Message to Trump Supporters

Courtesy of

First off, I’m going to assume you are an intelligent and well-read individual. I admit there are times this assumption goes awry as I read about your support for some of Trump’s actions, but that’s neither here nor there.

What concerns me are things like the obvious …

Trump came into the office of POTUS as a millionaire. Although it’s debatable how many millions, there’s little doubt he has a few bucks to his name. Many of you who went to the voting booths in November 2016 felt this made him a prime candidate for the office, believing he had “proven himself” as a successful businessman and would, therefore, have the “smarts” to run this country.

However, what you failed to realize is that most millionaires care little about the folks who are striving to pay the water and electricity bills and put food on the table. Their primary goal is to make MORE millions (along with helping their millionaire friends to do the same) … and they will do just about anything to accomplish this, legal or otherwise. (They long ago learned how to use the “otherwise” to their advantage.) Simply because Trump, as one of those millionaires, sits in the Oval Office does not change his outlook on accumulating wealth. He simply has to be a bit more discreet in his actions.

(Sidenote: Can anyone validate that he has kept his promise to give his salary to charitable causes?)

Further, many wealth-holders believe they are “above” people like you who are struggling to make ends meet. They tend to believe their bank accounts give them the privilege to do and say things that are often offensive, distasteful, derogatory, even abusive to and about people they don’t like. Trump has this particular trait honed to perfection. And what is sad is that you, as a supporter, tend to be swept up by this distasteful behavior and even join him as he castigates those he believes have spoken or acted against him — whether valid or not.

Being charged with an offense of any kind is unsettling to all of us, but it is especially unsettling when we know we are innocent. At first, we naturally object (sometimes vociferously), but eventually we recognize the end result will be to our favor so we allow events to play out. However, if we are guilty, we seem to feel the need to repeatedly “tell the world” we have done nothing wrong. It’s as though the proclamation of our self-imposed innocence will alter the end result. Your leader, Donald Trump, may or may not be guilty of working with the Russians to influence the 2016 election, but based on the preceding, one would think he would simply let things play out since he would know in his heart he is truly innocent. Yet it is more than obvious this is not what has taken place.

There are leaders of other countries that do not like the United States. While they may figuratively smile and nod at our Leader and/or his representatives, behind the scenes they are doing whatever is required to “take us down.” Yet your elected President seems oblivious to this and instead, praises and supports these adversaries and frequently takes their word against those within the administration who have served this country for far more years than he has and have considerably more in-depth knowledge. Do you honestly feel Donald Trump, with no more experience than building the “Trump Empire,” truly knows his opponents as well as he would like you to think?

Donald Trump once criticized his predecessor for playing too much golf. Are you aware of the number of weekends your chosen leader has spent on the golf course? Are you at all concerned with the COST of these leisurely trips? More importantly, do you recognize it is YOU that is footing the bill?

Obviously you were caught up in Trump’s campaign slogan and truly believed he would “Make America Great Again.” You do realize, don’t you, that YOU are part of the America he talked about. So the question becomes: Can you honestly say your life has improved over the last two years?

Donald Trump’s past is crammed full of unsavory deals and immoral actions, which causes me ask — what makes you think he’s changed? Perhaps his dalliances with other females has slowed down due to his age, but how do you know what is going on “behind the scenes” through his outside business dealings? He may say things are being run by his sons, but do you truly think he isn’t benefiting from their actions and decisions? And can you honestly believe he doesn’t know some of his current actions will bring a return when he leaves office?

I admit I have had trouble seeing Donald Trump as a man who truly cares about this country. For me, his actions have shown time and again that he is more concerned about himself than he is in AMERICA. Yes, most of my opinions of him are influenced by the news reports I tend to read. However, this does not mean I have ignored the sources that support the actions of this president, albeit it is difficult to accept their viewpoint when I can read the “tweets” of Trump himself that often contradict what they say.


I am hereby inviting any Trump supporter to offer your opposing viewpoint. If you can state the reasons why you feel this man has this country’s welfare above and beyond his own personal agenda, I sincerely would like to hear from you.

However, let me be clear — I will delete any “rebuttal” comments that are derogatory and/or insulting.

54 thoughts on “Message to Trump Supporters

  1. I’m interested to see the answers you may get. I’ve been doing my best to stay away from the news as much as possible lately because, worrying about my, and the country’s, future under this man has made me a nervous wreck. Thus, I’m trying to stay away from the news as much as I can for awhile. I voted already, so I’ve literally done all I can to help change things. Now it’s up to America to show us what it, as a nation, wants. $Amen$

    Liked by 6 people

  2. I am not an American but an outsider. I like the slogan “Make America Great Again.” It won’t benefit me at all but I still like the slogan “Make America Great Again”. America being great may affect my country but I like the slogan “Make America Great Again”. I am cheering for you America. You seem to be doing well economically, “Make America Great Again”. I hope things only get better for you America from here on. I hope you increase in all types of wealth (financial, emotional, spiritual and intellectual). I hope it all goes well for you America. We, the world, is watching and you give us hope. Don’t stop giving the world hope America. I really hope you get all you desire America. Make America Great Again.


    • @ Jo. Some of us believe America was already great, and has deteriorated in all positive aspects under this administration. tRump is busy destroying all the things that made us admired around the world. it will take us a generation or more to recover where we were on the world stage, if we can do it at all. Hugs

      Liked by 5 people

    • @Jo : Some people, myself included, feel that “Make America Great Again” is a suggestion that perhaps we aren’t trying hard enough, and Big Daddy will guide us. It’s taken the way we did when a teacher or a parent looks at our report card and says, ‘you can do better than this’…it becomes a major putdown.


  3. As a non politicker myself, I have to throw out my mostly neutral uneducated views. Every single presidential election in my life has been the end of the world as we know it from the opposing side. Yet, here we are. Obama was elected and the other side thought it would be the last president America ever had. Yet, here we are. Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reaganomics, all the worst thing to ever happen to America. Yet, here we are. Americans are better off than they have been in the past, and worse off than they have been in the past.
    Americans are not very divided as they would have us believe. The real truth is in talking to your neighbors. Visiting your relatives. Community activities where left and right are really just people. I’m not buying things are like the way they propagandate our way. I have religious friends and not so religious. Liberal and conservative, which btw, are both wrong on the ends. But, that’s the news we see. It breaks my heart to see some of our friends here embroiled in the hate fight, us vs them, while all along both sides have their legit beefs with a system designed to divide and keep us from uniting. No one man, Trump or any other, can ruin our country unless we allow it by believing what is by design to keep us divided. So here we are. 80% of the news is fake. (Those are lies) our differences would lay in the other 20%, and those are the areas we all agree on. We need a catastrophe to prove my point, and to me that is something we all could do without.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Your points are well-made and I admire that you can stay “above the fray.”

      As I’ve mentioned on some blog, somewhere, I’ve never been all that interested in politics. I could take or leave the person who had assumed the title of POTUS … and I didn’t really pay much attention to the actions/decisions that took place. It wasn’t until Obama came along with (what I felt) was an uplifting message that I started paying any attention at all. But even then, it was pretty superficial.

      However, when Trump announced his candidacy, the alarms went off. And they are still ringing. Personally, I just don’t think he’s qualified … and for me, he’s been proving this again and again.

      I do agree with your last point — we definitely don’t need “a catastrophe” to bring us together.

      Liked by 7 people

      • One thing that interests me: from maybe six months into his presidency, people have been calling for his impeachment, his take-down, his removal. Not just the little guys, but the bigger guys with more pull. Never, in nearly 65 years of presidents, have I seen this kind of raw contention and open hostility towards anyone, even Nixon and his band of merry men, as i have toward Trump. When you see people giving him nicknames like tRump and POTUS and doofus and Orangehead, when you see the incredibly outspoken and sharp political cartoons and commentary…
        There is something horribly wrong here, obviously. We’re all involved, but few of us can really make much of a difference, directly.

        I feel like Im watching a slow motion film of a train wreck, and trying not to watch. I have the sound off, and Im pretending to not look. It ain’t pretty.

        Liked by 2 people

    • We need a catastrophe to prove my point, and to me that is something we all could do without.

      Jim, did you happen to catch the latest MAJOR GLOBAL catastrophe on our doorstep… in 12-years to be precise… that most all scientists, domestic and foreign, agree — and honestly have been screaming for way too long — and paint a dire portrait of years to come, NOT DECADES!, if we maintain carbon-emission status quo. Here’s the Smithsonian Magazine article…

      That disaster is much MUCH closer than we first thought due to apathy, ignorance, denial, and disinformation from the mercantile conservative Right.

      Liked by 5 people

      • I concur. It’s time to stop the denial-science. There’s only so much I can do here, but I do what I can. Ya know, religions knee-jerk opposition to anything “conservation” as an infringement of religious rights is a pulpit problem that could be solved in a weekend. Here’s the biggest problem, when the signs are irrefutable, there’s no stopping it. Self perpetuating fire begetting fire. And we bicker…I know I’m preaching to the choir here. Great article boss.

        Liked by 5 people

        • Agreed 100%. What makes my blood boil — along with global warming and all the weather extremes that will only become more prominent — is that this current Administration is arrogantly indifferent. From the bottom of that article:

          A recent U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration report estimated that maintaining the administration’s current course will yield a 4-degree Celsius (7-degrees Fahrenheit) rise in temperature for the planet as a whole by the end of the current century. The report explicitly acknowledges the human impact on climate, but instead uses the data to justify continued non-action. In other words, the [Trump] administration is arguing that our “fate is already sealed,” reports The Washington Post.

          That attitude of “We’re all f*cked anyway so let’s just make everything worse for everybody” is NO DIFFERENT than radical, militant Islamic terrorist wearing suicide-vests in crowds or flying jet airliners into skyscrapers. Let’s just bring about the end of the world as fast as possible so we select few can go to Paradise.

          Liked by 3 people

    • I know what you mean Jim, I recall when Reagan was elected he was considered a war monger and bot real smart either. Many feared he would start a war with the Soviet Union.

      Peter: You are welcome to include a link to any video, but I prefer the actual video not be posted on my blog. Thanks!

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Nan,

    I know you dislike any videos, but the interview that Bill Maher had on Oct. 5, 2018 with Doris Kearns Goodwin was exceptional. For those unfamiliar with Mrs. Goodwin she is a Pulitzer Prize winning American biographer of U.S. Presidents, a historian, political commentator, and received her PhD in government from Harvard University. I would love to just post the 9-min HBO segment of her interview, but only if you allow it. 🙂

    Otherwise, I will TRY to capture from the YouTube transcript one or two best parts of her interview, even though the ENTIRE interview is very well worth watching/listening to. 😉 The parts I picked out…

    Well you know, that’s what happened at the turn of the 20th-century. You had a very similar situation to now. The cities were growing, the people in the rural areas felt cut-off from the Right. We had a lot of new inventions, the pace of life was speeding up, the Gilded Age [economic] gap between the rich and the poor [widened]. But luckily, then a leader came along. There was a lot of populist-spirit, a lot of anti-elitism, and Teddy Roosevelt came along and he was able to channel all that emotion into something he called the square deal between the rich and the poor.

    I mean, he was like Trump. He came in from a privileged background, but [Teddy] learned empathy through politics. He learned to go to slums and see what it was like for these other people to live.

    So he’s not like Trump?

    No he’s certainly not. No, empathy is the most important characteristic in a leader and it’s what’s missing in the current President.

    Next, Maher asks Dr. Goodwin what sort of language can Trump-opponents use to reach American voters of all political persuasions…

    Here’s what I’d use. I’d use the fact that this man has no humility, which is an important part of every President. That he has no empathy, that he has no resilience, that he says that the reason he’s so humble is because the Pope is very very humble.

    Just like Donald Trump?

    I mean you can’t think that way, but you can’t [Bill]! You can’t be a person who says that the most important thing is never to lose, that you always have to win. Every President I’ve studied has gone through adversity and they came out stronger at the other end. Ernest Hemingway said, “Everyone’s broken by life, but sometimes people are stronger in the broken places.” [Trump] says he’s never experienced loss and that’s why he says he has the very very best temperament of anyone who’s run for President.

    Use those ordinary kind of things and that’s one of the ways to persuade people and they can see that this is not a leader. This is not a man who’s experienced any kind of empathy for other people. That’s what you have to do to persuade them.

    I too am interested to see what any Trump-supporters have to say here. Really hope they’ll comment.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thank you for the snippets of the interview, PT. Based on what you included, I think Goodwin has some really good things to say — and I wouldn’t mind if you provided a LINK to the video, but I would prefer not to have the actual video posted. Thanks. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

      • Hmmm, when I copy the YouTube “Share” link, the video usually pops up automatically here. Sorry, if it happens here again, but I’ll try a different method. 🙂

        Didn’t work, Professor. I know there are ways to just insert the link, so please try again.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Yep! Actually, just copying and pasting the link you provided into a browser will take a person to the video. 😀
          Appreciate you going the next step.

          BTW, I actually watched part of the video and must agree it’s quite good.

          Liked by 2 people

          • I thought so and obviously Dr. Goodwin’s background experience and credentials make her viewpoints invaluable, to say the least! It was also on Bill Maher’s show that I heard about the exceptional Duke University professor Dr. Nancy MacLean and her new book, “Democracy In Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right’s Stealth Plan for America” I am currently reading.

            As a result of Dr. MacLean’s work, this has lead me to another read: “Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right” by Jane Mayer, an investigative journalist with The New Yorker. Dark Money has received even bigger critical acclaim. If everyone remembers, it was Jane Mayer and Ronan Farrow (also at The New Yorker) that were the primary movers behind NY State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman’s resignation this past May on confirmed reports of physical abuse of four women with which he had romantic relations.

            Bottom line? Billions and billions of dollars in politics and political campaigns is not only BAD for ordinary Americans, it has proven to be disastrous and shows no signs whatsoever of changing course… especially under THIS Presidential Administration.

            Liked by 3 people

          • YOU may read books like this … others may read these and similar books … but the individuals to whom my post is addressed … will most likely NEVER read these books. And thus … they will continue to support an individual that truly does not care one iota about them … contrary to what he says (and they believe).

            Liked by 4 people

  5. Thank you Nan for a well written and thoughtful post. If you do not mind I would add a link to a tax information meme I posted on my own blog. Thank you and hugs
    PS. My husband just informed me that having me on his work insurance has gone from $50 last year to $150 dollars this new year. That is just the base fee, the coverages we choose also all to the cost. What most people understand that the wealthy do not, is wages for the workers has not gone up, while the electric bill has, the water bill has, the food costs have, the gas prices has, and so much more. The hospital has already told all the workers that regardless of evaluation there will be no raises or bonuses in the coming year. Plus they will only pay earned time out at 80 % of its value. It is getting really scary to be the working poor in the USA. Hugs

    Liked by 5 people

  6. Read MacLean’s and Mayer’s books. Very informative about the use of money in politics. MacLean’s is a little over the top and draws wrong inferences and conclusions but has a lot of information,

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Religion and conservative politics are so intertwined. It’s all about power, money and control.
    I doubt if you get any remarks from conservatives because they probably don’t follow this or similar blogs. But if you did, it might be like some of the religious people who frequent some of the pro atheist or secular blogs here. They do not think rationally and are brainwashed. Being “right ” matters more than any true knowledge or understanding of reality. Their very essence of who they are depends on believing their crazy beliefs.

    The men in power use the masses because they are easily manipulated, especially if they are unread and ignorant. The republicans use them for the votes they get by playing them like a fiddle. And the followers get a little of what they want in terms of anti abortion, anti gay, anti mink and non Christians in hopefully, for them, laws that will be passed. It’s an unholy alliance between the two.

    And the rest of us get screwed. And money is at the bottom of it all. GREED.

    Liked by 6 people

  8. Nan I have found that emotion seems to motivate people more than logic. Through this prism one can make more sense of the voting patterns.

    I suspect most people who voted for Trump did not respect him as a person but various motives meant they voted for him none the less. I can speculate on a few reasons, in no particular order:
    – wanting to shake up the status quo;
    – a dislike of Hilary Clinton (interestingly a lot of this hatred came from Sanders supporter);
    – frustration with identity politics;
    – wanting a conservative Supreme Court.

    I mentioned on your blog over a year ago that an academic spoke to Trump voters in a poor rural area to find out why they supported a candidate that the researcher considered was likely to implement policies that were not in their best interest. The overwhelming conclusion this researcher found was that the voters were aggrieved at policies that gave (what the voters considered to be unfair) preference to minorities, they felt they were being discriminated against.

    Liked by 4 people

    • I would add the following;

      Shrinking middle class
      Get the economy growing
      Trade deficit with China
      National deficit
      Budget deficit
      Bring troops home, reduce foreign commitments

      Liked by 1 person

    • I agree with your speculations. Particularly the dislike/hatred for Hillary. Even hardcore Democrats weren’t overly thrilled with her. I think many simply chose not to vote — considering their choices.

      What’s sad is while there will always be differences, Trump has widened the gap so much that one wonders if it will ever be closed/reduced. He’s been an extremely bad influence on this nation. We may eventually have to change the name of our country because the “United States” may become a misnomer.

      Liked by 3 people

  9. Given the title, and the opening sentence: “First off, I’m going to assume you are an intelligent and well-read individual.” You made me lol.

    I haven’t seen an actual MAGA tRump lover respond yet. Given the paradox of this situation, I sincerely doubt we will. But I like long odds, in fact I snagged a couple of quick picks for the Mega Millions and the Powerball yesterday 😉

    Thereby confirming that I am not exactly intelligent and well read 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

      • I tend to stay away from certain place as well, after the fist 3000 times you see an obviously circular argument go nowhere but circular, it just feels like wearing a lead helmet. It drags you down.

        …and we probably all want a little bit of confirmation bias in our lives. Birds of a feather and all. But knowing that, understanding our own faults, is what separates the wheat from the chaff I think.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Well … maybe there was a teeny bit of facetiousness in the opening sentence. 😉

      No, I’m not holding my breath waiting for responses. I wrote it mainly because these were things I’d been thinking and simply wanted to put them “out there.”

      Now if I had posted this on Facebook or Twitter? HA! There’s NO DOUBT it would be a whole different story. But it would also get VERY nasty since Trumpets don’t do well defending their leader.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Ahhh, I see. I understand that desire to just put it out there, it kind of helps get it out of your head…

        FB and Twitshit is a cesspool of idiots and mind control swaybots feeding the fish in the pond.

        Liked by 4 people

  10. One more thing, Trump folks … Has your “Leader” visited hurricane-ravaged Florida yet? When/if he does, I hope he takes plenty of paper towels because there is a LOT to mop up!

    Liked by 1 person

      • I was never quite sure what kind of effect the presence of a president or even a governor would do for a ravaged area. Probably just as much as “I’ll pray for you” or “I’ll be thinking of you during the hurricane.” Sounds good, not much meat on it.

        Liked by 1 person

        • I agree, but it has been something that presidents do and I tend to think if nothing else, it shows concern. And based on this thought, he has failed miserably. IMO, it clearly demonstrates his lack of empathy for those in pain and suffering.

          Even beyond the lack of visiting, he hasn’t even said much about it. He’s more concerned about holding campaign rallies and playing golf.

          Liked by 3 people

        • Well, pointing out that they’re “wet” doesn’t only not do any good, it is, IMO, the metaphorical equivalent of giving the middle finger to those who were just hit by the obviously WET hurricane. I mean COME ON DONNY!!! Ya gotta do better than that! Wait…That is the best he can do. Never mind.

          Liked by 2 people

  11. Christianity Today just released the result of a survey of why Evangelicals voted for Trump:

    “…the economy (62%), healthcare (55%), national security (51%), and immigration (49%) ranked as the top four factors among evangelicals by belief. While religious liberty came in fifth (45%), only about 1 in 3 evangelicals by belief even listed abortion, the Supreme Court, personal character, or vice presidential pick as one of their influences.”

    If anyone is interested to read more:


  12. Hmmm, Clinton comes into office, never holding a real job, leaves in debt up to their eye balls but now are self proclaimed millionaire. Obama comes to office with nothing and now lives in a mansion, surrounded by a wall I might add, and is himself a millionaire in his own right. Trump comes into office already a millionaire, doesn’t take a paycheck, nay, he donates it. Who cares for whom?


    • I won’t comment on Clinton or Obama as “making comparisons” is not what the post is about.

      However, regarding your question about Trump’s paycheck “donation”: Perhaps to you the recipients are not important, but for many who have noted that Trump often makes dishonest statements (to say the least), knowing the names of the recipients confirms that, in this instance anyway, he told the truth.

      As a sidenote: To date, the recipients of his “generosity” are only available through the second quarter of 2018. There has been no validation of his donations for the third and fourth quarter.

      Liked by 1 person

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