Wake Up Christians!

This morning when I checked headlines on my iPhone, I noticed this one: Every President Recited The Apostle’s Creed Except Trump. The occasion was the memorial service of former President George H.W. Bush.

The source included a video showing Trump standing, the usual frown on his face, staring straight ahead, arms hanging down in front of him, his (small) hands crossed with the program dangling in his left hand. His lips are not moving. (NOTE: Melania Trump also did not recite the Creed, but at least she bowed her head.)

Every other individual in the video (past presidents and their wives) were respectfully reciting the Creed.

THIS … dear Christian readers … is the man you put into the office of POTUS. The man you believe is “in your corner” and is going to help put Christianity into the lives of every U.S. citizen. The man that dedicated, evangelical pastors have “laid hands on” and prayed for him to lead this country for “God.” The man who flaunted his religious beliefs so you would vote for him.

Oh but, you say, it’s all in the heart! Outward displays are not to be accepted as proof or verification that inwardly a person is a True Christian.™

You are foolish if you think Trump is or has ever been a “Christian.” The only church he attends is Mar A Lago, and the only time he “prays” is on the golf course as he tries to score a “hole-in-one.” He does not attend regular church services (in contrast to many presidents before him). And I would bet dollars to donuts he hasn’t a clue of what’s in the bible. (Remember the Two Corinthians remark?)

Christians need to recognize and accept that the only reason Trump puts up with Christianity is to GAIN YOUR VOTES! Everything he says or does in a religious vein is NOT to assist you in reaching your evangelical goals. All he truly desires is for you to accept HIM as the one and only person who can further your desires of forcing every citizen of the U.S. to live according to your standards and doctrines.

You need to wake up and see Donald J. Trump for what he is … a tin-god whose only “religious” interest lies in promoting himself and his personal needs.

I am closing comments on this post. I already know many/most of my followers will agree with what I’ve written. Those who don’t will either offer the familiar platitudes or won’t comment at all. Either way, I’ve said my piece.