Biden For President? Maybe Not

I just received the following in my email. It’s from Justice Democrats so some of you may have also read it. Nevertheless, for those who haven’t, I think there’s some merit to the message. Do you agree?

Today Joe Biden made yet another decision he’ll likely regret.

Each and every day, we are faced with the divide-and-conquer politics that Trump has wrought upon our nation. From selling off political offices to corporate millionaires to scapegoating immigrants and putting kids in cages, the last two years have been a constant struggle for the soul of our nation.

In 2016, the old guard of the Democratic Party failed to stop Trump, and they can’t be counted on to lead the fight against him. The party needs new leadership with a bold vision capable of energizing voters in the Democratic base who stayed home in 2016.

While we’re going to support whoever the Democratic nominee is in 2020, we can’t let a so-called ‘centrist’ like Joe Biden divide the Democratic Party and turn it into the party of ‘No, we can’t.’

Joe Biden stands in near complete opposition to where the center of energy is in the Democratic Party today. Democrats are increasingly uniting around progressive populist policies like Medicare for All, a Green New Deal, free college, rejecting corporate money, and ending mass incarceration and deportation.

We don’t need someone who voted for the Iraq War, for mass incarceration, and for the bankruptcy bill while voting against gay marriage, reproductive rights, and school desegregation.

The time for Joe Biden has passed.

40 thoughts on “Biden For President? Maybe Not

  1. Yeah, I see their point. I’d, like them, would rather have Bernie, BUT, I will vote for Biden without hesitation should he get the nomination. Is he as progressive as I’d like? No. BUT, he is a decent, real, empathic HUMAN BEING who is capable of rational thought and who has the ability to NOT be a sociopathic, racist, misogynistic, smouldering piece of orange poop like our current president is. Civilized discourse is within his skill set. So, should he get the nomination, I say, VOTE BIDEN!!

    Liked by 3 people

        • I don’t. I know he is openly gay, which offers its own challenges. Otherwise, he is a centrist child of privilege who skated from one plush meritocratic position to another (not saying he is not intelligent). His tenure as a McKinsey stooge alone disqualifies him from my support. His entire world view is based on upper middle class realities and he offers nice sounding platitudes. Plus he, like Obama, is eager to compromise, to “reach across the aisle”. I honestly think the time for this is drawing to a close as the Republican Party becomes consumed by radical (not conservative…these are revolutionaries) Christianist and racist forces.

          As Duncan from the This is Like So Gay blog puts it: If we have a third Obama term, we are doomed.


    • I would say I’m not as “hard-nosed” against Biden as the JDs are; however, I do think we need some new — and younger — blood. Perhaps someone in their 30’s is pushing it, but in their 70’s? Hmmm. Not so much.

      As the JDs indicated, they will support whoever is nominated … as will I. But I do hope the Democratic Party will get out of the dark ages and start seeing the world through the eyes of the younger generation.

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  2. My message to Joe Biden:

    Dear Joe,

    I always had a positive view of you and your public service. But please rethink this. It’s well past time for us old fogies to hand control over to the next generation.

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  3. This how the Democrats will do their part assuring a second Trump term, by making the liberal center seem to be the worst possible choice and offering only the extreme Left as the only viable alternative. Foot, meet bullet.


    • Personally, I think you’re being too inclusive in your condemnation of “the Democrats.” Not all of them are “socialist leftists.” Further, the Justice Democrats don’t speak for all Democrats. Yes, the group leans pretty hard left, but they are just one faction within the party.

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      • I’m not saying all Democrats are socialist Leftists nor are the Democrats represented by the Justice Democrats. What I am saying is that the Democrats will shoot themselves in the foot, become widely divided, and hand the next presidency back to Trump in the name of supporting this extreme policy or that one.

        When asked how he maintained power over such a long time here in Canada (where divisive populations and policies are part of the very fabric of the ridiculous country), retired Liberal leader Jean Chretien (politicians like the Prime Minister are not subject to any term limitations) said he was the only radical Centrist on the ballot, which is an oxymoron, of course. Yet he was quite serious in explaining how the Left – in Canada that’s represented by the Liberals and the New Democratic Party whereas it’s the Democrats in the States – is so fond of fighting amongst themselves (and so good at it) that they allow the Right – in this case the Conservatives – to take power. This tendency is mirrored by Trump’s win due in very large part to the acrimonious fight between Clinton and Sanders. Chretien always took the middle position, which very few politicians seem willing or able to do, which made it somewhat a radical position intentionally being subject to criticism from all sides. Yet when it came time to mark ballets, election after election after election the majority of average Canadians chose this centrist approach over all others (majority strictly meaning more people chose this Liberal party than those who chose either of the remaining two… hence almost every ‘majority’ government in Canada tends to represent slightly more than a third of the voting constituency).

        This tendency by voters to choose the centrist approach when push comes to shove I think is a very brave political tactic when it’s so easy to base voting preferences to be against whatever – and try to create short term near sighted political support by this tactic (that’s how Trump operates) rather than the much more difficult support to be for something that is less than perfect.

        I think Canadians generally grasp this lesser of two evils much more readily than others because the ridiculous country has no common basis other than very strong secular values regarding social responsibility to our neighbours (and hockey, of course). But I see even this changing under the loss of empathy by younger generations (a drop of about 40% since 2000 I just read today) who rarely study or examine or critically review the role of fundamentally important principles and values that unite people of different tribes but are taught up the wazoo about ideologically ‘correct’ social policies and behaviours that differentiate and divide people based on identity and other tribal features.

        So I really like the idea of thinking about supporting this radical centrism for commonly held liberal principles to unite very different and disperate peoples into a cohesive socially responsible whole rather than play some small part in helping flavour-of-the-month politicians reach what is fast reverting to a tribal world.


    • tiledeb: I often agree with you on the here innertubes. But I am not convinced that electing another centrist compromiser will do much for the country. It will not stop the media and the owners from pushing the Overton Window further right. A Biden (or Mayor Pete) eager to reach out to fascists like Pete King and trolls like the turtle does not make me feel good.

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      • We mustn’t forget about McConnell. He’s almost as vile as Trump, and a great deal smarter. He needs to be removed as Senate Majority Leader, ideally by defeating him in 2020 (not inconceivable — his popularity rating in Kentucky is terrible), or if not that, by winning a Senate majority that year to relegate him to the minority. If he remains in his current position, the Democratic President must be prepared to fight him tooth and nail. Obama-style efforts at bipartisanship will be utterly futile.


  4. I think Bernie is too old, frankly, and a bit too scattered at this point to really be effective. And yes, we need a totally diffrent set of players that would appeal to younger voters. I like Mayor Pete, but I’m afraid his opposition (naming no names, of course) is going to take his name and start making unfortunate remarks about it, and him, and once that happens, it’s over.

    And you know Trump will do it. I kinda like Beto O’Rourke, at this point.

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  5. Biden’s time has likely passed. However, that kind of message is typical “divide and conquer politics” which is exactly what they were supposedly complaining about. Their message is vote for me because I am your new savior. Bah, humbug. Just politics as usual.


  6. Hello Nan. I am a progressive liberal. I have gotten really tired of voting for “Republican lite” candidates because I did not want to vote for a Republican and the center / near right Democrat was the only choice left. I find that a losing strategy. The idea that you can pull Republican voters to vote for a Democrat by being just a little less bad than the republican is not going to work and never does. The Republicans will vote for the real Republican and the Democrats have no candidate of interest to fight for. The 2018 election Democratic blue wave should have shown something about where the energy and future of the party is. It is in young people, POC, women, and progressive policies. Think on this. In 2016 everyone was thinking Bernie’s ideas were pie in the sky outrageous day dreams that couldn’t happen. Today they are the main stream of every Democratic candidate, and polices the majority of the country wants. Polls show that the majority of the country want universal healthcare, want more accessible education opportunities, want crackdowns on the wealthy, want regulations, want renewable energy sources, and so much more. So I support E. Warren and as her running mate I would like K. Harris or P. Buttigieg. And like all others in this country I will vote for whoever the Democratic candidate is so that tRump is defeated. I do wonder if he would fit the election results when he loses? Hugs

    Liked by 3 people

      • Hello Inspired. If he loses and it looks like the republicans in congress are going to lose also, do you think they will stand up and demand his removal, or will they agree with him so they can also keep their seats in their seats in congress? Hugs


        • They are his loyal minions and will always side with him. Trump is a beacon that shines a light on the true black depravity that is the heart of the Republican party. He is their morning, noon and night. His is the first face they their mind’s eye sees each morning and the last thing it sees before falling asleep each night. They dream of Trump and the power/wealth he brings them and their knees weaken at the sound of his voice as they drop before him in absolute deference. There is no Republican party. There is now only Trump and HIS party. MAGA!!! MAGA!!

          Liked by 2 people

        • had a post about this issue a while back. The gist of it was that even if Trump were to try to reject the results of the election (assuming he loses), there’s not much he could do. Almost all the President’s powers depend on people obeying his orders, which those people — notably the military — would simply stop doing once he was no longer legally the President. At the appointed hour on January 20, he would transition from the most powerful man in the country to simply a trespasser in the White House. There’s certainly nothing Republicans in Congress could do about it.

          Remember, too, that most Republicans in Congress hate Trump’s guts. He’s certainly insulted and humiliated them enough. They stick with him because they’re afraid of his rabid voter base. If he ever lost the support of most Republican voters, the Republicans in Congress would turn on him as quickly and dramatically (if less bloodily) as the Roman Senate turned on Caligula. They certainly wouldn’t back him in an obviously-doomed attempt to cling to power after an election, when their support wouldn’t even make any difference.

          Liked by 2 people

    • hold on there, sonny; Im a registered Republican, and have voted democratic in nearly every election after Nixon. I rarely vote party lines, because I don’t pay attention to them. My vote isn’t ‘because’ Im one denomination or the other, but because I like the person who’s running.

      I did read an interesting and heartbreakingly psychiatric report about the strange (or stranger than previously) way Trump has been reacting to news, good AND bad. They are calling for psychological evaluations. Good luck on that one. But it may just boil down to Dems vs. Pence, rather than Dems. vs. Trump/Pence.

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      • Many have doubted tRumpsky’s mental state for quite some time … for all the good it’s done. I guess unless he pulls something that’s SO bad it truly messes up the status quo, nothing will change. Besides, can’t you just see him going off the rails (even more so than usual) if push came to shove and he was told he HAD to have a psychiatric exam or he would be removed from office? Not sure such a thing could actually happen, but if it did … oh my!


      • Hello Judy. Where do you disagree with me? You are a “registered Republican” yet you do not vote lock step with republicans. In the Republican party today that makes you not a Republican. Sorry but what was the Republican party is now the party of tRump! lock, stock, and barrel. There is no republican part that is not the cult of tRump. Hugs

        Liked by 1 person

        • I don’t think all Republicans vote with or for Trump. It’s just that the loudest ones always get the attention. I seriously considered changing my affiliation for the midterm elections, but the realized a vote is a vote, and I’d rather be the Republican who votes against party ‘mandates’ than a Dem who votes with them. If that makes any sense at all.
          Also Im just too lazy to switch.

          I was also thinking, I’d go for either Beto O’Rourke or Mayor Pete, and maybe Bernie as running mate. That might satisfy people who want both. You get youth and energy, and Bernie in an advisory position.


          • Hello Judy. There is not two republican parties. There is only one party and that party is the cult of tRump. You can’t claim to be something that doesn’t exist. The classic republican party before the 2016 presidential election has died and is no more. If people believe in what the Republican was before it was taken over by the cult of tRump, then those people need to start a new party under a new name. The republican brand is now the ideas that come from the party leader, which is tRump. The Republican brand is forever changed. The fact that the republicans in every level of government are afraid to challenge the dear leader tRump for fear of his wrath and losing the support of his rabid base shows the republican party is the party of tRump. Be well, best wishes. Hugs

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  7. I’d rather see Bernie get the nomination than Biden. But whoever gets the nomination gets my vote. Full Stop.

    Please, whoever you really really really want to get the nomination, and fails to do so, DO NOT let that make you an apathetic who cares, voter. Just like last time, we need your vote. Even more desperately now. If the consequences of voter apathy haven’t become apparent to you by now, just go join the R party already. The apathetic voter isn’t doing this country any favors. Indeed their inaction has led to the mess we are in now.

    If it looks like I’m a little bitter because tRump won last time, yes, yes I am. Get off yer asses and vote!

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  8. Hello Nan. I’m not enthused about Biden. I’m just not. I realize many think he’s the guy who could beat Trump, and that may be true. But, I want something different. Definitely younger. More progressive. I really like Liz Warren a lot but I realize she’s not exactly well-liked…although I think she may be getting some traction. But, I will gladly vote for Biden if he’s the guy. And, I’d even contribute to him. Beating Trump has to be the number one priority. A long way to go!!

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    • Yep! Agree with your thinking … except for Warren. I liked her before she got into the race, but I have some reservations now that she’s running. Can’t quite put my finger on it.

      Anyway! Thanks for joining us.

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  9. I might have to disagree. I think that Biden offers the most experience, coupled with a platform that puts people ahead of corporate greed. I think it is obvious that he is a leading contender by the fact that he has already been targeted by the far right, the Russians or whomever. But, sigh, is he the most electable? Remains to be seen.


  10. Age is definitely a concern with Biden and Sanders, and to some extent with Warren as well. If one of them gets the nomination, it will focus a lot of attention on the VP choice (as happened with McCain in 2008, to his considerable misfortune).

    Biden seems to be immensely popular with rank-and-file Democrats, including the all-important black voters without whom we can’t win the general election. Still, I worry. He still doesn’t seem to really understand why his touchy-feely habits are a problem. His non-apology to Anita Hill was evasive about his own responsibility. People will accept that a politician can change, but he needs to show that he has changed.

    I think a lot of his support is nostalgia for Obama, with whom he’s so strongly linked. But that will take us only so far. The American people and especially the Democratic base have evolved since Obama’s time. Supposedly “radical” ideas like Medicare-for-all, and tough tax increases on the rich to strengthen the social safety net, are now mainstream. And those ideas really aren’t all that radical. They just mean giving the US what other advanced nations already have.

    I think that concept bears emphasizing — The “radical” Democratic agenda is merely a program for turning the United States into a normal country. Which it currently is not.

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  11. Good points as to why Biden isn’t the best choice. I’d like to add to your point with his speech about the 1994 Crime Bill that was loaded with racist dog whistles against Black people let alone him signing onto it. He also agreed with various pro-segregation politicians decades ago. It just annoys me how some people give him carte Blanche for covert racism just because he was Obama’s VP or because he’s not Trump. I agree that he shouldn’t get the nomination.


    • Hi ospreyshire! Nice to “see” you!

      It’s too bad that Biden is being supported so heavily when there are some other really good Democratic presidential hopefuls. But I suppose the “familiar” takes precedence over the new and untested. Nevertheless, as with all elections, there’s no doubt the mud-slinging will begin and perhaps what you have pointed out will rise to the surface.

      Thanks again for stopping by. Don’t be a stranger.

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      • Nice seeing you, too!

        That’s true. It’s as if the DNC machine is pushing him for name recognition, experience, and because he’s a “safe bet” when it comes to (corporate) centrism. The video of him talking about the crime bill resurfaced not too long ago and I was furious. If a Republican said the same things he did in that speech, then the whole left and the moderates would call him a Klan member. I can’t stand partisan double standards when it comes to policy like how it’s okay for one party to say or do one thing, but not okay for the other.

        No problem, Nan!

        Liked by 1 person

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