Desperation and God


A few nights ago I watched the movie, “The Cloverfield Paradox,” and while I do enjoy Sci-Fi movies that involve space travel and associated events, this one was, for me, a bit “over the top.” But that’s not the point of my post. It’s merely a lead-in to something that took place in the movie. 🙂

If you’re not familiar with the movie, here is a brief description from Wikipedia:

The film follows an international group of astronauts aboard a space station who, after using a particle accelerator to try to solve Earth’s energy crisis, must find a way home when the planet seemingly vanishes.

Naturally, as is typical for this type of movie, there were explosions, weird happenings, moments of crises, and of course deaths, as the crew works to find a solution to their situation. 

Finally, after several attempts to figure out what’s going on and to regain some sort of control, only two astronauts remain alive and (surprise!) one of them comes up with an idea on how they can get back to earth (which has now reappeared) before the space station is completely destroyed.  

OK. Now that you have a (very) brief synopsis of the movie, here is the point of my post. Please consider it carefully.

At the moment when things looked their grimmest, one of the astronauts asks if the group would mind if he prayed. Of course the group agrees. Now, while this action is not that uncommon in any crisis, a thought occurred to me in this particular instance and I’d like to share it with you.

I’m well aware that many of you reading this are totally convinced there is no god … while others have serious doubts about its existence. Yet in a moment of severe crisis — when a person is facing an almost certain and horrific death — is it so very difficult to believe that we might put our non-belief and/or doubts aside? Can any of us say in a moment of life-threatening fear that we would not utter words to the effect … “god help me!”

Putting it another way … are you convinced, in the very deepest part of your “self,” that in an extreme and potentially fatal situation you would not ask for help from an “outside force?” 

(Please note: It’s very important that you disassociate from any thoughts related to the Christian god as you consider your answer.)

I realize that in moments of comparative safety and ease, it’s difficult to “imagine” how we might act under extreme stress. Nevertheless, I tend to think many of us might do (what we currently believe as) the “unthinkable.” 

76 thoughts on “Desperation and God

  1. I have experienced the prospect of a violent, painful death at the hands of an armed robber.

    I didn’t squeak, “Oh God please save me!” like a cowardly, suddenly repentant atheist might.

    I said, “God, if these be my last moments, I’m glad I thought of you.”

    That is what victory looks like. And that is why I never, ever felt like a victim.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Now SoM, we’ve been through this before, haven’t we? We’ve discussed it. A child fighting to get their lollipop back from you does NOT constitute “the prospect of a violent, painful death at the hands of an armed robber.”

      Liked by 8 people

      • Exactly what I thought as well John. In fact, I thought SoM’s reply was self-contradictory; victory? 😆 Obliteration and death is a victory!? HAH! Which can imply they much prefer death than living a full happy life. Isn’t that the definition of Necromania?

        But then again, Xian radicals have completely (weird?) different cognitive-wiring in the brain than the other 5.7-billion humans on Earth, or IOW, the other 72% of Earth’s population.

        Liked by 3 people

  2. When I was sitting in an Emergency Department bed, with the doctor telling me my blood sugar was so high I should never have even made it to the hospital, let alone be talking to him at that moment, such a thought never entered my mind, or any other part of me. If that Was to be my last moment on Earth (obviously it wasn’t) I thought about my cats. How would they know why I never came home again?
    When I was younger I did wonder, what would I do if I faced a real possibility of death, and I had no answer. Now I do. I think of those who could not be told. People, they would understand. But the cats I share life with? After that experience my partner and I made a pact. Whoever dies first, if it is at all possible, we will bring the other’s body home, so the cats could learn the truth, and deal with it however they do.
    Hopefully, we will die at home. Then there will be no red tape to fight.

    Liked by 9 people

    • How would the poor cats know? One feels for the animals, wouldn’t one?

      Personally, I think people are a bit too inclined to tell others, “You’re only a child, you’ll change your mind when you’ve had a bit more experience of life,” or “You sure that’s what you’ll believe or how you’ll act when you’re facing the prospect of your death?” At the same time, they often diminish people who are trying to learn, and therefore change their minds, or at least the way they present what they think, regularly enough; who are not seeking to say, “I have arrived: this is the final truth and the best way to think about it!” but are seeking to learn & discover more & more, & therefore can find no place in a group that’s organized around “THIS IS WHAT WE BELIEVE! THIS IS WHAT WE CLAIM!”

      (Just to be careful: this is not about you or your post, Nan. I’m not talking about thoughtful prompts. It just reminded me of some interactions I had. And I wonder if that person will actually want to talk to me in a few years? We both might learn a lot, if she does.

      Liked by 2 people

      • We have always had numerous cats, 4 to 8 at a time. When one goes missing, they all mourn in some way. Usually, though I hate it being that way, cats seem to die at the vets these days. Then once a cat died at home, of old age. The other cats looked like they gathered round, and took turns sniiffing her, with some poking her to try to wake her up. After a bit, they wandered away, and when we took her body away it seemed no one mourned her disappearance. They “knew” she was dead. No matter where our next cat dies, we are bringing the body home, and allowing the others to do what they do. And that is what we want to do with our bodies too…

        Liked by 4 people

  3. Hello Nan. To me there are two questions here. How would I react to others praying and would I beseech a supernatural power in a desperate hope for life? As far as others praying I have often been in situations even recently where other people I like feel the need to pray such as before a meal or event. Everyone who knows me understands my position but at the same time I am not an asshole and as long as no one is forcing me to pray also I am ok with sitting quietly until they are done.

    As to if I will reach out to a deity in times of crisis, no. You may remember I had a near death experience when I was a teen hospitalized for malnutrition. I seen no gods, no angels, just sensations and lights. The medical staff managed to restart my heart and bring me back. I have been shot at in East Berlin while driving a van full of VIP’s and I did not call out to a supernatural being, but I admit I did call on and listened to my first sergeant / boyfriend at the time who was in the passenger seat giving me directions to get us out of there. As a child I tried calling on God and gods, and never got any help, so I will not be trying it again. What is the saying: “Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me”.

    Liked by 5 people

    • Actually, no. Your first assumption about “other people” praying had nothing to do with the post. It was more about whether YOU (as in readers of this post) would turn to “god” in a moment of severe crisis.

      The thing I’m finding is most of us are so indoctrinated by the “Christian” god, we immediately associate “him” with my question –even though I tried to make it very clear that I was referencing nothing more than a “supernatural being.”

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      • When you refer to a super natural being but not any so called god, I get it. That’s why I always use the small “g”.

        People would not pray to a creative quantum mechanics force or some random multi universe process that works through some dark energy fields. That would be totally illogical.
        So those that might pray, being religious or not, but succumb back to some earlier indoctrination or thinks “gods” of their choice, are not necessarily thinking of the christian god.

        Liked by 3 people

        • Good point, Mary. I should not have capitalized “god” (in the god help me phrase) and have changed it (although I think most of my regular readers have already seen the post). In fact, maybe it would have been even better had I written “gods, help me!” as that would definitely not relate to the bible god! 😁

          Liked by 3 people

      • Hello Nan. You did make that clear. In my reply I referred to gods, deity, and supernatural being. I don’t understand why you assumed I was talking only about the Christian god? But I will say the US culture and most western culture is saturated with Christian dogma and symbolism, so we tend to think in those terms. We really have to struggle to frame our thoughts about gods to any other religion’s viewpoint.

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  4. I can’t imagine asking an entity I do not believe exists for help of any kind. I think I would be too busy trying to think of a real exit from my predicament or trying to be peaceful as I pass away. I would hope I would think good thoughts about my loved ones if I were dying. That would be as good as a good musical score for the event.

    Liked by 6 people

  5. Now remember, when things look bad and it looks like you’re not gonna make it, then you gotta get mean. I mean plumb, mad-dog mean. ‘Cause if you lose your head and you give up, then you neither live nor win. That’s just the way it is. Josey Wales
    But really, life is not so serious to me. 1/2 curious and the other half bows there is no escape, then why all the anxiety?

    Liked by 5 people

    • The anxiety for many is that at the monent, staring death in the face, they lose all trust. They have spent their lives aiming for heaven, but when the crunch comes they know they are not going there. That is the trap of christian religions. You believe you are going somewhere, but not necessarily where you want to go. The only other destination is too horrifying for words!

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    • why all the anxiety? … because most every human being is afraid of dying. We may say we’re not when we’re healthy and living a relatively pleasant life, but at its core and in most cases, death is NOT a welcome event. Why do you think people agree to artificial means to keep them alive even though they may live their remaining days as an helpless invalid?

      Liked by 2 people

      • I get the fear, although I prefer the “dread” of non existence for all time thereafter element. For me, who am definitely an atheist, my dread is FOMO. That’s fear of missing out. I’m a very curious person about all kinds of things, one being how history unfolds and because I will die, I will never know. That’s what I hate, but I also know I won’t know.

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      • Because of western Judea-Christian values.
        I remember Daniel Everett trying to convert the natives and he was struggling. He finally tried to invoke the fear of death and they laughed at him. It was a big part of his deconversion as a missionary. They didn’t wonder or worry at death at all. I’m sure some do-gooders have got to them by now, but where your fear comes from should tell you it’s illegitimate. I wonder if any other creature without indoctrination contemplates a natural process like this?

        Liked by 2 people

          • I would not call it a reaction. From all evidence I can see, survival is one of the two driving forces of life, the other being procreation, which is itself a form of survival. I could go into it deeper, but I will refrain here. I have discussed it deeper in many places that I write. The thing is, while all living beings want to survive, they also “know” an end will come, at least on this earth. No matter how one fights death, no one can win.

            Liked by 1 person

      • It really pisses me off that our lifespans are so damn short and seem to pass in the blink of an eye. Worse, for many people, the last couple of decades may be blighted by poor health etc.

        Imagine if we could extend our paltry ”3 score and ten” to several hundred years or even thousands and be in peak physical and mental shape!


        Liked by 2 people

  6. Nan,

    I really, really, do not (convinced) believe there is any god. If someone wants to pray, okay by me. If someone asks me to pray, I may. But still, there is no god.

    Your question alludes to the the phrase, ‘There are no atheists in fox holes.’ Yes, there are! But get this,

    My B-52 crew of five and I were at 40,000 feet over the Marians Trench caught in the midst of violent thunder storms and low on fuel. We had to descend down through them. We were very concerned. I’ll spare you the details, but the word ‘shitless’ comes to mind.. All of us at the time were believers, two very much so.

    I wrote the story for “We Were Crew Dogs,” an anthology (Vol 5). I later asked each member of the crew if anyone had prayed that night. Not one of us did, or even considered it. We did our jobs which probably saved our lives.

    So, if we did not ask for divine intervention when we believed, why in god’s name would I when I am sure it would be a complete waste of time and effort? That is not imply that we were not grateful to be alive–to have landed safely.

    That said, there are cases where the ill, demented, or vulnerable among us may be coerced into something, but that is not a clear headed decision.

    I do think this is an interesting subject. So, good question. The answers/comments I see appear consistent.

    Liked by 8 people

  7. Those Atheists who were once firm, faithful believers might be slightly more likely to fall back on old habits – just in case – and pray to Pascal. Others like me, in whom religion never took root, are far less likely, just serenely, stoically accepting the inevitable. The only religious reference might be a ‘God Damn!’
    The most frequently-heard last word on an aircraft flight recorder is “Shit.” Pilots are convinced, right up to the last second, that they can pull it off. 🙂

    Liked by 6 people

  8. I don’t really get what the point would be, when coming face to face with the end, of praying. If God exists (He doesn’t, of course, and we all know that) then He has already decided upon your fate, and is not likely to change His mind, based upon a few last minute apologies. If God doesn’t exist then it is no less a waste of breath (possibly your last). So, no, I will not be praying.

    Some colourful blasphemy is a strong possibility, though.

    Liked by 7 people

    • While your reasoning is definitely on solid ground, the indoctrination that god(s) exist has been so solidly entrenched within the human race, many are simply unable to leave this world “unattended.”

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Why did he bother to ask permission? Why didn’t he just pray silently to himself? OH >>> that’s the only way they could work religion into a film where IT WASN’T FUCKING NECESSARY.

    & you were impressed by that? Or am I missing your point?

    Liked by 3 people

    • NO! I was not “impressed by that”!! I only mentioned it as a lead-in to my post topic. However, I do think many people –even non-believers– will turn to “god” when they are faced with an agonizing death … as the astronauts were. The reason I think this is primarily because “god” is such a very big part (regrettably) of human society.

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  10. “Yet in a moment of severe crisis — when a person is facing an almost certain and horrific death — is it so very difficult to believe that we might put our non-belief and/or doubts aside? Can any of us say in a moment of life-threatening fear that we would not utter words to the effect … “God help me!””

    yep, no problem with denying the desperate theist who wants to pretend that everyone will agree with them. It’s always rather sad when a theist needs to trot out the lie of “no atheist in foxholes” nonsense.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m a bit confused. Maybe I misunderstood your comment, but I am not a theist and I did not write this post from a theist’s POV. In fact, I am definitely a non-believer. However, if your reference to “theist” was a general statement, then yes, I would agree with you.


      • I’m also confused, Nan. Why do you make this claim: “I realize that in moments of comparative safety and ease, it’s difficult to “imagine” how we might act under extreme stress. Nevertheless, I tend to think many of us might do (what we currently believe as) the “unthinkable.” ”

        when it isn’t true?


        • Neither of us can say it isn’t true. Although you and I and most of my regular readers would not do the “unthinkable,” there are many people that claim to be atheists who would fall into the “no atheists in foxholes” category.

          Many of my posts that are related to religion and/or “god” are to generate comments and make people think — not necessarily to make statements of my own personal beliefs.


          • I can say it isn’t true and you have had a lot of people telling you that it isn’t true.

            And “claim to be atheists”? can you tell me why you think you can doubt them? I do find it suspect that you post things you claim you don’t believe. It’s too easy to run something up the flagpole and see who salutes, and if you don’t like how you are perceived, you can just disavow it.


        • if you don’t like how you are perceived, you can just disavow it

          I thought that’s what I just did. 🙂

          BTW, we’re getting off the topic of the post. If you have more to say on this, why not drop me an email?


          • well, thanks, Nan for taking my words out of context.

            “And “claim to be atheists”? can you tell me why you think you can doubt them? I do find it suspect that you post things you claim you don’t believe. It’s too easy to run something up the flagpole and see who salutes, and if you don’t like how you are perceived, you can just disavow it.”


          • Vel, perhaps you are unaware that there really are people who claim to be atheists but when death is staring them in the face, they WILL call on god. Obviously you (and most of my readers) are NOT of this bent.

            Nevertheless, to engender discussion (which is my primary reason for writing this blog), I like to ask provocative questions. And most of my regular readers respond accordingly. 🙂

            I’m sorry that my use of the words “claim to be atheists” has disturbed you. I’ll try to do better next time.


          • nan, you’ve been given examples already that even if you call out for a god, that doesn’t mean you believe in it.

            You, like a lot of Christians find you want to claim you know who is “really” what. Your readers respond showing you are wrong.


  11. As a combat veteran, I can say that I never once turned to anything I believed to be imaginary when the fear peaked. I suppose if I was just unsure, I might have turned back “just in case.” But I’ve had enough time to think it through, and praying to the Christian god to hedge my bets is about as useful as praying to one of the Hindu gods. Plus Bible God is demonstrably a made-up creature. Even if there really is a god, and generally speaking Chrisitanity is the “right” path, Bible God is clearly not that god. So again, who the hell would I be praying to? The god that is demonstrably false, or some other entity that is unknown?

    Back to reality, I never prayed to a god when the livefire went both ways. And in space, our astronauts never prayed when things got dicey either. They focused and thought through the problem to resolve it. If they had stopped thinking long enough to pray, they might not have made it back.

    Liked by 8 people

    • SpartanAtheist, that is an exceptional answer. In my clinical interviews, assessments, and follow-ups with combat veterans, Gulf War and after, your final point about…

      If they had stopped thinking long enough to pray, they might not have made it back.

      Is the moment when their combat-training kicked in HARD and they cared more about having other squad member’s backs and not failing them, that you literally DO NOT HAVE ONE SECOND to think about unproveable deities!!! Not when bullets are whistling by your ears and mortars or RPG’s are flying by!!! You become dead real quick if you fail yourself and fail your Squad/Platoon. Period. And THAT’S how you conquer fear… how you leave this Earth and life, impacting others. 🙂

      Liked by 3 people

  12. It does bother me when someone wants to pray in any circumstance. Usually it happens before a meal. I don’t speak up, but just sit there eyes wide open staring straight ahead. I think it’s intrusive and arrogant when you know they can just say a silent prayer in there mind, under their breath and no one needs to know. You see this in the South a lot. Showing everyone just how holy and special they are.
    As for a fear of an immediate death situation, no I wouldn’t. As Richmond Road says above, god has already made up his mind long ago you were going to die then! Why argue?

    Liked by 5 people

    • Agreed Mary! Praying before meals is such an empty, trivial waste of everyone’s time—AND personal beliefs—over food that is getting cold and decaying!

      I love your “wrench” at the end you threw into the discussion there. A delightful Predestination vs Free-will tidbit! 😈

      Liked by 2 people

  13. I think the film is on Netflix?
    I haven’t watched it but based on the whole pray to God (sic) scene I’ll take a flyer and bet it’s an American production, yes?

    Liked by 2 people

    • YUP! As reported by Wikipedia: The Cloverfield Paradox is a 2018 American science fiction horror film. (And yes, it’s on Netflix.)

      The praying to god was really only a very small part of the movie, but when it took place, it immediately triggered the idea for this post. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      • I asked because it doesn’t sound like something one might find in a British production.
        Do I hear a frantic scramble to find a Dr. Who episode where someone is praying to Jesus?
        Oh,and I didn’ t answer the question of the OP.
        Sorry… Bit rude there. No … After all the time I’ve spent arguing against Jesus and his dad, I simply cannot imagine calling out to either of them.

        Liked by 3 people

  14. Having had the misfortune of being in several life threatening situations, during my lifetime, I have always been far too busy to keep myself alive, to even waste a thought at asking for help from deities, pixies, or fairy godmothers. I have never asked, or hoped for that sort of “help” even when I knowingly put myself in harms way and even when I had time think about it beforehand. It may even be, that is one of the reasons I am still alive, that I wasted no effort in obviously useless activity, such as prayer.

    It may be because of my cultural heritage as an atheist in third generation. I was never taught, that a prayer, withcraft, or other attempts to influence the natural world through some unnatural means was a viable way to act under stress, or danger. What I was taught, is that keeping a cool head, might actually help to survive.

    Liked by 5 people

  15. Nan,

    As you know, I very much like SpartanAtheist’s and Rautakyy’s two comment-replies. 🙂 Because I was raised by a former USMC cadet and Marine-grad Dad and from a paternal family FULL of military servicemen, many with combat experience (and PTSD afterwards), and Dad was a hardcore Agnostic Humanist, like SpartanAtheist and Rautakyy you would’ve been chided and to some degree ostracized by the Unit or Squad/Platoon for getting others killed by your individual-team failure. In military thinking, especially in live combat there is no time to “philosophize” (or beg, ask, etc.) for 3-5 mins some mythical entity about YOUR death and fear! In the USMC at least, that is considered extremely selfish, egotistical, and worst of all… NOT a team-player! A Prima-donna if you will. And that label would end your career as a soldier—a coward.

    That’s my family background and my thinking today. There’s so many other much more important things to do and get done for your fellow human(s) or Brothers in Arms than to twiddle about some invisible, non-responsive deity. IOW, and not to be disrespectfully cold in anyway, but DO SOMETHING USEFUL to literally help and save lives than beg and plead about your own misfortune!!! Admittedly, that is the military training way, which naturally doesn’t always fit nicely in the civilian ways. 😄

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      • Yes Nan, like SpartanAtheist, Rautakyy, and thousands (millions) of others with similar, near identical training and upbringing, not just little ole me. 🙂

        Seriously, if you think about that life-or-death type of concept WITHIN a combat unit, squad, team, or group where each member’s TEAM responsibility either made the unit, squad, team, or group live to (fight) another day saving more lives for the next battle/crisis… or… have all or most perish because one member failed them because he/she spent 3-5 mins pleading, begging for his/her own dread & misfortune… it puts Self-consumption squarely in proper perspective! I seriously doubt I could live with that guilt the rest of my life. I’d MUCH RATHER go down fighting with my squad, my buddies than live longer and carrying that horrible burden of in their hour of need being so extremely selfish with my fairy-tale deity. Pffffft! It’s a no brainer.

        Great post btw Nan. ❤️

        Liked by 3 people

  16. I’m pretty sure if I see my fate coming at me and there’s no way out, I’ll die in the middle of a cussing spasm. Or a smart ass remark.

    There’s no time for praying when you are doing your damndest to survive. At least not in my experience, never had the luxury. But I’ll have a moment to cuss before the jig is up. Right up to that moment I’ll be focused on survival. I have a somewhat unusual work history compared to most, numerous close calls, never prayed once. Never had the time.

    I do know after I’ve survived the incident, the first thing I think about is my wife and kids.

    The hell with gods.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I’m of the opinion that most atheists would follow your example, SD. However, I tend to think there ARE people who make the claim but who, under threat of certain (and perhaps violent) death, would crumble. It probably depends on how much religious background they had before becoming a non-believer.

      In any case, none of us will be able to “report back.” 😁

      Liked by 1 person

  17. It is a worthy question, Nan.
    Thank you.

    I am a committed Christian.
    But most stories I have read about famous folks and their deathbed conversions have turned out to be bogus.

    I’m inclined to think a confirmed worldview is not abandoned easily, even in times of desperation.

    That said, I have occasionally asked for permission to pray for someone in crisis.
    I believe the fact that no-one has ever refused has been due to politeness and appreciation for a kind thought.

    Liked by 2 people

    • @Burr.
      While I would not have the audacity to consider my situation a crisis the problem I am currently having with my right knee is definitely a bit of an embuggerance, as the late Terry Pratchett once remarked with regard to his illness.
      I am deeply concerned that if my limp gets any worse I might end up walking round in circles, which would certainly annoy my poor dogs during walkies.
      To this end if you wouldn’t mind putting in a good word when you are praying to Yahweh it would really be appreciated.
      And please tell Yahweh that I know he must be very busy at the moment overseeing the invasion of Ukraine and have no desire to impose on his time while he’s watching the mutilation and death of kiddies and their mums and dads,and having a silent smirk as he watches some of them pray ’til they bleed tears, a quick ‘bless your swollen patella’ would go a long way to restoring Yahweh’s Street cred with this wicked sinner, let me tell you!
      Much obliged!
      Three Hail Mary’s and Dominos, Spirits and Sanctions.


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        • Sometimes by pretending to show how religion makes ME sound like a bloody idiot, it just might have the effect to show how ” true believers” actually are bloody idiots.
          But don’t despair, there is a cure for the affliction of Christianity.

          Liked by 1 person

    • Burr, thanks for visiting! And I’m well aware of your commitment to the Christian way. 🙂

      Perhaps you and others are correct that “God” would not enter the picture in the circumstances I described … and “non-belief” would remain even to the very end. But I’ve read of many in my blog wanderings that came out of some VERY intense religious backgrounds — and although they are now “committed” atheists, one wonders if all that indoctrination might raise its evil head if one KNEW they were facing a horrific death (as opposed to death via health reasons).

      In any case, as I’ve said elsewhere, I enjoy asking provocative questions on my blog. 😈

      Liked by 1 person

  18. A very go(o)d day to you, Nan. I am familiar with you through Zoe’s fine writing and would like to to add two Canadian cents to the exchange here. (As Cents no longer exist in Canada, you might find my view counterfeit!)
    As you see from the brackets in ‘good’ above, god gets around. As an almost 70 year old Baptist preacher’s son, long-time Christian, now non-believer, I still use words that I have lost belief in… I use the words that make up the trinity in various ways, to marvel and curse, to groan and grumble, to mumble in-betweens and so forth. To the best to my myopic sense, I think that my use of the word(s) mentioned is about habitual expression. Learning a new language is best done by immersion but how does a non-believer immerse in the non while so much of the world, both inner and outer habitually uses and abuses language to conform to their comfort level in belief. Christians co-opt faith, hope and charity even though these matters refer to human realities and not higher than human ones…. If at the end of life, I whimper with Prufrock, it will be the great otherness and unknown that I whimper to (or in) not some magic man painting rainbows. It is my humanity that will go and go until it stops. Of course, Nan, I would and will ask an ‘outside force’ even if that ‘force’ is merely my other side that listens to me in thought or when I speak to myself. Perhaps this is where the god-idea began, in the silence of self/not self, the living being in the living world. Or in the phenomenon of psychotic break, where the mind detaches from the shared reality of here and now and goes into otherness. This can and often does happen near death as the body departs bit by bit. Those who have always been within range of us become deranged and depart.


    • Welcome Brian! It is definitely a pleasure to have you join my “group.” And I too feel a bit of connection with you from Zoe’s blog. 🙂

      I enjoyed reading your take on how you might/would face those final moments. Of course none of us can really know what we will do, but I think many (most?) who visit this blog recognize the futility of calling out to a non-existent entity.

      Thanks again for joining in. Don’t be a stranger.


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