Leaving Christianity – Oh What A Relief It Is!

Oh What A Relief It Is!Although I left Christianity over 20 years ago, it took a long while for me to erase the doctrines that had been embedded within my consciousness for 15+ years. It was not an easy road.

As Stephen Van Eck wrote on the Deism.com website: “Once sucked into the parallel universe of Christianity, [a person] is too intimidated by threats and rationalizations to attempt escape. Even thinking along alternative lines will induce severe feelings of guilt.”
Writing my book helped tremendously because of all the research and reading I did. Learning how and why certain doctrines of the Christian faith (e.g., final judgment, burning fires of hell, Satan and his demons, the end-times) were introduced into the faith was extremely liberating … and removed a ton of guilt and fear.

I also found out some things about the Bible. As many others, I had been taught the Bible was “God’s Word” (even though the interpretation of what “He” said varies considerably among denominations). Through my studies, I discovered that much of what is in the bible is the result of stories, epics, myths, legends, proverbs, etc. that were passed by word of mouth from one generation to another. This is particularly true of the Hebrew Bible, but intrinsically typical of the New Testament scriptures as well. Can you imagine the burden that was lifted when I found out I wasn’t genetically inclined to sin and thus in need of someone to save me from being human??!?

Contrary to what one might think, the many discoveries I made did not turn me into an atheist. However, I definitely do not believe in a supernatural being who lives somewhere “up there,” who can be manipulated by prayer, or who has a “will.” Rather, my image of “God” is far more encompassing and has nothing to do with religious belief. In fact, I’m extremely reluctant to even use the word “god” because of all its connotations.

In any case, I find my life so much more fulfilling now. Truly, what a relief it has been!

227 thoughts on “Leaving Christianity – Oh What A Relief It Is!

  1. You’re one of the lucky ones who are aware enough to understand that life is so much more than what we’ve been taught. However while you might feel a great sense of relief in arriving at the place where you are today, get ready for new adventures and challenges since life is not a destination but a journey – and yours has only just begun.

    Liked by 7 people

    • Chicagoja: You are totally correct. Life is definitely a journey. Where it ends, no one knows (even though many think they do) so we need to live it fully and completely while it’s ours to enjoy.

      Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.

      Liked by 4 people

    • There are nearly 200 reference notes in my book. It would be impossible to list all of them; however, here is a sampling of the books I consulted:

      • The Birth of Christianity by John Dominic Crossan
      • The Historical Figure of Jesus by E.P. Sanders
      • The Jews in the Time of Jesus by Stephen M. Wylen
      • Satan: the Early Christian Tradition by Jeffrey Burton Russell
      • Noncanonical Writings and New Testament Interpretation by Craig A. Evans
      • The Formation of Hell: Death and Retribution in the Ancient and Early Christian Worlds by Alan Bernstein
      • A History of the End of the World by Jonathan Kirsch
      • The Origins & Early Development of the Antichrist Myth by Gregory Charles Jenks

      Plus I list nearly 30 websites although I visited hundreds more. I also drew from TV documentaries on Discovery, the History Channel, Public Broadcasting, and CNN.

      If you are interested in knowing more, I highly recommend you read my book. It covers in considerable detail what I learned through my research and reading.

      Liked by 14 people

      • It is also a revelation to read into the histories of the gods and goddesses of the ancient Greek, Roman, and Sumerian cultures–Christianity is the Great Borrower, and it does appear they borrowed from a LOT of deities, dressed them up a bit, and turned them into saints.

        Liked by 3 people

  2. “In any case, I find my life so much more fulfilling now. Truly, what a relief it has been!”

    Hear, hear!

    Nan, we’ve walked similar paths. Deconversion is not for the faint at heart, especially for those who were fully vested, not just cultural Christians. Rewiring the brain, and atrophying neural pathways and networks in the right amygdala (fear), was a bugger. Authoritarian religions are good at increasing gray matter volume in the right amygdala of their followers. They’ve mastered it, which is why it’s so hard to break away, IMO.

    Liked by 11 people

  3. Hey Nan, You know it’s funny. I just said this to Howie, “I’m very happy you found your way to a healthier path.”
    It must be my theme for the day.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Fascinating! Cool book. I think I have seen you over at David Hayward’s Naked Pastor too where he says his art was part of his therapy when leaving the Church. Sounds like the book was that for you too. Indeed blogging is like that for many. It is interesting to watch the tones of blogs change (sometimes) as people go through that process.

    Question: Is that a picture of you on your book? Whoever it is, that is a fantastic expression on their face!

    Liked by 3 people

    • No, not a picture of me. Just something I found on Dreamstime (I think). Thought it fit perfectly with the theme of my book. 🙂

      Yes, the book was GREAT therapy. By learning the history behind many of the traditional teachings of the church, it helped free me from all the “junk” that had been placed in my psyche.

      Appreciate you stopping by. Enjoy your comments on other blogs.

      Liked by 2 people

  5. – What is God?
    – A God is something you worship. Some have many Gods, some have only one God. Everyone worship something, also atheists. All spend their time with is their God. Time spent on something is what you give your energy to. Therefore worship a God you will enjoy that creates something good for you and the future generations and for nature! If your God seems to lead you in another direction than is good for yourself and for future generations then question your concept of God! I met God in meditation and of course it could be just a fantastic hallucination, but for me God is balance with nature, oneness with nature, truth and pure love.

    – Does God listen to prayers?
    – Maybe. God seems to listen to some of my prayers but not to all. I still do not know why. Maybe other peoples wishes interfere with my own wishes or he does not listen at all but things just happen anyway because of my mental focus that help me see opportunities that otherwise would pass me by. How to prove that he listens or not I do not know. It is still a mystery for me but I like it. It is nice to pray for world peace and balance with nature. If we are many that pray for this God might listen.

    Liked by 3 people

    • While I don’t feel a god is necessary (for worship or prayer or creating good), I certainly don’t begrudge those who believe differently. If your god brings comfort and balance to your life, that’s what is important.

      I do thank you, Maitreya Buddha, for stopping by and leaving a comment.

      Liked by 7 people

      • There are many words to describe truth, but the truth is still the truth and there is only one truth.

        Depending on what you actually do with your time right now you are judged by your inner higher consciousness and live in heaven or in hell on this earth depending on what you now decide to do for future generations and for nature.

        Pure Love and truth
        Maitreya Buddha

        Liked by 2 people

        • You Stated — “Depending on what you actually do with your time right now you are judged by your inner higher consciousness and live in heaven or in hell on this earth”

          My Response — What about those judged by the color of their skin? Is the “higher consciousness” responsible for that?


    • Everyone worship something, also atheists.

      I don’t. I regard worship as a stance and practice unworthy of a human being.

      Atheism is by definition the absence of a belief in deities. It’s intellectually dishonest to try to redefine it as its own opposite, but theists persist in doing this — trying to drag atheism down to religion’s level.

      Liked by 9 people

      • Infidel753 writes: “Atheism is by definition the absence of a belief in deities. It’s intellectually dishonest to try to redefine it as its own opposite, but theists persist in doing this — trying to drag atheism down to religion’s level.”

        Thank you—-you took the words right out of my mouth. Show me the person who tries to say that a lack of belief in a deity is “a religion” and/or that “everyone worships something”, and I’ll show you someone who doesn’t know what atheism actually means, and dollars to doughnuts, doesn’t care what it actually means.

        Liked by 6 people

    • “Everyone worship[s] something, even atheists.” While most atheists have no need or desire to be worshipped, I guess it is okay to worship them. But please don’t call them gods, there aren’t any gods. That is why they are atheists in the first place.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Thank you for your thoughts. Please let me say that even if you believe that you have left Christianity (I don’t use the word), Jesus hasn’t left you. I am a pastor, neither do I use the word, Christian, very often. I am included to use “disciple,” “believer in Christ,” or other such scriptural words. Jesus never told us to become Christians, or to make others into Christians. He said that we must be born again. God’s Holy Spirit is in charge of that task. You might want to check out my Christmas posts; I think you’ll like them. Please know that I will be praying for you, that God will bless you with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.” (Eph 1:3). Please have a blessed day.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thank you, Equipping, for visiting my blog and leaving your comment.

      I appreciate and agree with your perspective as to using the word “Christian,” even though I’m sure you will agree this is the more common terminology.

      It’s understandable in your position as pastor that you feel a sense of obligation to “evangelize.” However, I can guarantee you there will be no changes in my spiritual outlook, your prayers notwithstanding. As I stated in my posting, my life is so much more fulfilling without Christianity (God/Jesus/Holy Spirit) that I cannot foresee any circumstances (or prayers) that will change my mind.

      Best wishes in your attempts to reach others with what you believe to be “truth.” While I don’t agree, there are many others who feel they need “God” in their life — especially in regards to where they hope to spend eternity.

      Liked by 7 people

      • Thanks for sharing. I understand. Please know that when a person has been born again (that is something that God’s Holy Spirit does), that person can not be unborn again. I wish you well and am always ready to discuss anything with you that you might desire. Please have a good evening.

        Liked by 1 person

        • That’s a new interpretation that has no basis in biblical history or ancient Israeli culture/religion. Unbeknownst to most, the origin of the biblical expression “born again” (see John 3:3) is Buddhism and their concept of reincarnation. So too, there are other Buddhist influences in the Bible like the Law of Cause and Effect (i.e. as you sow so shall ye reap).

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        • when a person has been born again (that is something that God’s Holy Spirit does), that person can not be unborn again

          To ETS (if still reading) or anyone else who takes this position, you might want to check out the blog of Bruce Gerencser, a former fundamentalist Baptist pastor who is now an atheist. He’s written extensively on the “once saved, always saved” issue.

          Liked by 4 people

          • Thanks for your thoughts. It is true that God’s Holy Spirit causes the new birth to occur. It is true that when we have been born again, we can not be unborn. God puts His Spirit into ours, and nobody can take it out, not even us. It is common among such pastors to be hard on their flock. They seem to have lost the comfort of grace. I didn’t learn eternal security from any denomination. My knowledge came from a lot of study, which continues daily. It is obvious that the pastor never understood the new birth. John 3:8 explains that the Holy Spirit makes it happen. I write on that topic frequently. I hope that you will stay with me.

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          • I checked the pastor’s page. It says that he left Christianity. That is impossible. He may have never been born again. I am very sorry for him.


          • It says that he left Christianity. That is impossible. He may have never been born again.

            Gerencser has often had that tired cliché thrown at him. He has responded to it, and responded convincingly. Finding and reading those responses would be a good idea, rather than simply repeating the cliché. That’s what my comment was referring to.

            It’s absurd to say it’s impossible to abandon a belief. People give up beliefs all the time when they discover strong enough evidence that those beliefs are mistaken.

            Liked by 5 people

          • To change our mind is not the same as “forcing God’s Holy Spirit” our of our spirit. People have many emotional problems. I just made the statement that if he had been born again, that he is still born again, which would always make him born again. It is my wish that He could get the pain behind him. I have know pastors that have had terrible experiences with a congregation. That may have been his situation.


          • Everything you’ve said is just more of the same clichés Gerencser gets thrown at him all the time. He often gets fundies trying to psychoanalyze him and claim he left Christianity for some reason other than the actual one, which is that he came to realize it didn’t make sense.

            Millions of people are leaving Christianity all the time all over the developed world (the flow in the other direction is a mere trickle). But Christians would rather cling to their gobbledygooky world-view of mystical absolutes than understand the real reasons why so many people are leaving.

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          • I try to make my responses based on scripture. The truth is that once a person’s spirit has been indwelt by the Spirit of God, no one can make God’s Spirit remove itself. That is a comfort. Just t because a person has said that he has left Christianity, it may mean that he, or she, may not be fellowshiping with a physical congregation; I can understand that situation.


          • Every person who was baptised always can return to an awful life of sin (doing wrong things). In the Bible there is no such thing as once saved always saved. The master teacher Jesus tells many stories about ways how people have to be careful not to loose the grace of salvation, which is given for free to all, but each individual has to make it true for himself or herself.


        • Dear ETS. You cannot tell anyone except yourself that you cannot be unreborn. That is your belief, for yourself. You just cannot let a person take control of their own life, can you? And that is what religion is all about, control–no matter what you want to call it or not call it. There is no god, so how can there be anything that pertains to a god, even one as supposedly jealous as your god tells us he is. Jealousy is not part of perfection. No perfection, no god. You don’t have to believe it, but it is true.

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      • Please allow me to add a few more thoughts. My congregation meets on Saturdays.It’s not of legalism but of grace. It allows our people to enjoy their Sundays; I really do! It also removes the burden of “going to church” on a particular day. We, who are born again believers in Christ, ARE THE CHURCH. Our church meets weekly in a building. We don’t have any morney, meetings, or votes. Our Associate Pastor and I are unpaid. We really don’t ever have the need or opportunity to have arguments. We love each other; I love teaching and preaching. We have three key points of emphasis for our ministry. We are evangelistic, apocalyptic and benevolent. We send Christmas cards each year to US military members in combat areas. We have also sent blankets, snak items and Bible study materials. We have even included coalition soldiers in our gifting. God has been very gracious to use us in the manner that has become a blessing for us. I wish that more congregations would adopt a model that is similar to ours. Please have a blessed day.


          • Not a commercial; just an honest statement. I appreciate you honesty of thought. Please have a blessed day.


          • Hi Nan. Once, there was a battle on my blog between two of my followers. The battle got so heated that I had to put a stop to all comments to let the dust settle. I appreciate your kindness. I will not let such a thing happen on your blog. I have received one comment, from my comment to you. I can go into a historical discussion of the “new birth,” which is also known as “spiritual cleansing,” which dates to 895 BC, in 2 Kings 5;10. The birth of Buddha was 624 BC, The teaching of Jesus in John 3:3-8 refers to all people, of all created times. So, I will close this conversation, and will not answer the comment of your other follower. Please have a very good night.


    • while I appreciate what you were attempting to say to Nan, I still found your statements condescending. Honestly, unless someone asks for prayer (for whatever reason) it is a slap in the face to those who do not believe as you do.

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    • It is amazing! It was seven years ago that I left a comment. Still, it is always good to hear from a good friend, of whom I consider you to be. I’m really not sure if I am replying in the proper block. Oh, well. Please have a good evening.


    • Nan, I appreciate your honesty and boldness presented here. I just can’t be labeled as a Christian any longer. That word is not what Jesus was or how He acted. I found out the hard way. I was so depressed, then became physically sick from it all and then pretty darn close to suicide.

      Liked by 1 person

      • As I said in my comment to you (below), time to move on and live your life the way you want to. If religion is still something you want to take part in, that’s your decision. But choose wisely because there ARE vipers sitting in the pews.

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        • You are so right. My eyes are wide open. It’s a shame that people can play with your feelings like that or shame on me for believing they were good and wanted the best for the Glory of God.

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  7. Hi Nan. I have been praying for The Holy Spirit Of God to lead me in this discussion. If it is not a discussion, there is no reason for an exchange of words. I thank you for the kindness of your words, and will always respond in kind. One of my first thoughts about a discussion that involves the truth of God’s Holy Bible is to consider the people who were key to the Bible. I have to ask myself if I, or anybody else, would die for a lie. The apostles of Jesus actually died a death that was due to their eyewitness account of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus, and their unwillingness to deny what they had seen. In order to free you page of a long discussion, please allow me to provide two links that will add credable information that relates to those apostles. Please have a wonderful day.


    • “Would anyone die for a lie”?

      Perhaps not deliberately, but many do in reality. How many people have sincerely died for their faith, Muslim’s, Christians, Bhuddist, Hindu’s, Bahai, Falun Gong. People from all these faiths have died for their beliefs. Not all these beliefs can be true, they tend to be mutually exclusive. Dying for belief does not automatically guarantee the belief is true. It is possible to be sincerely deluded.

      Liked by 11 people

      • Thanks for your houghts. The difference is in the course that people take. The disciples did not behead people. Their motives were always pure, just as were those of Jesus. I trust that you will check out some of my writings. Please have a blessed day.


        • This is a great comedy show, ETS, you verbalizing your faith, trying to turn it into truth, when no one really wants to hear it. No matter how you say it, it is still advertising, still proselytizing, still hoping to bring people back to your oh so righteous community of do-gooders. Your god said, Thou shalt not kill. Not thou shalt not kill except ???? Yet you are sending gifts to killers. I’m sure your god loves you for that.
          But then, all religious people pick and choose what they want to believe. ALL. Since the bible contradicts itself in many places, no one can believe everything they read in it. Or did god just change his mind. Another sign of imperfection. Again, no god.
          I know nothing I can say will ever open your mind to what “truth” is all about. But it is fun to try, even if it is not Sunday.

          Liked by 2 people

        • I’ve been trying to follow you but I don’t see the option. I was recently excommunicated from my former church by the pastor. None of the Constitution and Bylaws were even followed. They could not name one grievous sin that I committed. I’ve went to church my whole life. This recent episode almost killed me, literally. Now we’ve just been informed these months later that the members were told by the pastor that they have to shun us at all all costs. I never expected this. Now that I am back up, I will never Join another church much less attend one from here on out. I can worship and commune with God now without any man-made guidelines. If you’d kindly look at my profile then you’d see where I made blogs in detail. Besides I’m too old to start somewhere Brand New again and especially with this hanging over my head now.

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          • It’s unfortunate that the (so-called) “love” religion has hurt and damaged so many individuals. But in many ways, it’s not all that unusual since many believers tend to take on a “holier-than-thou” demeanor and castigate any who don’t match up to their standards.

            I’m sorry you had such a bad experience, but now you can move on with your life and enjoy the freedom that comes with being your own person. Most of all, do NOT dwell on what happened. It’s history. Time to move on and live in the NOW!

            Liked by 3 people

          • Thanks for sharing those horrible details of your life. I will check out your posts,. In the mean time, you can follow my blog, either by notifications that will show in Reader, and by email notifications which are sent to you by WordPress.


          • This is not the place to invite others to visit your site. Thus, I’m editing your comment and deleting the one that follows where you provided “detailed” instructions.

            Liked by 2 people

          • You appeared to be responding to “My Blog” since she was the one who shared details of her experience. The more appropriate action would be to simply click on her “name” to visit her blog and offer your help there.

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          • I didn’t mean to do anything wrong. I said that I was sorry, which I really was. I had a lot of comments to follow up on, and I made a mistake.


          • They could not name one grievous sin that I committed.

            You probably disagreed with your pastor. That’s about as grievous as it gets.

            I can worship and commune with God now without any man-made guidelines.

            Yes, exactly that. And I expect you will forever be glad that you made this decision.

            Liked by 2 people

          • Neil,
            Thank you so much. I get opposite responses from other’s who believe I must have done something horrifically sinful because why would a pastor lie… .

            This meant so much to me. Thank you so kindly.

            Liked by 1 person

        • Please stop, ETS. This is annoying and sanctimonious, and I think Nan has been overly generous in letting you go on and on. Enough, already…

          Liked by 2 people

  8. Oops! I’m sorry for my quick trigger finger. Here are the links. Again, please have a wonderful day.

    Does the Bible record the death of the apostles? How did each of …
    http://www.gotquestions.org/apostles-die.html – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight
    James, the brother of Jesus (not officially an apostle), was the leader of the church … He witnessed in present-day Turkey and was martyred for his preaching in …
    See your ad here…Ads related to the apostles of Jesus martyred

    Did the Apostles Really Die as Martyrs for their Faith? « Biola …
    magazine.biola.edu/ article/ 13-fall/ did-the-apostles-really-die-as-martyrs-for-their-f/ – View by Ixquick Proxy -Highlight
    After all, why would the apostles of Jesus have died for their faith if it weren’t true? … who has adopted atheism, that some of the apostles were indeed martyred.


    • As a side issue, it has always puzzled me how James the brother of Jesus became the leader of the Church such that at the Council of Jerusalem (Acts 15) he is the person portrayed as making the decision on behalf of the whole Church. By contrast the person Jesus appointed head, the Apostle Peter, makes a ‘submission’ but not the decision.

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      • Good morning, Peter. Thanks again for sharing some thoughts. I am rushing at this time, but I will give you some of my ideas later this evening. Please have a good day.


      • Hi Peter. I’m sorry that I didn’t get back with you last night. I wanted to give you something to read, which is beyond my own personal belief about Peter and James. The link that I am providing pretty much explains my understanding of the issue. It appears that James gained favor with the local assembly of believers, while Peter had a responsibility to assist the other Apostles, per John 21:15-17 and Luke 22:31-32. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance. I don’t have an ax to grind, other than the ax of truth.


        • Thanks, it seems they suggest that the leader of the Jerusalem Church must be of the Davidic line and this accounted for James. Still seems odd, but many odd things happen in real life.

          AS an aside James Tabor makes some interesting claims along the lines that James was actually one of the 12, being James the son of Alphaeus. He then goes further and claims James was the ‘disciple who Jesus loved’ the author of John’s gospel. These are clearly not mainstream views, but he does make some interesting points, chief among them is why would Jesus have his mother be placed in the care of John rather than James?


          Liked by 2 people

          • Hi Peter,

            Thanks for your comment and for the link. I have provided two passages of scripture that should identify the situation of the identities of the two James characters. There is no indication in scripture that the leader of the Jerusalem church should be of the Davidic line. The line of David will be fulfilled when Jesus returns to reign after the tribulation ends and the millennium begins… At present time, the church of Christ (Matt 16:18) is the spiritual born again body of believers in Christ… As to why Jesus asked the Apostle John to care for Mary, I’m sure that He had a good reason, in that James was martyred many years before John died… You raised some good ideas of food for thought. Thanks for sharing them with me.

            In The Name Of Jesus

            Acts 12:1-3New King James Version (NKJV) 42 AD

            Herod’s Violence to the Church
            1 Now about that time Herod the king stretched out his hand to harass some from the church. 2 Then he killed James the brother of John with the sword.3 And because he saw that it pleased the Jews, he proceeded further to seize Peter also. Now it was during the Days of Unleavened Bread.
            The Jerusalem Council

            Acts 15:12-14New King James Version (NKJV) 52 AD

            12 Then all the multitude kept silent and listened to Barnabas and Paul declaring how many miracles and wonders God had worked through them among the Gentiles. 13 And after they had become silent, James answered, saying, “Menand brethren, listen to me: 14 Simon has declared how God at the first visited the Gentiles to take out of them a people for His name.
            Reformation Study Bible
            15:13 James replied. James was the half brother of Jesus (Matt. 13:55; Introduction to James: Author). He seems by now to have become a prominent leader of the Jerusalem church (Gal. 2:9). James added a third testimony that Gentile believers should not be burdened with keeping the details of the Jewish ceremonial law; his speech concentrated on Old Testament Scriptures and their application to Gentile conversion.


      • Peter, it’s just my opinion, but I think the apostle Peter was given a lot more credit than he deserved by a certain faith (starts with a “C”). Most likely, James was the one who got down in the trenches. But this is just speculation. Maybe Equipping has the “true” answer …

        Liked by 2 people

        • Hi Nan

          around the time of the 5th and 6th centuries we see the Bishop of Rome seeking to assert power over the other powerful Bishop’s (Alexandria, Antioch, Jerusalem and Constantinople). These were agreed as the five leading positions in the church. The other four agreed to the concept of the Bishop of Rome being the first among equals, but not having complete authority. The Bishop of Rome argued he was the successor of Peter and that Jesus said he would give him the keys to heaven etc (Matthew 16:19). The other four Bishop’s pointed out that Peter had founded other Churches, in addition to Rome and they could just as easily claim the apostolic succession. Secondly they noted that the Apostle Paul had said Peter was wrong (Galatians) so to argue him and his line was infallible was an abuse of Scripture.

          Needless to say they did not agree and the the four bishops representing the Eastern Greek speaking Church starting to drift away from Rome which represented the Western Latin speaking Church. Whilst the formal schism did not happen for another half a millenia, in practice it happened around this time.

          Papal infallibility has been one of the most harmful doctrines the Catholic Church has ever produced. It means that they in effect can’t admit past mistakes. The burning at the stake of Girolamo Savonarola and Jan Huss are surely two of the most egregious actions by the Catholic Church.

          Liked by 2 people

  9. Equipping, perhaps I didn’t make myself clear. I enjoy discussions, but I prefer them to be (1) directly related to the original posting or (2) a rebuttal to someone else’s comment.

    Your latest comment regarding the martyrdom of the disciples is, at least to me, totally off-topic as it was not discussed in my blog posting nor have any of the ensuing comments been related to this subject. If you’re trying to “prove” something about Christianity, don’t waste your time. I’ve been away from the church for over 20 years and have absolutely no intention of returning so nothing you or anyone else can say to “persuade” me will have any effect.

    Also, quite frankly, I can do without your wishes for me to have a “wonderful day.” Since leaving the faith, I have found my life is full of wonderful days.

    Liked by 3 people

  10. All of the information that I posted is about the New Birth. Jesus said that we must be born again to see the Kingdom of God. (John 3:3). The martyred apostles carried that message with them. Please know that I am praying for you. Also, I desire that everyone will have a wonderful day; that was part of my upbringing (from the South). So, you know my same wishes will stay with you.


  11. The fascinating thing is that the Christian Bible literalists completely ignore that nothing Jesus is claimed as having said supports the core elements of what Christianity became. Jesus supported the Jewish faith, not something new. He would have been appalled that anyone considered him to be god or that human sacrifice could atone for sins. Amazing.

    Liked by 7 people

    • Your right. Some of the central tenets of the Christian faith are not even in the Bible. The teachings of Jesus (the ones that we know) were intentionally excluded from the Bible and his teachings are infrequently taught from the pulpit.

      Liked by 3 people

    • Hey steve

      Its always fascinating how people who know nothing of scripture pretend to teach.

      Don’t worry, nan, just used one coupon, so I’m finished here, wouldn’t want to be accused of the great hijack caper

      But do feel free to use your imagination, and see where my harmless but true statement takes you.

      Liked by 3 people

      • Most of my followers are ex-Christians and are VERY familiar with scripture. In many cases, it was scripture that prompted them to leave the faith. Further, I think you have the words “attack” and “dispute” mixed up. Many ex-Christians and non-believers often challenge certain beliefs related to scripture — and this may make a Christian feel attacked — but generally this is not the intent.

        Thanks for stopping by and offering your input.

        Liked by 2 people

    • and always fascinating how people truly think that what they think of scripture is exactly what’s there, without a great deal of study. Much of the bible is written for Jews, much of it is written for people from several thousand years ago.
      Times change, mores change. I simply have no idea how anyone can try to live through a book that was written that long ago. We have abandoned hobble skirts, puritan life styles, the horse and buggy, powdered wigs, slavery (mostly), public hangings, scarlet fever and small pox. And yet we insist on pretending the bible fits the way we live today.

      Liked by 3 people

      • Your last paragraph is spot-on! Amazing, isn’t it, how “selective” believers are … especially when it comes to how they want to live their own personal “Christian” lives.

        Thanks for the comment, Judy!

        Liked by 1 person

  12. I was intrigued when you said you didn’t see yourself as an atheist and that your view of God is more encompassing. I’m curious of what this view entails.

    How would you label your beliefs (or lack of beliefs) or do you prefer to avoid labels altogether?

    Liked by 3 people

    • Hi Ashleigh!

      You guessed right — I do prefer to avoid labels. 🙂 However, if I were to explain my outlook on life, I would say I lean toward secular humanism with a bit of scientific pantheism mixed in.

      I believe there is, what I call, a Universal Presence. However, it is not a god. It has no form and is not supernatural. It’s just “there.”

      As I wrote in my book:

      It emcompasses all time and space and is everywhere and in every now. It is within every tiny molecule, every atomic particle. It exists within you and within me. It is the mystery of our beingness.

      Hope that answers your question.

      Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving your comment!

      Liked by 4 people

      • This sounds very much like pantheism as I understand it, and also similar to the concept of the Light or Spirit in liberal and non-theistic Quakerism, and perhaps similar to the concept of kami in Japanese shintoism and mauri in Maori tradition.

        To myself and many other religious liberals, they all embrace a concept, rather than an actual thing, and we all experience this concept in different ways. For myself I’m unable to separate the spiritual from the religious, but that is purely a personal perspective.

        Liked by 2 people

        • Yes, scientific pantheism, as opposed to just “regular” or “naturalistic” pantheism. From my research, there is a difference. 🙂 Also, as I indicated, I’m not a “strict” believer of either pantheism or secular humanism, primarily because I prefer not to be put into a category as related to my beliefs. Essentially, I guess one could say I’m a “free spirit.” 😀

          Thanks for stopping by and joining our “group,” Barry. Happy to have you and look forward to your input.

          Liked by 3 people

          • Basically I see that as a life force, the thing that keeps us ticking until we just stop. Everything has it, in different forms…

            Liked by 2 people

  13. No problem, thanks for replying!

    Your definition of a Universal Presence reminded me of a biblical verse I stumbled across when I was (oddly enough) researching basic quantum mechanics.

    Colossians 1:17 “He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.”

    The quantum mechanics article goes on to talk about how writers often refer to God as light:

    “… most exegetes focus on the metaphorical value of these statements, but as we realize that all forms of matter are in fact ‘solidified’ light (energy, as in E=mc2) and the electromagnetic force holds all atoms together, the literal value of Paul’s statement “and He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together” (Colossians 1:17) becomes quite compelling.”


    Kind of this idea of an encompassing presence that’s holding things together through time.

    Anyway, I definitely agree with you about it being a “mystery of our beingness.” I hadn’t heard of scientific pantheism, will have to explore further.


    Liked by 4 people

    • Just saying… If you want something easy to believe in, try believing in life. It might not seem like life holds everything together, but life does is make it possible to know anything is there in the first place. I can guarantee you, without life, there is no way to know that anything is there–or here–at all. So, in that way, life is necessary to know anything at all. Life is the strongest force in the cosmos. No life, no knowledge!

      Liked by 2 people

  14. I like this concept of “an encompassing presence that ‘s holding things together through time”. It is compelling indeed.
    It may compel people to worship that presence, to pray in order to thank it for giving us this life, or to obtain benefits – both temporary, like rain where water is needed, food where there is hunger, relief when there is pain and sorrow; and eternal, “let there be no more wars”.

    But that same wonderful being, that same encompassing presence does not call me, as a nonbeliever, to worship or to prayers. I think this is a fundamental difference with organized religion. And yet, I’m sure we feel the same awe for its mysterious beingness.

    I’m trying to learn something about quantum mechanics. Not too much – remembering the saying attributed to Richard Feynman, “If you understand QM, you don’t understand QM”.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Just saying… If you want something easy to believe in, try believing in life. It might not seem like life holds everything together, but life does is make it possible to know anything is there in the first place. I can guarantee you, without life, there is no way to know that anything is there–or here–at all. So, in that way, life is necessary to know anything at all. Life is the strongest force in the cosmos. No life, no


    • To koppieop,
      There is a fallacy in your second paragraph, I think. Saying that the wondrous has “being” is an obvious leap of faith. There is nothing anywhere to say whatever is holding everything together, another leap of faith in itself, does not have to be a living being. I just replied to Ashleigh Bugg that I believe what makes it possible to know the universe is being held together is life. Even life does not have to be a being, just a force that everything alive needs in order to be alive.


    • The Muslims know that once a person has seen through the utter nonsense that is being preached, they are likely to contaminate the brainwashed masses. Therefore, to protect those who have profited from the prophets, they need to be bumped off. Simple as that.

      Liked by 2 people

          • Interestingly, the Coptic Church in Egypt is now the only place where true Egyptian is still spoken, as the rest of the country now speaks Arabic. The Sumerian language was maintained in Mesopotamian religious services long after the area had converted to the language of the conquering Akkadians, and as we know, until recently, the Catholic Church retained the last vestige of the Latin language. Religion tends to cling to the past, as I suppose it must, considering that it is upon alleged events of the past that its premises are based.

            Liked by 1 person

          • That is indeed interesting.
            Pity Latin has been phased out. It is most useful as a basis for studying a number of languages as well as broadening the mind on construction.
            Religious clinginess has given some interesting disputes in history. Those who think of a change versus those rooted in custom. Everyone then bleeds a lot.

            Liked by 2 people

          • It does make quite a difference in picking up Italian, and even Portuguese and French, as well.
            I found that adding Afrikaans gave me a good basic grounding in Dutch, Belgian, and a bit of German.

            Liked by 1 person

          • Finding the truth is to be free.Living in the light is to be a child of light.Dr,Taha Hussein found the truth.,like millions of Muslims,who are living a dual life.


      • Muslims are not alone in this – why else would so many Christian sects “shun” those who leave the church. Granted, shunning is not quite so lethal, but when your family turns on you, at least you’re dead to them.

        Liked by 3 people

  15. I was wondering, Nan….Do you believe that this universal presence created us, created this world, this planet? I find the big bang and evolution hard to believe. The concept of Christianity is not taught correctly, the hypocrisy of the church, the hell and brimstone teachings, and not enough attention on love, peace, and grace causes many of us to run for the hills. I don’t believe in religion, but spirituality can not be denied.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Hi Naturally Toi,

      Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment.

      In answer to your question … no. When I speak of a Universal Presence, I am referring to an essence that (I believe) exists everywhere within the cosmos. It is not in any way a supernatural entity that has the power to create. It’s just “there.”

      Liked by 7 people

    • I find the big bang and evolution hard to believe.” and yet, “spirituality can not be denied” REALLY?!

      Toi, perhaps you should spend a little more time with some science books.

      I suggest you watch this, from Nate Owen’s ‘Finding Truth’ site:


      • For many, spirituality is NOT religion. It is a sense of being one with the cosmos, nature, humankind. One can be spiritual and still believe in every facet of the sciences.

        And personally, I wasn’t all that impressed with the video. To each his own, I suppose.

        Liked by 1 person

        • I can’t consider the word, ‘spiritual‘ without considering its root word: spirit. A spirit is an invisible, supernatural being, of which there ain’t none.


          • “The word “spirit” comes from the Latin spiritus, which in turn is a translation of the Greek pneuma, meaning “breath.” Around the 13th century, the term became bound up with notions of immaterial souls, supernatural beings, ghosts, etc. It acquired other connotations as well—we speak of the spirit of a thing as its most essential principle, or of certain volatile substances and liquors as spirits. Nevertheless, many atheists now consider “spiritual” thoroughly poisoned by its association with medieval superstition.

            I strive for precision in my use of language, but I do not share these semantic concerns. And I would point out that my late friend Christopher Hitchens—no enemy of the lexicographer—didn’t share them either. Hitch believed that “spiritual” was a term we could not do without, and he repeatedly plucked it from the mire of supernaturalism in which it has languished for nearly a thousand years. ” ~Sam Harris


            Liked by 5 people

    • Naturally Toi writes: “I don’t believe in religion, but spirituality can not be denied.”

      Saying that “spiritually cannot be denied” sounds curiously like religion when religious proponents says things like, “God cannot be denied!”. Furthermore, the word “spirit”, albeit that the word might have an objective origin that people can point to, you will still not find any sort of consensus on what it means from individual to individual.

      For example, one spiritualist might evoke the supernatural when talking about their “spirituality”, while another might say that feeling at peace with the physical universe is to be “spiritual”. Can I deny the former “spirituality”? Yes, you betcha, as to date, there is not one scrap of objective confirmation for anything that transcends the natural world. Now, would I deny the latter “spirituality”? No, because we actually have evidence that people have feelings, just as we have evidence for the physical universe. But instead of calling that “spirituality”, I would just say that I feel at peace with the universe, because calling it “spirituality” just adds unnecessary baggage to it. But again, that’s just me.

      Liked by 3 people

    • To Naturally Toi
      I do believe in spirit, but using the word spirituality can branch off in so many directions that I dislike its ambiguity. It is the best word I can find to describe what I believe, because I use it to mean the life force that is in every living being anywhere in the cosmos, but it still leaves me with the question, “Is life a being, or just a force?” As I also believe in what I call reincarnation of the spirit, that life never ends (but not in the Chritian or even the Buddhist senses) maybe in some future incarnation I will find the answer to the above question, but I do not expect to learn it anytime soon.


  16. hmmmm…..well…..we all have a right to believe whatever we want to believe, it does sound like a very interesting book….my life is a journey and I hope the journey leads me onto another existence in which there is constant peace and bliss, which is why I try to hang onto the thought of there being a supreme being such as God…there is a saying that comes through my own tongue and how it arrives there I have no ideal, but of course, many would say “it is a learned thing, or I heard this some place else.” I have to say, if I did, I sure cannot remember it. The saying is this and always begins with “Behold_________. I cannot write the words that come after this saying, as they are not English words. I don’t know what language, if any the words really are in, and this saying is always the same, has come to me now since I felt a transition from what I called my own personal world of darkness into the marvelous light of Jesus Christ, of which, I have learned many, many things about myself and how I want to live my life personally…….once I said, what does this saying mean as I prayed or talk openly with the supreme being I call God….and back with my own tongue the words came to me in English, an interpretation of this saying, which is “I am with you.” So when this saying comes to me now thereafter receiving the interpretation, I feel it is Jesus who says to me with the first word being, Behold, which sort of me, “stop, wait a minute and listen to what I have to say to you, I AM WITH YOU.

    I invite you to follow my blog. I am following you. I am always interested in the opinions of others about these sort of things and at times, I write what I call spiritually inspired, or Holy Ghost inspired posts as well as all else I have on my blog now. Those times come not at my own will I feel, but the will of whomever sends me to write them, and I say still yet, it is the Holy Ghost, which was sent to us from God, when Jesus left earth. Just my belief on these matters. I know not all will agree.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Connie, thank you for stopping by, for leaving a comment, for the follow, and for sharing your experiences. 🙂 I appreciate your place in life although it is not one that I share. As indicated, I’ve “been there, done that” and much prefer the life I’m living now.

      I hope you will check out some of my other blog posts and leave comments. For the most part, we’re a pretty friendly bunch.

      Liked by 1 person

  17. Nan, so happy to find you. We have shared the same journey. I had no choice in the fundamentalism which reared me and early in life was convinced that I was hopelessly sinful and ugly. The hell of alcoholism and recovery thereof led me out of those lies and into the truth of a spiritual brotherhood. That great escape from fundamental Christianity saved my life. Thanks.

    Liked by 5 people

  18. Similarly, my greatest relief in life was finding out that God *does* exist, that there is meaning to it all and that the Creator loves me very greatly. Anyways, I take issue with some of the claims in the post;

    “Through my studies, I discovered that much of what is in the bible is the result of stories, epics, myths, legends, proverbs, etc. that were passed by word of mouth from one generation to another.”

    Stories, epics, and proverbs? Sure. Myths and legends? Not exactly. As for the biblical traditions being passed down by “word of mouth from one generation to another” (oral transmission), that’s entirely non-problematic as far as I’m concerned.

    As I’ve done my several years of studies and stayed up deep into the night reading research papers and whatnot, my view conclusion seems to have become diametrically opposed to your own. The trick of course, is the evidence. Is there evidence that hell was ‘introduced’ into the biblical narratives at some point later on, when it wasn’t present before? Of course not. So, one must be keen to distinguish between some idea that a scholar pulls out of a hat in their book in which they try to conflate with what we can historically validate.


  19. @nan

    Just so you at least know. Your rock headed friend the little stone god has banned me entirely. He is guilty of a lack of common decency and worse yet, has altered comments to push his garbage. And contrary to what others have said, no, I have not returned the same. just sayin.

    Feel free to delete this, but it appears you are able to string together some coherent thoughts.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Well, thank you, CS for that last remark. Coming from you, that truly makes my day. 😀

      As for the “stone god” banning you — he’s warned you a number of times … yet you persist. I do understand your motivation, but it is his blog after all. And can you say you’ve never done the same (banned someone) at one time or another? We all have our limitations.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Gotta give credit where its due! lol

        Nope. Never banned anyone. Ever.

        Just pointing out the bias that people have. You know dman right well that there have been commenters who observed the nature of ‘god’ in photos. Also, the God of scripture has been rebuked in comedy in other pics.

        You know I am correct. It wont kill you to say so. 😉

        Liked by 1 person

        • Oh I agree. One person in particular has posted photos that I personally feel are in very bad taste. But since the blog owner allows them to remain, I guess all one can say is “different strokes for different folks.”

          Of course there’s always the option to “unfollow” …

          So far, I’ve only banned a couple of people but it was primarily because they were ignoring my blog rules … and while I welcome stimulating discussion, I won’t tolerate those who can do nothing but quote scripture and try to “convert” my visitors.

          Liked by 3 people

          • Tkx nan, but it seems to you are proving my point.

            The utter vulgarity that you speak of is ‘approved’ for display, while my harmless commentary is banned? That is hilarious, as it proves the bias.

            As far as trying to convert followers, you would have to look long and hard for that in my commentary, as I like to think I bring daylight to the darkroom of godlessness. Period.

            I say take it or leave it.

            Liked by 1 person

  20. But what if there was no religion?
    What if everyone used the scientific method of establishing truth?
    What if human greed could be curtailed?
    What would our world look like then?
    This book “The Cure” explores these questions.

    A great read for skeptics:
    The Cure, imagine there’s no religion.
    A novel from David Millett
    #Novel #SciFi #DMP http://davidmillett.net/Books/TheCure/TheCure.aspx

    Liked by 4 people

  21. Good Morning Nan! Greg (Ohio Realist) from On The Fence Voters here.

    I’m very happy you left the Christian faith if you found it wasn’t right for you. It was never right for me either. When I was a kid, I believed in Jesus only because all the grown-ups in my life told me I should. As I became a grown-up myself however, I found that no religion could answer the questions I had.

    I’m agnostic and may actually be atheist, depending on how strictly I enforce the definition. I say ‘agnostic’ because I simply don’t know if a god exists, and because I simply don’t know if a god does NOT exist — I feel nobody knows either way, and that’s agnosticism. But atheism is about belief… and the moment I admit to myself, ‘I don’t believe there’s a god’, then I’m atheist. The problem is, right on the heels of that admission, a little voice chimes in to add, ‘But I just don’t know.’ and so I become agnostic again (I guess.) It doesn’t really matter how finely I split this hair anyway… I’m non-religious in either event.

    I could write a long and complex article about how I came to my present position, but let me just summarize by saying I don’t think any of the religions in our world have it right. If there is ‘something’ out there, it just ain’t found in our religious books. If I’m wrong of course, I’m in deep, deep trouble. But if God exists and is truly all-knowing, then God already knows that my doubts are real and can’t be helped… so I simply can’t lie to God by pretending to have faith in ‘faith’… if that makes any sense. I’ll get an ‘A+’ for honesty at least, as I’m tossed into the lake of fire.

    Anyway, I read your article and all the comments and found it all very interesting (you handled the religious folks very well!) I followed your blog because I want to hear more of what you have to say, plus I want to go back to your older articles and read them as time in my busy life permits. I love your Avatar as I am also a great fan of Carl Sagan… I still miss him terribly. I can only guess you’ve read it already, but if not, allow me to recommend Sagan’s “The Demon Haunted World — Science As A Candle In The Dark’ which was the most influential book I’ve personally ever read.

    Thanks for sharing your experiences with us! If you get a chance, please visit our blog and follow it if you find it interesting. We’re new and still learning about blogging. We need followers and we want to get our message out there. A Trump presidency was unthinkable during the 2016 election… and yet here we are… worse off than we even imagined. A second Trump presidency would be far beyond ‘unthinkable’. (We can’t let that happen)

    We’re called ‘On The Fence Voters’ because in 2016, there were many voters who were ‘on the fence’ in their minds and could’ve voted for Hillary, but who went with Trump based on bad information and lack of knowledge. We’re trying to reach voters who might be undecided and help them see that the Democrats consistently have the better plan.

    Take Care Nan!

    Liked by 6 people

    • Well hello there, Ohio Realist! Thank you so much for stopping by leaving such a nice comment. And compliments!

      Atheist … Agnostic. I think a lot of people are in the same boat as you. I tend to avoid both by calling myself a non-believer. 🙂 In any case, I think both of us very much doubt the existence of any supernatural entity. In my case, if such an entity were to exist, it would most definitely not be the “Christian God!”

      Yes, I’ve read Carl’s book you mentioned, as well as his Pale Blue Dot, although it’s been several years. I think it’s time for a re-read. 🙂

      I will definitely visit your blog. And thanks again for becoming part of “the family.”

      Liked by 2 people

  22. I was an agnostic for a while, but then realized it was fear keeping me there. A few years ago, I ‘came out’ as an atheist. It was scary! Took a long time to become confident in being an atheist. I consider myself to be a very ‘moral’ person. I do the right thing. Atheists are not devil worshipers. Not believing in the god hoax means not believing in the things that are part of it. like the devil. so silly to me now. When people say they are going to pray for me, I say thanks, but think, “please don’t make me part of your delusion.”! For a long time I tried to not say bad things about republiCons or religious people. I tried to respect their views. But I don’t think that anymore. I think they’re idiots.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Hello Steve! Great to have you visit and offer your thoughts.

      Glad to hear you were able to break free … and yes, letting others know you no long “believe” can be a daunting experience. And unfortunately, it never stops. 😠 But stay strong because it’s well worth it to be able to live life on your terms.

      Do stop by again. And often. You are most welcome.

      Liked by 1 person

    • When people say they are going to pray for me, I tell them I did not give them the right to do so. That confuses them for awhile, and probably they do it anyway. I have been an ‘atheist” going on 50 years now and no one has struck me dead yet, so I feel I pretty much got it correct this time.


  23. I don’t know how I missed this unless I wasn’t following you yet. Great post and interesting comments.

    I’m 99% atheist and 1% scientific presence. I like that and it must lie in the quantum world and fields. Sort of like what we have now (the whole universe and perhaps others) is an emergent quality that formed ..the sum of all parts sort of thing…much more awesome than these fantasy god tales that are still stuck in our premordial mind.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hi Lander7!

      I just took a quick look at your website and saw this: “I’m more curious about what people don’t want to talk about than what they came to say.” I couldn’t help but wonder if this is why you asked your question … 🙂

      In any case, no. Belief was a not a burden while I believed. After all, according to the religious texts and the clergy, I was living in God’s favor and love. I was free from “sin.” Heaven was waiting for me. Hallelujah! 😇

      It wasn’t until I left the faith that the Truth revealed itself. There is no sin, no hell, no satan, no final judgment. And once the weight of these “threats” was gone, I couldn’t help but say … Oh What a Relief It Is!

      Liked by 1 person

      • You stated – “It wasn’t until I left the faith that the Truth revealed itself. There is no sin, no hell, no satan, no final judgment. And once the weight of these “threats” was gone, I couldn’t help but say … Oh What a Relief It Is!”

        My response – Life is a funny thing, I’m still in and they don’t weigh on me either. I have a feeling that there are many Atheist and Christians out there who are still burdened with things that weigh on them.

        But you Nan I find very interesting. You look someone over before you respond. I look forward to more of your posts.

        Liked by 1 person

  24. Holy Smokes!!! Actually as I typed that, I realized it was perhaps the wrong thing to say. I crept away from the church several years ago. Pretty much the day I tried to sit in a pew and found myself unable to breath and breaking out in hives. Even today saying “I’m not a Christian” feels like a dangerous thing for me to say. So when I came across your post, I really felt I’d found someone I could relate to.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hi Melissa! Very happy that you “found me” and that you relate.

      You can always refer to yourself as a “non-believer.” Sounds a little less “dangerous.” 😉

      I’ve seen you join some of the others in “the group” — looking forward to “hearing” more from you.


      • Thanks Nan. I usually steer clear of discussions other than botanical, but your post really struck a chord. Back when I was a fervent believer, I sometimes let myself get drawn into spiritual discussions and usually ended up feeling a bit queasy.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Hi LoL. Thanks for the nomination, but I simply don’t have the time or interest to follow all the rules for entering. I do thank you for your interest in my blog, however, and hope you’ll continue to visit.

      Liked by 4 people

  25. As an ex-Catholic (now a deist), I can relate to this post completely. I can also relate completely to your last comment (reply to ladyofthelakenc) — I don’t understand people who (though well-meaning) think other people have as much time as they apparently have.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Welcome mistermuse! Thank you for stopping by and adding your thoughts. I hope you’ll become a regular visitor!

      And yes, time is precious — sometimes we simply must draw the line.

      Liked by 1 person

  26. You Quoted — “As Stephen Van Eck wrote on the Deism.com website: “Once sucked into the parallel universe of Christianity, [a person] is too intimidated by threats and rationalizations to attempt escape.

    My Response — But they easily sin under the same intimidation and threats O.o

    How is it easy to transgress in the face of so much perceived pressure but difficult to walk away?

    Liked by 1 person

    • The difficulty of walking away comes primarily from the fear that thousands of years of Christian teaching has embedded within believers that forsaking god equals an eternity of suffering.

      Committing sin in day-to-day living is an entirely different matter. All you do is ask god to forgive you (and of course “he” does per scripture). Or you go see a priest to help you pray away your sin(s). Easy-peasy.

      Liked by 1 person

      • You Stated — “forsaking god equals an eternity of suffering” but “Committing sin…. Easy-peasy.”

        My Response — If I understand you correctly then you are saying, “If you don’t believe in God it’s scary to walk away but if you do believe in God then it’s easy to ignore him”


        I must admit, your perspective of God is intriguing.


        • No, that’s not quite what I said. The first part, yes. The second part, no.

          I did not say it’s “easy to ignore him.” I said those who serve god but slip-up now and again are able to get back into “his” good graces by asking for forgiveness — either directly or through their priest. This keeps them in “good standing” so the end result will be favorable, e.g., they avoid an eternity of suffering.

          The entire life of a Christian is an ongoing effort to remain in god’s good graces. Some may convince themselves it’s out of a sense of “love,” but if they are truly honest with themselves, it’s more about fear.

          For some of us, we faced that fear … and discovered it wasn’t real.

          Liked by 2 people

          • You Stated — “I did not say it’s “easy to ignore him.””

            My Response — So if you are correct and it’s hard to ignore God how do people so easily go out day to day doing whatever they want (repeating sins daily) with that hard to ignore burden over their heads?

            You Stated — “This keeps them in “good standing” so the end result will be favorable”

            My Response — What is the, “good standing”? What does it give the person who has it that I can observe?

            You Stated — “The entire life of a Christian is an ongoing effort to remain in god’s good graces.”

            My Response — From my perspective (as a christian with christian friends) most of or life seems to be focused on work and sleeping. After that it’s TV and then everything that remains is divided up.

            Where can I observe Christians that spend their entire life trying to remain in good graces with god as you have?

            You Stated — “if they are truly honest with themselves, it’s more about fear.”,”For some of us, we faced that fear … and discovered it wasn’t real.”

            My Response — What are they afraid of? and What fear did you confront that you are no longer afraid of?


          • You know what, Lander? I feel I’ve made myself quite clear in my responses to you, as well as in my original post. I have no desire to play verbal games simply because you’re unable to understand what I’ve written.

            Thank you for visiting. If other visitors wish to tackle your questions, they are free to do so.

            Liked by 1 person

          • Understood, communication and understanding are a struggle for all of us and getting hit with so many questions can be frustrating. I fully understand your position, it’s one of the reasons I’m so direct, so I can get answers before the conversation ends.

            Maybe one day we can talk again, until then it was a pleasure speaking with you and your site is very interesting. I will browse without feedback, thanks.


      • Not that I believe, but given a choice between heaven and hell, I will choose hell. What “punishmentn” awaits, it cannot be worse than the punishment of spending eternity singing hosannas to some guy who demands to be sung to. How boring!


  27. It is amazing. I saw a comment from you this morning, and I know that we haven’t had any contact in about four years. I hope that you are doing well. I will add this thought, that relates to our prior conversations. “We can stop going “to church,” but we can’t remove the born again gift that came to us from God.” In essence, once we have been born again (John 3:3) we can’t be unborn. Please have a good day.


    • I’d be curious to know where you saw my comment. 🤔

      Re: being born and unborn … as I looked back, it seems this topic was thoroughly discussed in earlier comments and I doubt anyone has changed their views. BTW, I trust you’re aware this perspective is not a universal belief among the churches?

      In any case, I long ago moved on in life so such things no longer concern me.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Now that is the stupidest thing I have ever heard, Equipping. When I “accepted Christ into my life” I was not compos mentis enough to do it because I thought it was the right thing to do. I was like 6 years old, and living in fear of a very abusive father. When I was threatened with burning in hell, it was just moving from one abuser to another. The abuser I had was bad enough, I did not need another. If anything I did at that age and for that reason is going to bind me for eternity, and I do end up in heaven somehow, you can bet I will raise hell once I am there. Fortunately I am an atheist now, no need to fear god or devil, but for you to say what you said to anyone is like telling them they were born in sin, which is an asinine statement in and of itself.
      I do not care what you believe for yourself, but keep your stupid beliefs to yourself. The rest of us have no need to hear them.


  28. Cultism of any sort is just an abrogation of personal responsibility in the name of whichever magic man in sky supposedly told your shamans while they pursue power, wealth and lust.
    To clarify all “religions” are cults aimed at separating their “marks” from their money and sanity.
    The only difference between a cult and a religion is how much money they have been able to scam out of how many suckers for how long.
    Get away with it long enough and one becomes a “religion”.
    So they are all cults. Christianity in any of its warped flavors, islam, judaism, Odinism, sciencetogy, the almighty dollar, Zoroastrianism, or any of the myriad scams created by flim flam men to justify murder, rape, thefy, bigotry and misogny.
    All cults.

    Liked by 3 people

  29. Nan, good piece. The bible and other religious texts were largely written, edited, translated, interpreted, retranslated and reinterpreted by ‘imperfect men’. Both of those words are important. Even if divinely inspired, if God revealed himself to different people, their written versions of what was said would vary. There are inconsistencies in the four gospels, because the gospels were written between 30 and 75 years after Jesus died.

    The emphasis on men is important because the rights of women are secondary to the rights of men in religious texts. True story – a minister told a colleague of mine the reason her husband beat her was she was not being a good enough wife. I asked her what she did. She said she found a new minister and left her husband. The other issue is imperfection. The writers wrote what they knew of, so the science of the day was used to portray things, plus words took on new meanings in translations.

    To me, we must take away the larger messages – treat others like you want to be treated; be a good neighbor and community citizen. If we do those things, we will be better for it. These messages can be found in other religious texts. Keith

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hi Keith! Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. I was actually a bit surprised that you had been moderated because we’ve “talked” on so many other blogs — but it seems this is your first visit to mine.

      Yes, the bible is definitely a mixture of ideas, happenings, and beliefs. And it isn’t until you delve into it in depth that you discover things that are never discussed in church and Sunday School. Many of which could change your life … as it did mine.

      As you mentioned, the larger message of the bible is related to how we treat others. It’s unfortunate this very important part of the scripture is so often ignored.

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      • Thanks. It perturbs me when the bible is used as a weapon to divide. When it used to include, it is at its most powerful. Former President (and long time Sunday school teacher) Jimmy Carter notes how so many things can be taken out of context, especially when it is used to put down women. As Carter points out, the Christian faith was kept alive by women who had clandestine services in their homes when the Romans were looking to squelch it.

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    • Hello Indianman. Thanks for your comment/questions.

      If you noticed, this post was written in 2012 and I had escaped from the Christian religion over 20 years before that. Let me do the math for you … I have been a non-believer for nearly 30 years. If I wasn’t happy, common sense would tell you that I most likely would have done something about it long ago, right?

      So, in answer to your question, YES! I am very happy.

      Liked by 2 people

    • In my mind, your questions were clear. You wanted to know if I was “really happy” … and I answered you. It doesn’t matter whether I’m doing “certain things” or not. I enjoy life whatever I’m doing.

      I’m not going to get into a long drawn-out discussion with you on “happiness” so unless you are (unsuccessfully) trying to make some kind of point, this conversation is over.

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  30. So Nan, it seems that you are afraid to discuss about the truth. You cannot declare yourself that the discussion is complete. Further I am not a Christian and I am not speaking anything about bible, God or supernatural mystical stories. In such a case it is not proper on your side to avoid me.

    The way you had answered me shows that you are not really happy because if you are really happy you would had continued to discuss with me. Sharing ideas, knowledge and thoughts is the object of this blog.

    A simple factual question for you Nan suppose what will you do if you cannot able to enjoy things as per your desires?.


    • To I’man:
      I would have answered your questions almost exactly as Nan did because the tone of your questions was not “inviting conversation,” but rather passively aggressively insinuating she, nor anyone, could be happy just for the sake of being happy. You say you are not Christian, but what does that mean exactly. I openly declare myself Atheist so you know where I am coming from. And I am very happy, though I am not sure you and I have the same definition of happiness. I am now a senior citizen, living on a tiny pension, with numerous and often painful medical conditions, so my happiness has nothing to do with the senses, or my living conditions, or anything else you may or may not imply. I am happy because I live the way I choose to live, the way I want to live, with the living beings I choose to live with.
      I talk to almost anybody about anything unless they try to tell me how I SHOULD be living my life. The only one who knows how i want to live my life is me, and there are no SHOULDS anywhere in that.
      So, if you want to have an open conversation about something, visit me at either “ideasfromoutsidetheboxes” or “rawgodsspiritualatheism,” both on Word Press, and pick any post and comment on it. We can take it from there. The invitation is now open.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Absolutely! Moving out of and away from Christianity was the best thing I ever did. Absolutely NO regrets.

      Thank you for visiting. I see you are a poet/writer. I have another website that might interest you (see “My Creative Blog” link in menu). Although I rarely update it, it does have a few newer (relatively speaking) posts. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  31. Hi Nan;
    Your question to Scottie if he read your post intrigued me, so I came to read it and enjoyed it. I further enjoyed all your comments here. Wow!
    I once read Jonathan Livingston Seagull (Bach) and took a lot of comfort in the idea that there is more out there, and that if we could just climb above the pettiness and strife of this world we would soar to a new shining existence. That is perhaps just as baseless as anything else, but it gives me comfort. And, if there is one thing I’ve learned from Scottie it is that if one’s faith brings one comfort and hope and peace, all the more to you. But, reading above where you mentioned that it brought you consternation and burden, of what value could it have!? Why would one subscribe to it? Seems a bit masochistic.
    I don’t know what is out there. Maybe nothing, maybe something fantastic. What angers me is we have these modern day Pharisee’s who, as Jesus is said to have spoken long ago, stand at the gate and deny anyone passage into heaven with form and ritual that all lack substance. It is fair to say that when we believe we have all the answers is when we have chosen to die. May your search be far reaching and fruitful.

    I send hugs!

    Liked by 3 people

    • I too found Jonathan Livingston Seagull to be a profound reading experience which lifted and challenged me more than any ‘legitimate’ holy book or scripture has ever done.


  32. I’ve read countless personal stories detailing leaving Christianity. In my mind they read like science fiction, I visualize the concept, but struggle to internalize the struggle. It’s a work in progress, every share peels back another layer. Never knew how lucky I was to live a religion free life from birth. Great post. 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  33. Christianity was founded upon the teachings of Paul, not Jesus. The Bible is a book of psychology. It was never intended to be used to form a religion. It begins with the creation of heaven and earth (Genesis 1) and ends with the creation of a new heaven and a new earth (Revelation 21), heaven symbolizing the mind and the earth symbolizing the heart (the earth-heart anagram is no coincidence). Once the veil of religious iniquity created by Paul’s teachings “come to an end,” which is the meaning of the word “Paul,” ones eyes are opened to the very spiritual teachings of Jesus, who instructs those that claim to be God’s people to “clean the inside of the cup and the platter so that the outside of them will become clean.” If one purifies the thoughts of his mind and the emotions of his heart his actions will become clean, which is salvation of the soul: the vital principle in man credited to the faculty of thought, emotion, and action. So simple really.

    The children of Israel (chosen to represent us the people) reveal our spiritual or psychological history through their own history. What a gift we have been given! An opportunity to learn about ourselves through this Book that takes place within us!

    Congrats on moving on…

    Liked by 2 people

  34. Do you mean there’s no burning fires in hell?
    I guess I’ll scratch the request to put a packet of marshmallows in my coffin then.

    I’ve often been told by Christians that the Bible is God’s Infallible Word and that regardless of the human element He would never allow errors to find their way in (Note to self: Pick up a copy of the Wicked Bible for that hot Christian lady across the road.) I guess that just shows Christians don’t read the Bible. The apostles disagree about dozens of details of the life of Christ.

    Liked by 3 people

      • Sandra, to those of us who put no credibility in the contents of the bible (which includes the stories of a “lake of fire,” “the beast,” and/or the “false prophet”), your comment simply has no meaning or value.

        As to whether Paul’s doctrine is with or without error? Personally I could care less as I left his insipid writings in the dust many years ago.

        But thanks for stopping by. I’m sure you’re sincere in your beliefs, but espousing them on this post is rather pointless.

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  35. I like to take the piss out of Christianity, but to be honest I think it’s got a lot going for it. Maybe not the doctrine (though I quite like some of Paul’s choices of stuff he nicked from Greek and Roman religions) but what it seems to give to a lot of its believers.

    Yeah, there’s plenty of arseholes using Christianity to camouflage or justify their abominable behaviour – especially intolerance and bigotry – but I reckon a disproportionate number of the devout Christians I’ve known have been really nice people. I don’t think its because many of them are holding out for postmortem rewards either, but rather because their devotion to practice and their faith community has given them some admirable pro-social habits.

    Also, I do a lot of work in criminal justice activism and on those long campaigns to try to get justice for the wrongfully convicted or inject a bit of compassion into the prison system it’s usually the Christians – especially Catholic nuns – who keep at it after everyone else has burned out. And hey, when it comes to civil disobedience they regularly leave the anarchists and Trotskyists in the dust (Of course the cops tend to avoid bashing nuns at demos. Makes for bad optics on the evening news,)

    I’ve heard it said that religion makes good people better and bad people worse, so I guess I should avoid it.

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  36. I, myself, don’t give much credence to the Biblical books’ writers’ perceptions of the Divine’s nature nor of the afterlife. All scripture was written by human beings who, I believe, unwittingly created God’s nature in their own fallible and often-enough angry, vengeful image. (This may also help explain why those authors’ Maker has to be male.) Too many of today’s institutional Christians believe and/or vocally behave likewise.

    Also, while I don’t believe that God required blood and pain ‘payment’, from Jesus or anyone else, I do know that the creator’s animals have had their blood literally shed and bodies eaten in mindboggling quantities by Man. And maybe the figurative forbidden fruit of Eden eaten by Adam and Eve was actually God’s four-legged creation. I can see that really angering the Almighty, and a lot more than the couple’s eating non-sentient, non-living, non-bloodied fruit. I’ve noticed that mainstream Christianity doesn’t speak up much at all about what we, collectively, have done to animals for so long. (Just to be clear, I’m not vegetarian; though I seldom eat meat, I do enjoy eating prawns or shrimp pretty much on a weekly basis.) …

    Regarding unforgivable-sin-and-hellfire-damnation, a few decades ago I learned from two Latter Day Saints missionaries that their church’s doctrine teaches that the biblical ‘lake of fire’ meant for the truly wicked actually represents an eternal spiritual burning of guilt over one’s corporeal misdeeds. Accordingly, I concluded, upon an atrocity-committing monster’s physical death, not only would he (or she) be 100 percent liberated from the anger and hate that blighted his physical life; also, his spirit or consciousness would be forced to exist with the presumably unwanted awareness of the mindbogglingly immense amount of needless suffering he personally had caused.

    I believe that the human soul may be inherently good, on its own; however, trapped within the physical body, notably the corruptible brain, oftentimes the soul’s purity may not be able to shine through. While the heart may be what keeps the soul grounded in this physical world, I believe that it is the brain and any structural or chemical-imbalance flaws within that, unfortunately, essentially defines one’s character/behavior while the soul is confined within the bodily form. It may be the case that the worst mass-atrocity-committing people throughout history had been thoroughly corrupted by a seriously flawed cerebral structure thus mind (or state of mind). Though, admittedly, that would be, even if true, no consolation to their countless brutalized victims.

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    • Sorry to interrupt, fgsjr, but after reading all that I have no idea what you tried to say, where you are coming from, or where you are trying to go. Did you actually say something important that I totally missed, or did you speechify around a theme but never reached the center? I think you are an accomplished writer, but I m not even sure abouut that.


      • Sorry for my belated reply. While I am basically a believer in Christ’s miracles, I did not write my post to troll for some agitation. Although it did veer off on tangents, my post was essentially an expression of my own problems with fundamental teachings/beliefs held by institutionalized Big Monotheism and humanity. Thanks for allowing it.

        Liked by 1 person

        • No problem. I will have to read your comment again with those thoughts in mind. To have a conversation, though, we may have to move it to my blog or email, as you wish.

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    • Hey fgsjr, you raise a number of questions that I asked myself years ago, which led to first leaving organized Christianity, and ultimately to giving up belief altogether. But in so doing, i came to understand, in my own experience, all things including plants and even bacteria–basically anything that is alive–contains an unending spirit, which most atheists do not believe. Each to their own…

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  37. This speaks to me. I am agnostic and have been for my entire adult life… actually, well before I was an adult. I was raised in a mixed faith home – I attended Jewish school, my mother was catholic. I would go to Synagogue every day through school and come home and recite the rosary. I do not believe any of the doctrine that I have been taught over my lifetime… I have studied religions very in depth and I understand the why’s, how’s and what does this mean to me aspects. I have discarded it all. However, a strange thing started to happen to me. As I got older, I started to become increasingly… prudish. I didn’t see it, my ex was constantly screeching about it and I ignored him. One day I actually delved into what was going on in my head, and it was amazing. I had managed to internalize all of the prudish thinking that old Christianity/Catholicism ingrained in my mother! These were not my thoughts, my feelings, my beliefs… they had nothing to do with me. But there they were, clogging up my brain for no reason. I was able to shake those loose and I’m much happier for it. Never accept the garbledeegook, always dig deeper. You’ll always be happier for it.

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    • Hello Marla! Thank you for visiting and sharing your experiences. You mentioned that you “have studied religions very in depth.” It’s unfortunate that others don’t do the same. I tend to think MANY of them would be quite surprised at what they would learn! 😊

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      • I think that it’s an unfortunate byproduct of religion that those who believe don’t even understand what they say they believe in. Not all people, not all religions, but a good number of people don’t even understand the children’s version of what they’re willing to go to war over. One thing that is common to most religions is that the act of questioning any part of the religion equates to the act of questioning the existence of G-d. Asking what Santa has to do with the birth of Jesus, or chocolate Eggs have to do with his death have absolutely nothing to do with not believing in G-d. If you ask what Independence Day is, you are not calling into question that America exists – you are just trying to understand why it’s celebrated and what it means. Religion is not the same. It’s unfortunate and most people never question that and become incredulous if someone else does.

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    • Hi Marla,
      My own insight is that most of what we believe comes from outside of us, in particular through absorption of the “authorities” around us as children. It was not until I wrote a long list of all the things I thought I believed and questioned them individually, partially based on how they came to be beliefs (did I absorb them before I was old enough to know if I truly believed them or not), throwing out 95% of them because they truly meant nothing to the person I wanted to be, that I became who I thought it would be good to be. Until then I was living someone else’s life. After throwing most of it away I became who I was, and am today. Sounds very similar to what you describ3d above. Very perceptive of you!

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  38. Hey, Nan,
    I cannot believe I made it through all those comments and replies. I thought they would never end. Just thought I would say I found some gems in the collection, but also a number of things than burned my bridges, so-to-speak. It was a sometimes fun ride, sometimes not so much. But I survived, and I’m happy I took the trip. Thanks for hosting.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, this has been, by far, my most popular blog post. And even today … almost 10 years later … I still get people stopping by and “liking” the post and/or leaving a comment. I appreciate that you “joined the crowd.” 🥰

      Liked by 2 people

      • Not a crowd joiner. I was there, somewhat like Equipping, because someone recently liked a comment I had left, and I could not remember the circumstance of the comment. I stayed to read another comment, and another, and just kept on going. I found I still had a lot to say, depending on the viewpoints of some writers.
        The attraction of your blog is not so much what you say, because ultimately you do not reveal much about yourself in the blog, but rather in your choices of blog topics. But, you have a knack for inspiring others to comment, and the comment sections are my favourite.To put it nicely, you invite controversy. I love controversy. I don’t get much on my own blog, I guess I am too opinionated, or whatever. I say what is in my mind, or in my spirit, and while I get bunches of likes I get little controversy, relatively speaking of course. My active followers never number a wide following, and for the most part they are introspective people. They don’t say much.
        And here I am, introspecting aloud. Sorry if I am off topic.

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      • I am in the process of total deconversion from every religious and spiritual identity I have veered towards (and away from) in my faith journey. That’s just it though. Faith. A belief in something without any rational explanation for it, other than horrendous levels of guilt and fear which has served to keep me in line throughout.

        I was seriously ill last year and ended up in Intensive Care. I went into cardiac arrest and died. There was nothing. No tunnel. No bright light. No scenes of a life after this and God waiting to take me to a higher plane of existence, bearing in mind I fervently believed in ‘Him’ before I fell ill.

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  39. I got through all the comments, Nan. Whew! All I can say is I’m ever so grateful my parents were not religious, not my husband and almost all of my friends over time.
    And it is rather simple..some want to believe and some want to know. I think this is driven by neurological differences and of course, environment. I’m glad I’m in the “I want to know group”

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  40. When I was in Egypt in 1985 telling a local that I am not member of any church this was worst. He pointed to the South (black Africa) and meant that I am a child of this wilderness there in a very negative sense. Just funny and exhilarating! 🙂

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  41. Dear Nan, there are too many replies to read them all. So I am not aware if there were already people who remarked you of having a wrong idea about Christianity (apologies for this reply, if someone did already). When you say ” certain doctrines of the Christian faith (e.g., final judgment, burning fires of hell, Satan and his demons, the end-times) ” you mistakenly take doctrines of certain denominations in Christendom. In Christianity, the real followers of Christ, do follow the Bible, and therefore know that when a person dies it is finished with him or her and that person shall become dust. The Bore, or Divine Creator, is a loving Father, and like no other father He ever would like some of His children to be tortured or burned for ever. The devilish figure Satan and his reign somewhere under the ground, where people would be burned forever in agony, is a fabrication of the Roman Catholic Church to frighten people and to use as a weapon to keep them in their ban.

    It is good that you found out that the real God is not a Being that can be manipulated by prayer, but I can assure you that God has a “will” and lets it be known to the people.

    That you encountered on your search many epic stories which you can find in the Bible is not at all a surprise. All people are creations that came from the first human being. By the years the earth plates moved away from each other and people came to live in their own securement on their own earth plate or continent. From one generation up to the next generation they told what happened to their people. Therefore we can find the story of the deluge by many peoples and tribes. You seem to have forgotten that the Bible is in a certain way also a short form of historical account, narrative or saga.

    You also write “Rather, my image of “God” is far more encompassing and has nothing to do with religious belief. Though the God of the Bible is an encompassing, peace-loving righteous God.

    That you are “extremely reluctant to even use the word “god” because of all its connotations” makes me wonder and question why you do not try to show other people why those doctrinal ideas about God, which are so popular in the world, are so contradictorily to the Bible teachings?


    • Thanks for stopping by and for your (lengthy) comment.

      If you would read my book, you would gain a much fuller perspective of how I now view God, the bible, and Christianity. But let me say this up front … I have read the bible and have done extensive research on its contents … and found it severely lacking in credibility.

      Please do not respond to this comment with additional “preaching” as it will NOT change my thinking.


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