Blue Is A Better Color

In a recent column, Ann Coulter (bless her pea-pickin’ heart) pointed out that areas/states with a heavy population of immigrants are often “blue.” Here is how she put it …

In the past 40 years, upward of 50 million culturally backward, dirt-poor immigrants arrived in America, and state after state has gone blue …

(Don’t you just love her adjectives?)

The apparent point she was trying to make is the GOP continues to use other criteria to determine how different states vote when they should, according to her, take a closer look at demographics.

However, as I was reading the article, my thoughts were not so much on the “politics” as they were on the underlying reasons immigrants prefer the color “blue.”

For me, it seems rather easy to understand. Democrats are more sympathetic to the underdog. They are the ones who care about social programs, such as cash assistance, healthcare and medical provisions, food assistance, housing subsidies, energy and utilities subsidies, education and childcare assistance, etc. In other words … they care about people.

The GOP, on the other hand, are more interested in helping the rich get richer, meddling in certain social issues (abortion, gay marriage, guns), keeping wages stagnant, dismissing environmental concerns, and (at the time this was written) supporting a clearly incompetent POTUS.

Really, Ms. Coulter. Is it any wonder immigrants vote “blue?” They well know what a “red” future holds for them.