Trump and the Developing Coronavirus Crisis

As a regular reader of The Secular Jurist blog, I’ve found that Robert Vella frequently publishes some very informative posts related to current events and happenings.

As a general rule, Robert begins his posts with some personal commentary, then includes links to several news sources (including brief excerpts) that support his outlook.

I felt his most recent post — “Trump’s Pandemic Failure: First he denied it, then he tried to steal the headlines, now he’s covering it up” was too good not to share. In it, Robert discusses several events taking place in Italy and So. Korea related to the coronavirus pandemic, and also offers some observations on President Trump’s recent speeches and actions (or non-actions) within the U.S.

Feel free to offer your comments on whether you agree or disagree with Robert’s reflections. (A link to the actual post is provided at the end of the commentary.)

On January 20th to 21st 2020, the first reported COVID-19 cases were reported in South Korea and the United States respectively – virtually, on the same day.  Because of its proximity to China, the coronavirus outbreak in South Korea progressed much more rapidly.  However, the democratic government of that Asian nation took an aggressive response to combat the pandemic including massive testing and quarantines to stop the spread of the disease (see:  One chart shows how South Korea got its coronavirus outbreak under control in less than a month).  In the U.S., the Trump administration denied the impending crisis calling it a conspiratorial “hoax” and describing the new virus as nothing more than a seasonal flu.

As the reality of the pandemic became undeniable by late February in the U.S., President Trump was forced into a different strategy.  He appointed Vice President Mike Pence to lead his administration’s response, and soon after began holding daily press conferences where he could steal the news headlines by announcing optimistic breakthroughs and bold proposals.  It sounded reassuring, but Trump’s pronouncements were filled with numerous inaccuracies, outright falsehoods, and promises which could never be fulfilled in the near future.

Just as events overtook his denial early on, events are now overtaking his media strategy.  The developing crisis in the U.S. has become so acute that Trump is returning to tactics he used during the Mueller investigation and impeachment proceedings – that is, to withhold as much information as possible from Congressional oversight and from the American people in order to conceal his administration’s egregious failure on coronavirus ahead of the 2020 election.

For comparison, South Korea currently has 8,652 COVID-19 cases in which 100 people have died, but the rate of new infections is steadily declining.  Its government was able to “flatten the curve” which lessened the pandemic’s impact and prevented its healthcare system from being catastrophically overwhelmed.  In contrast, the U.S. currently has 16,607 cases and 219 deaths, but the rate of new infections is skyrocketing.  The U.S. curve looks identical to that of Italy‘s two weeks ago whose healthcare system is now being dangerously overwhelmed by sick and dying people.  It should be noted that the failure in Italy resulted from similar government inaction even though it has a highly rated (by the WHO) healthcare system.

The following stories help illustrate how big Trump’s failure on this pandemic really is.  They also factually refute his recent assertions that the coronavirus “caught everyone by surprise” and that his administration is doing “everything it can” to remedy the situation.  To put it more bluntly, Trump is blatantly lying to the American people;  and, that should surprise no one.

For the supporting news articles, please click this link, which will take you directly to Robert’s post.

Image by Vektor Kunst from Pixabay

19 thoughts on “Trump and the Developing Coronavirus Crisis

  1. There is an element of truth in Trump’s hoax comment. That is, the coronavirus is not a virus per se. It should be more aptly called a bioweapon and the CDC and the WHO are complicit. When the coronavirus crisis first became public, Trump did one thing right. He restricted air travel to/from China and, as a result, he took a lot of heat from many people for it. Keep in mind, Americans hate to have their freedoms restricted. We are not China, or even South Korea, who can impose martial law any time they want. Remember back in 2009, we essentially did nothing to combat H1N1 (which also was a bioweapon). About 12,000 people died, a far cry from the 100 some deaths so far in the U.S. from the coronavirus. If you’re truly interested in learning about the coronavirus, you need to know more about the link between 5G, chemtrails and the coronavirus.


    • I’m not even going to touch your “link” comment … but I bet some of my readers will!

      BTW, if these diseases are bioweapons, who is the enemy that’s using them against us? Moreover, one source made this comment and I tend to agree: Conjectures and conspiracies run amok in times like this, especially when a global pandemic is looming.

      Liked by 3 people

      • If this is a bio-weapon, it is a massive failure as one. WTF kind of “bio-weapon” targets people in their 70’s and 80’s rather than the youngest members of a society? Only a “bio-weapon” made by an idiot, IMO. For a “bio-weapon” to be a true “weapon” it would need to target the heart/youth of a country/world. Outside of their blatant ignorance, idiocy, and laziness, I’ve seen NOTHING to indicate the youth of America are remotely affected by this “bug”. So, as a “bio-weapon”, this virus is a bust. BUT, as a directional indicator pointing to how stupid and arrogant the youth of America are, it is amazingly effective. In the 60’s, our youth lead the way for progressive ideas. Today, they lead the world in showing what spoiled-rotten, lazy, self-indulgent brats look like. I say we tax those under 35 90% and then exclude them from things like Social Security when they reach 65. I mean, they may not like this, but the lazy brats don’t vote, so, so what?! Let ’em bitch. Lazy bastards! (Sorry for the rant, but I just spoke to some 20 somethings in the dog park and I’m STUNNED by their laziness, lack of info , and stupidity.) $Amen$

        Liked by 3 people

      • It is not a bioweapon. That assertion is as stupid, irresponsible, and contrary to the evidence as anything ever said by a fundamentalist.

        The progress of this epidemic has shown why disease as a bioweapon can’t work. To be effective, a weaponized disease would need to be highly infectious, so as to stay ahead of efforts to contain it. But if it’s so highly infectious, it won’t stay confined to the target country, but rather will spread quickly around the world — including back to the country that launched the attack.


        • Infidel, sorry this got shuffled to moderation. It shouldn’t have as you’re not on my “list.” And one link shouldn’t have triggered anything … ??

          I did notice that you tried to post more than once (probably wondering what was going on) and in one of the comments you substituted Trump for fundamentalist. I can change it if you would like.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Thanks, no worries. For some reason, yesterday all the comments I tried to post on any WordPress blog just didn’t appear. I don’t know what the issue was. I thought the system was just rejecting them outright.

            Liked by 1 person

      • More…seriously…did you happen to check out the link Maka posted over at Random Thoughts? Interesting. I know they are Just Asking Questions, but that is not always a bad thing.

        Swiss Propaganda Research has the scent of Russian money all over it, but a severe critique of American foreign policy is not a fatal error in itself (I have pretty much “Left Patriotism Behind”). The Rwanda Genocide entry was very eye opening. Not saying I believe it, but…Just Asking Questions.


  2. he is now holding press conferences, sounding Mature and Serious (and medicated), and (since i don’t watch) probably reading what someone else wrote. No one I’ve talked to actually believes he took a virus test, judging from his totally bewildering comments afterwards–either that or he took it and it tested positive and he’s now scared to bits. And Pence has been appointed to pray. oh. good.

    One thing that seems positive in all of this: for the first time in what seems ages, states and towns and businesses are taking control of themselves, as much to keep people out as to keep people in: Containment is sometimes harsh, but it’s also key. And most people are self-quarantining themselves, as we are, to both keep out of the line of fire or keep from BEING the line of fire. With the advent of Iphones and such, many people can work from home, and even teachers can teach that way. The interesting thing is, no one is telling them to do this, but the companies and businesses are doing it almost automatically.

    It feels like we’re trying to buy time until the virus runs its course, or more likely, a vaccine can be found. No matter what the president says, it’s gonna take awhile. I think we understand that.

    I’d not be too hard on those kids, though. We made them that way. As parents, we have indulged them, given them phones and privileges and freedoms you and I never had. Many of them are from broken homes, or abusive families. The schools no longer teach much of value, because the curriculums are so fraught with pointless tests and teachers who want to teach but don’t have time. And the final blow: when I was a kid, and when you all were kids, if we wanted something, we found a job and we worked for it. There was an amazing sense of accomplishment in earning that money. I was working for my Dad when I was 12, in the blueberry patch. By the time I was thirteen I was tending my own bunch of girls, working in the barn to get the berries ready for market. None of them was older than I was. The boys in the field were anywhere from 12 to 15. (I was seventeen when I got my first waitress job, oh, the thrill. )
    Now kids are simply not allowed to earn money or work until they’re 18. I find that appalling. And the only way they can get any money at all is go to mum and dad and ask. It’s not all their fault.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I agree. A common remark made among us teachers, back in the day, was: if you follow an ignorant child home, an ignorant parent usually answered the door. Of course, it’s a generalization, but the idea is obvious. There are many intelligent and sensitive young people out there who are practicing social distancing and who do care about the welfare and health of the elderly, but not all. Right now, I’m bitter regarding one niece’s refusal to stay at home with her three children, and I’m proud of another niece who said she wasn’t visiting anyone.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Nan, I find that 99% of the time I agree with Robert, we see eye to eye on political, economic, scientific, and literary topics, and (most) of the fine arts too. I guess it’s that popular adage: Great, brilliant minds of a feather attract each other and flock together. Or something like that. 😋🤭

    Liked by 3 people

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