I Have No Words …

South Carolina is one of just two states where women can face criminal charges for illegally getting abortions.

Now a group of state lawmakers wants to take that further and allow the state to impose the death penalty on women who undergo the procedure.

H.3549, titled the “South Carolina Prenatal Equal Protection Act of 2023,” would ban abortion and criminalize it as homicide, meaning women who get abortions could face penalties ranging from 30 years in prison to a death sentence.

It has more than a dozen sponsors in the state’s House of Representatives — most of whom are members of the ultra-conservative, 20-member South Carolina Freedom Caucus, including its lead sponsor, Republican Rep. Rob Harris of Spartanburg County — though that number has dropped since the bill made headlines across the country.

According to Senate Majority Leader Shane Massey, R, the legislation has “zero chance” of becoming law.

I hope Mr. Massey is correct; however, to even bring such an action into the public arena horrifies me!

(And, IMO, if there are any women among the bill’s sponsors, they should be hog-tied and hung in the public square!)



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