trump, but from the evidence I’ve heard, I think it’s pretty clear that he had a scandalous affair that he didn’t want the electorate to hear about, paid her to keep quiet, and then worked hard to cook the books to disguise that the payments as legal fees. That last part is the hard bit, but I think the fact that we have notes from Weisselberg describing the scheme makes for a very strong case (criminals are always rather dumb, aren’t they?)

    By this time next week we could have a result.

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  12. Yes. Because he brought it on himself. He had a pretty sweet gig going and all he had to do was keep his head down and mouth shut and he could have seen it through to the end but no … he had to run for president and attract all that attention

    Old Outlaws, Outsiders, know that to stay outside the law you don’t attract attention

    He didn’t have to do this, or the myriad other things that just snowballed ~ not very smart and things got out of hand ~ into where he is today. He could have stayed home

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  13. If Cohen went to jail for the same crime, how could the orange idiot, also not be guilty?

    …but my faith in people, who unfortunately become jurors, is not at an all time high right now. So I’m seeing it 60/40 convicted. And that’s optimistic.

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  14. Hi Nan! I hope your recovery to robust wellness progresses swiftly.

    As for the Trump thing …. remind me, what is he on trial for this time?
    Is it sufficient to just take it that he is charged with the offence of ‘Being Donald Trump’? It’s a heinous crime, to be sure, and one almost unthinkable not so long ago. Not only, furthermore, does the accused enthusiastically plead guilty, but does so with such persistence that any expectation of remorse being displayed by the accused would seem to be out of the question.
    It’s an open and shut case, in other words.
    Whatever instances of rape, theft, bribery, corruption, dreadful spelling and grammar, crimes against hairdressing …. and so on, that they might be arguing about now are really just a sideshow to the unforgivable crime (in his case) of being born.
    So whatever findings the courts produce I hope the whole thing at least sheds further light on the abortion issue, giving weight to the concept that such should not only be voluntary but, in some cases, compulsory.

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  15. what we wish for and hope for is tempered by Trump and his incredibly moronic belief in his own wonderful innocence. I want to believe that he will be convicted, and hopefully drop dead on the spot, I want to believe he will be dragged drooling and cursing from the court room over the guilty verdict. I want to believe that this whole mess is coming to an end. Like Dorothy, I click my heels together and wish very hard…

    And even if he is found guilty in twelve different ways, I see him lumbering out of the courtroom, telling everyone that he will be elected president very very soon…

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  16. The thread is a strange one. People actually want him to be found guilty even if he is not, speaks to the one sided effort that the doj has done to weaponized the legal system to block a presidential candidate. If he did it he should be guilty, if others are also charged with like crimes. If he’s innocent he should go free. I would hope others would also hope he’s not guilty of his alleged schemes.
    As a former falsely accused citizen, I hope he isn’t guilty but have no idea if he is.
    His accusers are his sworn enemies and it seems they’ll do anything right or wrong to keep him out of office.

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    • You take an unusual approach. But I’ve noticed that about you a lot lately. In any event, what will be will be.

      However, I do think many who feel he is guilty as charged base part of their opinion on his known history of lying and cheating and they would like to see him brought down to ground level. Admittedly, this may not be the pragmatic way of looking at it, but it is what it is.

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      • Yes there’s ample evidence in all the cases, not just this one, with videos, recordings of phone conversations, written evidence, witness testimonies etc. especially the most important to me, is the stolen classified documents case and the insurrection, of which will probably never come to trial. We stand at a crossroads and those duped by trump and those seeking power by standing by him and enabling him, will do irrevocable harm to the country for generations to come.

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  17. If justice is held equally for all in the US how can he be not guilty? Oh I forgot it does not.

    I hope it does this time, but I will not hold my breath.

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