

I know some of you have strong opinions about the recent actions in Afghanistan initiated by Biden, the current POTUS. Some see the action as beneficial in the long run. Others? Not so much.

For myself, I tend to agree with Heather Cox Richardson’s perspective on the issue as she has laid out in her most recent newsletter. I particularly liked the pointed questions she asks related to “America’s interest to fight a ground war.”

As noted in various news reports, the U.S. withdrawal has allowed the Taliban to aggressively move back into Afghanistan — and this has caused some to express concerns about the Afghanistan women and how they are going to lose the independence they gained during the U.S. presence.  However, IMO, Heather addresses this issue rather well towards the end of her newsletter when she writes about the ”fate of Afghanistan’s women and girls.” 

While I know many of you are subscribers and have probably already read Heather’s commentary, for those who are not familiar with her writings, I urge you to take a few moments and click on the link.

As always, I look forward to your thoughts and opinions. All I ask is “stay on topic” and “be nice.” 🙂

P.S. I thought her last paragraph was a Zinger (!) — and a perfect way to end her commentary.