He Actually Said This!!??!


According to a recent online article, an Oregon lawmaker has suggested that non-Christians are unfit for elected office.

Yep! You read that right. A Republican in MY STATE (!) actually suggested that Muslims, atheists and other non-Christians should not serve in elected office.

Apparently this individual, who is  affiliated with the National Association of Christian Lawmakers, made the comments during a recent appearance on “Save the Nation.”

At one point, the interviewer asked this lawmaker why he felt it important that Christians “be involved in government.”

His response?

You go back in history, and you look at men and the struggles that they faced, and the faith that they had. Those are the types of people you want in government making tough decisions at tough times. You don’t want a materialist. You don’t want an atheist. You don’t want a Muslim. … You want somebody who understands what truth is, and understands the nature of man, the nature of government and the nature of God.


After being contacted by the Freedom From Religion Foundation, this person backpedaled and said (of course) that his remarks had been “grossly taken out of context.” But when asked for more specifics about what he meant to say, he didn’t respond.

You can read the entire article here.

44 thoughts on “He Actually Said This!!??!

  1. Well, according to some on WordPress when I offer up facts and compelling evidence that Judeo-Christianity and Catholic Christianity, then by default Protestant Christianity, are essentially bogus and implausible this approach will NEVER get thru to (blind) Faith-Followers of Christos. 😄 Hence, my new (old) approach:

    [Much much older than Homo sapiens, Sasquatch/Bigfoot has been here] from 2 million to 300,000 years ago during the Early to Middle Pleistocene, represented by one species, Gigantopithecus blacki.

    Which is much more compelling evidence of existence than ANY Abrahamic religious figure or ideology known today. Therefore, armed with these facts/evidence, Sasquatchianity or Gigantopithecus-ianity is MORE VALID than Christianity!

    Therefore, any “Christians™” are equally UNFIT for elected office! Why? Because Christians are just as bogus or “unfit” as Christians are. Period. This simplicity of counter-rebuttal is apparently more persuasive than presenting facts and compelling evidence to support said facts.

    End of debate. 😉

    Liked by 3 people

  2. I’m out of Christianity now but I do remember something CS Lewis said. Instead of butchering the quote I’ll summarize. Someone can be a non-Christian and be a good person. Someone can be a Christian and be unkind or otherwise unchristian. Lewis’s point was that the unkind Christian would be much worse without “Christ in her life.”

    Conclusion makes sense from CSL’s point of view but when you step out of the Christian worldview, you figure out it’s not “being a Christian” that makes a person loving or unloving.

    Witness what so-called Christians are saying these days about the so-called invasion from those brown people. I do see Christians down at the border who are feeding and clothing immigrants, but the rhetoric from other “christians” is absolutely despicable.

    Liked by 4 people

  3. “Those are the types of people you want in government making tough decisions at tough times.”

    Hmm. Why then are the embarrassing news stories about politicians doing stupid or unconstitutional things mostly about Christian lawmakers?

    Liked by 4 people

    • At a guess, I’d say it’s because non-Christian lawmakers don’t run around proclaiming their beliefs (or lack) and Christian lawmakers tend to. ‘As a Christian…” seems to show them to be a Good Person.


  4. No one is fit for office of any kind except Muslims. Until all Christians and atheists read, and believe, these word from the Quran, “This book is not to be doubted,” we will have a failing government run by infidels, liars and false believers. There is no God but Allah and Islam is the only true law and religion for everyone. $Amen$

    Liked by 2 people

  5. In my experience, most people who feel the need to make the public claim that they are Christians hold almost no genuine Christian values. I think the man you have quoted in this article proves that to be true.
    Best wishes, Pete.

    Liked by 8 people

  6. Gee ….. I don’t know. You heathens are all focusing in on the Christian thing and overlooking the clear bit of common sense ….
    “You go back in history, and you look at men and the struggles that they faced” ….
    So yes, sure …. Christians might be preferable, but it’s more important that they be men. Who could honestly argue with that?

    Liked by 1 person

    • And further …..
      “Those are the types you want in government making tough decisions at tough times. You want somebody who understands what truth is, and understands the nature of man”
      Quite clearly a woman is unsuitable. They all think they understand the nature of man – which makes matters even worse.
      It’s probably best (with all this gender swapping stuff going on) that we stick with an old man – somebody who really knows himself and is not going to jump ship at the sight of a frilly dress and high heels. That this guy be white, I assume goes without saying. And preferably physically imposing. Loud. Somebody who is not daunted by the horrors of poverty, having been born obscenely wealthy himself. Somebody who understands the rough and tumble of business and finance having participated in a reality TV program on the topic.
      I don’t think it’s necessary for this man of the future to be a Christian, but he might need to pretend to be. The more pretence the better, in fact.

      Liked by 4 people

  7. In the earliest days of this country only “christians’ needed to apply. Not Catholics, Jews, or gypsies. They were firmly ushered out of a settlement, sometimes dragged. You needed letters of proof to enter a town or city, saying you were sent or ordered to go there. We were a lovely bunch, weren’t we.
    Too easy to forget that the people who settled here were here because they wanted freedom to practice their religion. THEIR religion. No one else. It does look like that still holds true.
    When I was a kid I thought ‘Christian’ meant anyone who believed in God. Silly me.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. My jaw dropped and my fists clenched when I read this. 🤬 The utter arrogance! He’s omitting half the people in the world, calling us too brainless or cowardly or … something! I hope he chokes on his communion wafer next Sunday!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I recently met a member of the first Christian church, scientist who told me they are the only Christians. The rest are catholics, Mormons, jws, sdas but not Christian. So yes dear, silly us!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. When you’re a kid and you’re scared, you shout a lot, trying to show how tough you are. “I ain’t afraid of no bully”, nope. I think maybe a lot of grownups do the same thing, hiding their fear of death, sickness, or whatever, behind loud prayers to the Invisible Deity somewhere up there…and if you keep flapping your jaw, you can drown out that little voice in your head that says, “are you really sure…”

    Liked by 1 person

  11. It gets worse: from my side of the mountains, my home stompin’ grounds

    G’ma used to say “it’s in the water” and point to the back of the Oregon Fish and Game Guide: “don’t eat the fish, high concentrations of mercury …”

    Liked by 1 person

  12. My Fairy tales, are the only REAL fairy tales, and everybody who does not believe MY fairy tales, is unfit to breathe my air.

    Typical. Effing. Religiot.

    You want to know where the problems of society originate? Look at religion first.

    Liked by 2 people

  13. Yeah, just like we take out of context the stuff in the bible. *eye roll
    What part of Article VI which specifies that “no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States” do they not understand in today’s language? Or is he saying that is being taken out of context too??? UGH

    Liked by 2 people

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