Death. Destruction. And Religion.

The following was the lead-in to an article in a newsletter that I receive daily from NPR:

Conservative Christians — especially evangelicals  — have been staunch supporters of Israel for decades. Their support stems from the belief by some denominations that the end times prophecy will take place in Israel, which is the rightful land for Jews, according to their interpretation of the Bible

(Underline added.)

Having studied the bible to some degree in my long-ago days as a (evangelical) believer — and as the current war in Israel began (and accelerated) — this was the reasoning that immediately came to me. It was also the thought that I attempted to express (via The Professor) in an earlier post on the topic. (Unfortunately, from some of the responses and comments to the post, it appears I failed.)

Considering the many reports of what it is actually happening as Israel attempts to carry out the (above cited) belief, it appears their core motivation has been overtaken by a crazed leader who is determined to “win” at any cost. It has become less of a fulfillment of “God’s promise” than a desire to simply eradicate another group of people.

And to me, this is sad.

As in any war, atrocities are committed on both sides, but when the goal becomes more one of “elimination” rather than “regain” or “recover,” I can’t see any kind of resolution except a razed land and hundreds of  dead bodies.

Whether one believes or supports this theory or not is immaterial. What will be will be will be. But in the Big Picture, I find it sad that “RELIGION” has once again reared its ugly head and brought about death and destruction.

Think About It

I just have a quick question ….

Considering ALL facets of the wars taking place in Israel and Ukraine, which country do you think is more deserving of financial aid from the United States … and why?

Please focus on the long-term effects of U.S. involvement (if any) and avoid including any “moral” aspects.

The floor is open.

The “War”


Personally, I’m getting really tired of the “I’m right, you’re wrong” arguments/discussions related to the current events between the Israelites and the Palestinians. This is not to say that we don’t have the “right” to express our opinions, but anything we say –and/or offer as (so-called) evidence to “validate” and/or “prove” our individual perspective– does not change anything in the Big Picture.

In other words, as difficult as it may be for some folks to accept, this entire action is out of our (personal) hands. All any of us can do is wait until the powers-that-be decide what they’re going to do –and how they’re going to do it– to bring this conflict to an end.

If you wish to comment on what I’ve just written, be warned that anything you write that smacks of your personal viewpoint on who’s “right” and/or who’s “wrong” in the aforementioned conflict will be removed.


Excerpt from First Thing — a daily newsletter I receive from The …

Lynn Hastings, the lead UN official for the Palestinian territories, said Israel’s push into the south has forced tens of thousands of people into “increasingly compressed spaces, desperate to find food, water, shelter and safety”. She added: “Nowhere is safe in Gaza and there is nowhere left to go. If possible, an even more hellish scenario is about to unfold, one in which humanitarian operations may not be able to respond.”

While the initial reason for Israel’s actions may have been justified …

What about this?