How Would You Describe God?

If an extra-terrestrial being were to walk up and ask you “Who or what is ‘God’?”, how would you respond?

I’m asking this as a serious question. It’s for a book I’m writing. No names will be used. In fact, you can leave an anonymous comment if you want.

Try to be as ‘generic’ as possible. In other words, do not tell me what God means to you; that is a personal matter and is not what I’m looking for. I just want to know the words you would use to describe “God.”

Thanks so much!

10 thoughts on “How Would You Describe God?

  1. Hmm, good question. First of all, I’d define God as the Creator, setting everything into motion. Following that, I’d say such a being would probably be omnipotent, omniscient, and inerrant.


  2. Nan: The unimaginative image (pun inended) of a bearded man sitting on a throne somewhere over the rainbow, surrounded by angels, keeps lingering in my mind because that lack of fantasy was imprinted there when I was a child. When I began to reason, I rejected the idea of an Almighty Omnipresent Being that looked like any grandfather.

    Still, I want to answer your enquiry by telling you that, if I believed in God, the vague description as “any part of the macro- and the microcosmos” would be fine with me.

    Have a nice Sunday,



    • I used this quote in my book, but I found the author as being “Huang Po” (who I think is a Zen master). I used it in the chapter on “Satan,” but I think it fits well with this posting as well.


    • Joanne — Thanks so much for stopping by! I tend to lean towards Natural Pantheism myself. I simply can no longer believe in the Judeo-Christian God.

      I will check out your book of meditations. My book is available in both paperback & digital format at Amazon.


  3. Nan, I just checked back here. My book image is really large! I don’t believe that’s ever happened before when I’ve linked the book. Don’t know how it happened.
    I went to Amazon and bought your book for Kindle. I was not raised in the Judeo-Christian tradition; in fact, I was not raised in any religious tradition. Religion was like sex around our house; it was something nobody talked about. So it became endlessly fascinating.
    I think that historically (and evolutionarily) religion has had an important role in human culture, and we lose something if we abandon it entirely. We need to find something equivalent that builds community and engenders moral behavior but is not based on misconceptions and myths. I have found that in the Unitarian Church.


  4. As you’ll read in my book, I was also not raised in any religious tradition. It wasn’t until I was in my 20’s that certain events occurred that led me to Christianity. However, after 15+ years had gone by, I began to feel something “wasn’t right” and thus began my journey away from the church.

    I’m not sure I agree with you about the necessity of religion in human culture. Since it’s unlikely it will ever be abandoned, I guess neither of us will ever find out …

    I’m just getting back onto my feet after emergency gallbladder surgery, so I haven’t had a chance to check out your book. Intend to do so soon. I hope you will leave a review on Amazon after you’ve had a chance to read mine.

    BTW. IF I were to attend any church (which I’m quite sure will never happen), I agree that the Unitarians have the right outlook. 😉


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