What Did I Miss?

Contrary to my remarks here and there that I didn’t plan on watching the Biden/Trump debate, I found myself in front of the TV from start to finish. 🙄

And this morning I am so VERY upset with the Biden-negative feedback I’m reading by the multiple news sources!

Perhaps it’s because I’m not a news pundit, but I personally found Biden’s performance to be FAR superior to Trump. At least he stayed on topic the majority of the time, whereas Trump couldn’t help himself and spent most of the time spouting his usual lies about all he had accomplished during his term of office. In fact, he was so intent upon promoting himself, he frequently carried over his braggadocio remarks into many of the “new” questions presented by the commentators. As one news source put it:

The former president frequently ignored the questions posed by CNN moderators Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, instead talking about whatever he wanted.

Another wrote:

Moderators for CNN’s debate took a hands-off approach, letting lies and half-truths remain unchallenged. Trump spouted lies on abortion, the environment, the border, tax cuts and January 6.

While I admit that Biden occasionally did the same (minus the boasting and self-praise), generally speaking he returned to the topic-at-hand before his time was up.

Overall, news sources seemed to repeat the following thought:

Donald Trump repeatedly made false claims about January 6, the national debt and the economy while Biden mumbled and struggled to rebut Trump’s lies.

For those of you who watched the debate, I would be interested in your feedback. Am I so blinded by my distaste for Trump that I couldn’t see the gaffes by Biden? Did he really perform as badly as the press wants readers to think?

Addendum: Heather Cox Richardson agrees with me!

82 thoughts on “What Did I Miss?

  1. Being a foreigner, I am sort-of neutral. However, I really do not want Trump to win in November, as that would be more dangerous for the whole world. On the BBC News today, they showed edited ‘highlights’ of the debate for around 15 minutes. Trump was his usual obnoxious self, so that was good.

    However, I have to say that watching Biden being confused, sometimes mumbling nonsense, and looking around as if he didn’t know where he was, that was painful to watch. If this debate is anything to go by, I cannot see him lasting until November, let alone winning the election.

    Best wishes, Pete.

    Liked by 3 people

    • I contest your comment about him “looking around as if he didn’t know where he was.” On the contrary, I felt he was focused not only on the questions asked by the commentators, but also on the responses that Trump was giving. On several occasions, he just shook his head in amazement at Trump’s lies.

      Even so, I do appreciate your feedback … “foreigner” or not. 😊

      Liked by 4 people

      • I can only say what I saw on those ‘edited highlights’. To me he certainly seemed to be confused by his own answers to most of the questions I saw him respond to. It’s your right to contest my personal opinion of course. As I said, I want him to win, and I am a foreigner in every sense, even though we both speak English.

        Best wishes, Pete.

        Liked by 4 people

  2. Dear America,

    I wouldn’t care of Biden were comatose. His administration is doing a great job and that’s who we’re (hopefully) electing.

    Hugs & kisses,


    Liked by 7 people

  3. I tried to watch… it was disappointing that Biden didn’t look at the camera. Didn’t the coaches advice him? The Democrats need to be working on plan B, and Trump should be going to jail. GROG

    Liked by 4 people

    • Totally agree with your closing comment about Trump!

      While I have said all along (and have stated here and there), I AM concerned about Biden’s age — not so much his (reported) lack of attention, but rather his overall state-of-being. Being in his age bracket, I am well aware of the various “handicaps” that are part of aging. Nevertheless, I do wonder if a “replacement” at this late stage is the answer …

      Liked by 2 people

      • Biden doesn’t look healthy. The situation is diabolical, damned if you do and damned if you don’t. Like Yogi Berra said, “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.” There is a way to go, and Trump has some big problems with the law. Let’s hope for justice. GROG

        Liked by 1 person

        • actually, Biden wasn’t healthy. He had a cold which would account for his voice as well as perhaps his demeanor. Considering all that, along with trying to debate a liar, well, he didn’t do that bad!! Did you see him today at a rally? I heard a teeny bit of it and wow, that’s the Joe that I know!! It’s a long way yet to November.

          Liked by 3 people

  4. He looked terrible and could hardly string together a coherent sentence. Sure, I got the gist of what he was saying but it was too rambling and too much jumbling of issues. He was asked about the economy and, instead, of making a contrast with what Trump left and touting his accomplishments, bizarrely he brought up something about migrants killing Americans which is Trump’s issue. He was constantly crafting a “for one” type of response without ever a “two.” At every chance, he was infusing “billions” or “millions” into responses (like people really care about that) but almost always mixing up the units then correcting himself.

    It will get worse. They will need to rush out on the circuit to disprove what everyone saw in the debate, but all cameras and eyes will be trained on him. Minor goofs that might have been overlooked a decade ago will only build the narrative. If he slips on a wet rampway and ends up in the hospital for observation, it will be nearly all over.

    The Democrats need new candidates or we’re screwed.


  5. Joe Bidens performance is indicative of the state of the democrat party. If this is the best candidate they can shuffle up there, they’re in trouble. I can’t imagine who is actually running the country. It isn’t him.
    Do yourself a favor Nan and just watch Joe, not trump. That was pathetic by any metric

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    • I’m a bit taken back by your comment. While I appreciate that many saw weakness on Biden’s part, to compare that with Trump’s exaggerations, boasts, and lies does make me wonder exactly who the pathetic one was.

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      • I said nothing g about trump. If truly no is so awful democrats should easily be able to provide a worthy opponent. This is the best?
        It’s too bad Biden is the brunt of all jokes, he’s an old guy and mostly out of it which is not his fault. That doesn’t make him a bad guy, but who’s running the country?


        • I suspect the role of US president is largely as a figurehead rather than a leader. I can’t imagine Ronald Regan had much input in the day to day decision making. Or George W Bush. Trump may have been a bit more ‘hands on’ than some, but even in his regime it would have been up to those who were really in charge to interpret and carry out his insane rambling instructions.


      • one other thing to be aware of; while Trump is a living breathing mistake, he is also vigorous in his comments, his verbiage, his attitude. He’s about as laid back as a stick of dynamite and just as dangerous.

        If you choose to compare styles, then yeah, Biden is going to come off as hesitant and doddery. I see him as being precise and careful. He wants to be understood, not glorified. And frankly I love his attitude, he is obviously annoyed with Trump and who wouldn’t be.

        You’ve got two direct opposites, and if you sort them out instead of comparing them each to the other, it makes a serious difference. At least to me.

        Think about this: if Kennedy, say, and LBJ had a debate, LBJ would have overwhelmed the much more laid back rational Kennedy on bluster alone.

        (I still don’t know how we got into this candidate/debate mode, anyway. It seems like a huge waste of energy and money)


    • Well what on earth do you think it says about the state of the Republican Party if trump is the best they can come up with? He’s a horrid, evil, corrupt man who cares about one thing..himself! He is a nasty piece of work.

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      • Oh I’m sorry. I thought the post was about Bidens declining mental status. If he is actually capable of this 1 min segment, he is not fit to run the United States


          • I haven’t expressed a side. Old is fine but dimentia in the Oval Office is a little risky when whoever is wiping his ass has more control over the country than he does.
            I can’t see how so many people overlook the faults of their own side. I’ve not mentioned trump. Biden is a problem and if you can’t see that you are certainly part of it. You thought Joe did fine?


          • No I thought he did terrible. And I think he is too old. They both are. But one is old and not as cognizant as a president should be, but the other is a narcissistic evil maniac and is out for himself and wants to do away with many of our freedoms and our standing in the free world. He cannot be trusted.

            One has good people in his sphere of government accountability and the other has other evil, corrupt, destructive, racist and anti democratic people in his.

            I think you must be very unaware of project 25 and unaware of trumps close ties to Putin and unaware of just how dangerous trump is.

            I will not continue to argue with you, as I am well aware that you are in too deep for logic to apply. Enjoy the koolaid.

            Liked by 3 people

          • Um, ok. Seems you’re a true believer that can’t also see the corruption and lies of the Bidens.
            One has good people in his sphere of government accountability”. This is literally the most ridiculous thing I’ve heard in a while.


          • Jim, I don’t think anyone who visits this blog would disagree with you that there is corruption and lies in governmentnot just with the Bidens. But considering all the factors involved (mostly $$$$$), there is little chance this is going to change so I think many of us are simply trying to choose the individual who we feel will bring the most benefits to the people in general.

            In my personal opinion, those who choose Trump have been bamboozled by his flash and braggadocio. He doesn’t have all the answers anymore than anyone else. He just makes people think he does.

            In any event … in this country, we generally must choose between two individuals who we think will bring the most benefits to us overall. Unfortunately, our choices this go-round leave much to be desired. But as I’ve said before … it is what it is so all we can do is hope our particular choice turns out to be favorable in the big picture.

            Liked by 1 person

          • Fair enough.
            I’m surprised more people aren’t outraged that the last few years the party has perpetuated a fraud of propping up and pretending regarding Bidens debilitating senility.
            As far as turning out favorably, I can’t imagine what you’re referring to regarding the last 3 years?


    • They were both bad, but Biden at least attempted to answer some of the questions. Trump completely deflected and just tried to attack Biden when he was asked about the Opioid Crisis and childcare funding; to me this was very telling and demonstrated he doesn’t give a f*** about you Americans. These are your only two choices, who would you rather?

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  6. I agree that Biden is showing his age. I don’t, mercifully, have a TV any longer, and in general I tend to avoid debates anyway. However. I don’t see anyone coming in on the Democratic side at all. Or is it a rule that you don’t try to compete with your own party’s President?

    I would still, however, take Biden over Trump for anything, and I’m appalled that Trump is even running. Limping and lurching is more like it, and shouldn’t he be in jail by now? Hm?

    Liked by 2 people

  7. A quote from Robert Reich in a recent Substack contribution:

    Biden had good and often detailed answers to the questions put to him, but last night’s debate was never going to be about Biden’s answers. It was always going to be about his age. Sadly, Biden’s stiff, halting, withering delivery coupled with his slack-jawed expression and frozen stare when he wasn’t trying to form sentences made him seem not just old but on the decline.

    Certainly there’s no argument that Biden’s appearance spoke volumes — but do we judge him on one night’s performance or 3-1/2 years of accomplishments?

    Liked by 3 people

    • Being the president of a country of this size and volatility ages you immensely. If you can scare up a few photos (before and after stuff) of the past four or five presidents, compare the before and afters carefully. it’s a lot like seeing 20 year old army privates when they come back from a war, 4 years later.

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  8. I’ve always thought that a ‘debate’ was about opposing sides delivering a coherent, consistent argument supporting or opposing a proposition. Both of these guys would have been shot to bits by an average high school debating team had that been the requirement.
    Mr Biden looked like a deer in the headlights and Mr Trump looked like Mr Trump.
    I think one of the basic rules of debate, or at least an expectation, is that you can’t just make stuff up. So much of what Mr Trump said was (and was always going to be) so obviously utter bullshit that, out of respect for viewers, they should have cut the coverage early and put on a rerun of Gilligan’s Island instead. Let people watch something vaguely plausible.
    Both parties should be terribly embarrassed by the event. Unfortunately it seems that only one party actually is.

    Liked by 3 people

      • There was something in there about the Trump presidency creating the greatest economy in the history of the Universe and new abortion laws allowing for the execution of three year-olds and Mr Biden setting up visas for millions of convicted criminals and escapee mental patients and all this was somehow related to golf handicaps. But I may have been (as Mr Biden appears to have been) a bit confused.

        Liked by 2 people

        • I think if I had had to listen to Trump freewheeling his comments about the bees in his head, I’d have been confused, too. it’s overwhelming to have to watch and listen to him at the same time. And think of President Biden, forced to be civil and remain in the same room with his opponent.


    • I think one thing that throws people off stride is Biden’s delivery, which is often casual and comfortable. He doesn’t speechify, he talks conversationally. When you’re used to people who use the podium as a chance to grandstand and wave their arms, you judge them on their presence, not their abilities. Trump is like a windmill up their, with a few missing pieces.

      And considering Biden’s age, look to the Vice President. =)

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  9. I have mixed feelings on this and I’ve seen comments on both; sticking with Joe and looking elsewhere and this was a comment I thought was good that I ran across.

    “Eight years after TFG came down the escalator, what I find to be appalling and disheartening is that the media, the pundits, the commentariat are focusing exclusively on Biden’s “performance”, and ignoring the fact that




    that came out of Trump’s mouth was a lie.

    That he became progressively less coherent over time. That it was all projection and frankly, abusive. His was also a “performance”, and it spoke volumes about who he is and what he will do.

    Some have mentioned that Biden failed his own cognitive test.

    There were two cognitive tests on display last night.

    The results of one of those tests were clearly invisible to many.

    The abusive, narcissistic con man (who is only three years younger) came across as such people often do to those who see only the surface. But look beneath and his word salad, his non-stop nonsensical prevarications, his hate, his adamant refusal to answer questions, his complete lack of knowledge, and his profound insecurity were all there.

    Biden is old. Trump is evil.

    If as is likely Trump continues to deteriorate as he has, he won’t finish his term and we’ll be left with a sycophantic coward, because that’s whom he’ll choose to be in his shadow.

    If, as is likely Biden deteriorates and has to step down, we will have an experienced and competent V.P., one who will continue the excellent work Joe has done.”

    There is only one choice

    Liked by 5 people

      • I think it would be a serious mistake to view this as a good vs evil sort of thing.
        It’s more like a Shakespearean tragedy.

        The stage is cluttered with fools and clowns and hypocrisy and human absurdity and tragic egos, but there are no gods or devils to be seen. What we are viewing is the very essence of human ordinariness. We are startled by our own reflections.

        We all know there will be no triumph, no happy ending, no sense of moral justice when the curtain falls.

        No matter the result we will all be forced into introspection, trying to understand how any of this could happen.

        And we will wonder who we really are.


  10. Aa a non-American I also watched this debate. While Trump was his usual arrogant self, Biden looked unwell and often struggled to articulate himself. If I can give Biden some credit, at least he attempted to answer the questions. The real loser in this debate isn’t Trump or Biden, but the millions of Americans who need to ask themselves how things got to this point.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Great comment!

      And as tobyo pointed out, Biden actually was “unwell” in that he had a cold.

      Sure, Trump performed in his usual blustery style, but what he said had little substance.

      And you’re correct … we Americans are the losers in this “race.”

      Liked by 2 people

      • I heard that he had a “cold” from his staffers. As much as I’d like to believe that I unfortunately think he has some other health issues going on based on how he often appears in public. As to what exactly, I dont know. The next few months will be quite telling I think.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Speaking as an “older person” (which I have done on other occasions), much of what we see in Biden’s public appearances is simply “old age.” His halting gait is not unusual. His “vacant” stare is most likely because he’s thinking about what was said and how he wants to respond. Rebuttals/comebacks/retorts just don’t pop into our heads as quickly as they did when we’re younger.

          Yes, I’m saying this in defense of him. However … as I’ve indicated several times before, I would have much preferred that someone younger had taken up the challenge. But it is what it is and unless something “drastic” happens, Biden’s name will be on the ballot.

          Liked by 4 people

          • Hi Nan! I too have been using age as a bit of an excuse for my lack of just about anything for some little time, adding that to a list that already included total incompetence and utter stupidity.
            In my good moments, though, I can be, if not the life of the party, at least not totally obnoxious.
            So were I foolishly to put my hand up for the position of president of the local golf club some kind hearted younger person would take me to a quiet room, sit me down, put a tender hand on my shoulder and begin a little speech that would begin something like, “thank you very much for coming in today, Mr Richmond, but …..”

            Surely Mr Biden has had the same sort of fireside chat.

            Liked by 1 person

  11. I’m with you, Nan … and, I do watch (or at least listen to) the news much of the day.

    I was dissapointed in the President Biden’s performance. he was definitely not the same person we normally see. It improved as the “debate” continued, but never reached his normal level. (FWIW, he was not staring aimlessly. He was looking either at the moderaators or Former President Trump. You can blame the camera ngles.)

    Right now, Bob Woodward of Watergate fame is on MSNBC with Ari Melber. He is questioning what caused the anomaly we saw last night, He has not proposed any answer (yet), but believes (as I do) that the President’s poor performance must be the result of some outside and as yet unknown influence.

    At around 2 PM today, President Biden spoke at a rally in North Carolina. One of the first things he said was, “When you fall, you get up” … showing that he’s aware of his less than stellar performance the night before. He continued through the rest of his talk with the same force, vigor, and determination that we saw in his State of the Union message.

    At least, Biden made an effort to answer the moderators’ questions … and succeeded most of the time. Apparently, Trump has developed a serious hearing problem. Through most of the 90 minutes, he talked about things unrelated to either the questions or the truth.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I had wondered if he had some medication for his laryngitis that maybe made him sleepy or takes some blood pressure drug or some other perfectly reasonable medication that had a negative affect and it was later than he may be use to being up. Hell I’m close to bed by 9pm.

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          • One of the two choices spent the day before the debate playing golf, lying on social media, threatening revenge on everybody who took away the reality show of which he was the star for 4 years (his idea of the Presidency). The other one spent that same day doing the work that the Presidency requires.

            This morning, on MSNBC’s “The Weekend” the hosts talked to Anita Dunn, a senior advisor to the President. She told them that the campaign staff had not discussed the President stepping aside. (I get the impression that most of that someone on the NYT editorial staff spread … maybe started … that.)

            Ms. Dunn said that the staff did discuss decide that the President and his surrogates. especially Vice President Harris, former President Obama, will be doing a lot more rallies, town halls, etc. Talking to “the people” is when the President is at his best.

            I think President Biden overprepared for the debate … too many facts and figures; not enough of preparing to deal with a sociopathic wanabee autocrat. (On one of the news shows last night or this morning, Michael Cohen, Trump’s former “fixer” who testified against him before Congress, volunteered to help the President prepare for the second debate close to the election. He knows all sorts of ways to “push Trump’s buttons”.)

            Liked by 2 people

    • There is one other thing I’ve not seen truly mentioned (although if I may have missed any references, forgive me) is their very different speaking styles. Trump comes across like a braying donkey, words just foam out and fill up all the empty space around him; whether he makes sense or not seems not to be the issue for him. Just hand waving, pointing, on and on and on. Biden is quieter, calmer in his delivery, much more conversational than bombastic.

      In a way this can be misinterpreted as hesitant, because he obviously wants the right word or phrase, not just the first one that he thinks of… he’s careful, because as a public figure, he has to be.

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  12. Does it not bother anybody that a dose of the common cold appears to be debilitating to the President of the United States?
    Let’s be honest – if we are going to mark down Mr Trump for his ridiculous ego then should we not ask what sort of ego one needs to seriously believe that, out of about a zillion choices, one is, at 81, the best person to lead America for the next term?
    If either of these two applied for a managerial position at a fast-food restaurant they wouldn’t get past the initial interview.

    Liked by 1 person

    • what sort of ego one needs to seriously believe that, out of about a zillion choices, one is, at 81, the best person to lead America for the next term?

      I’m not sure anyone believes that. But as voters, we only get to choose between the names that appear on the ballot.

      Liked by 2 people

      • I understand that Neil. I’m suggesting that stepping aside to provide the voters with a half reasonable alternative would have been the act of an actual leader. Clearly Mr Trump is incapable of acting honourably, but Mr Biden’s reputation and good record may be soured by him not taking that option quite some time ago.

        Liked by 3 people

        • And Neil – I agree that nobody really believes either of these two are the best candidates (well …. to be fair, there are a few delusional voters out there and we know who’ll they’ll vote for) but what concerns me is that Mr Biden still seems to believe it himself.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Neil, I’m curious. Why do you think that? IMO, there are at least a couple of potentials that could step in and, if they really went full-bore on self-promotion, might be able to convince voters. I admit that I don’t think Kamala is one of them, but there are a couple of others.

            I guess what it boils down to is how “desperate” the voting public sees this election.

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          • I think it may indeed do that, but pushing on might be just as bad. I also think a fresh alternative might be just what people want (2 fresh alternatives even better!). But an intention to step aside from the next term is something he should have announced mid-way through the present one.

            Liked by 2 people

          • But who to pick as a Biden replacement? They need someone younger, and probably at this juncture, white or Hispanic and male, with a fair amount of experience, nothing in their “closets”, and a bit aggressive.
            My personal choice would be Gretchen Whitmer. I think she’d be great. But would they lose the black vote if they snubbed Harris? And if they picked Harris, would they lose some of the white vote? And Pete Buttigieg ;would they lose some homophobic white male votes..
            I’m sure there are others, but these names came to my mind..
            They better make a decision pretty soon or again we are up against the wall of decent old man and a horrid lying maniac.

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  13. It looks like the problem was the preparation Biden went through for the debate.

    “Earlier in the week, I spoke to multiple Biden campaign strategists and former Democratic operatives about how the president was preparing for the debate at Camp David. All of them described a punishing and rigorous process during which Biden would practise hitting back at various criticisms and insults expected from Trump on the night.

    Their strategy had one major flaw: it relied on memory – not the president’s strong point, at 81 years of age – and on the delivery of facts. Facts are all very well and good during a political campaign and, of course, are paramount for policy. But debates are about who you are. Trump knows that very well.”


    The answer to the first question should have been:

    “When I became President the country was a complete mess. It was an economic disaster left to me by my predecessor. Thousands were dying daily from Covid. The economy was shut down. The unemployment was the worse it has been since the Great Depression…”

    You get the picture. It doesn’t even matter if the facts are right as long as they are in ballpark.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Speaking from experience, I think you’re spot-on with your comment about memory. And the older you get, the more likely it is to fail you at the most inopportune times. Not only that, as was demonstrated in the debate, trying to get back on track can be nearly impossible.


  14. My opinion is that on content the majority of bothers agree with Biden’s position on abortion. On the border, the majority agree with Trump that the Biden has failed in his border policy. Trump position of the economy and was more in line with the majority than Biden. Trump’s foreign policy is also more appealing to the majority than Biden.

    In presentation, Trump appeared ten years younger, healthier, and more energetic. Biden appeared frail, old, had trouble with maintaining his train of thought, and at times appeared confused, snd jumbled his words to the point of being incoherent.

    That is only my impression and opinion. I expect forty per cent of the voters disagree with me, forty six agree, ten per cent are undecided, and the rest are aware there is sn election this year.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Trump has pretty much always appeared energetic (not so sure about younger). And, regrettably, this does play into the minds of undecided voters. And while “the majority” may agree with his position on the various issues, the underlying problem is that most of what he says is nothing but soundbites with little to no explanation on exactly how he intends to accomplish anything.

      Your statistics are probably not that far off.


    • You are clearly not showing your own cards, Ernest, and possibly just expressing your opinion regarding the views of others. Mr Trump’s previous border policy was based around a farcical concept to erect a wooden fence, and now he suggests rounding up people of questionable ethnicity and frog marching them out of town. It is clearly an attractive idea to many voters, most of whom would not wish to admit it and have no notion of what actually trying to do it might infer.
      Also attractive to voters is the idea that they will all become richer thanks to massive tax breaks to the rich and tariffs that will put prices through the roof. But there’ll be free ice cream for everyone!!
      So Mr Trump is banking on an assumption that the majority of voters are morons and, so far, he seems to be on a winner with that assumption.
      That his opponent, rightly or wrongly, presents himself as a doddering invalid doesn’t help, but in any sensible election that invalid should win in a landslide simply by not being Donald Trump.


      • Most people think laws, federal laws, should be strictly enforced. That includes laws against illegally entering the United States. Biden does not agree. Strange that someone is in office who does not believe in law enforcement. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, I suppose. But the president should enforce the law. That is, of course, inly my opinion.


        • That’s fair enough Ernest, we all have our opinions, though I’d argue that it’s not actually the President’s job to enforce laws and ‘most people’ may have a differing view on what ‘strictly’ might mean in this instance. How about some public hangings? That would send a clear message and might be a real vote winner!

          But that aside …. I think you are making a quantum leap in identifying a difference of opinion about the manner in which one law should be appropriately managed as an indication of ‘someone in the office who does not believe in law enforcement’. To make a bland statement that Mr Biden does not believe in law enforcement is just the sort of ludicrously simplistic approach that Mr Trump specialises in. To give credit where credit is due, though, Mr Trump certainly knows his audience!
          And there’s no doubt that demonising minorities is a tremendous campaign tactic – it’s won many elections over the years …. and let’s not dismiss the idea of public hangings! A few televised floggings of those dastardly illegal immigrants might be in order, too. Can you imagine the advertising revenue this sort of thing might attract? Donald could appear in person to reignite his reality TV career – providing a Caesar-like thumbs up or thumbs down leading into the first commercial break. Come on, admit it – you love the idea!

          Personally I’d be more inclined to vote for someone based upon their respect for humanity than their respect for the letter of the law.


          • According to the constitution, the executive Power shall be vested in a president of the United States of America. Enforcing the law is the primary and main executive power of the government, and the first duty of the president.

            Since you are now resorting to personal attacks on me, I believe you realize you have no valid argument to defend Biden’s actions on our southern border. And it is time to stop.


          • Hey Ernest – sorry, I meant no such offense to you directly, and I stand corrected based upon your superior constitutional knowledge.
            I suppose what I meant (or what I am now pretending to have meant) is that I see the president’s job as rather more important than a strict adherence to rules (the issuing speeding fines and prosecuting litterbugs etc). I think it fair to say that Mr Trump has certainly never believed that to be an accurate job description, either.

            You would have to agree though, surely, that Mr Biden is not of the opinion that he has flaunted that particular law or that he disrespects the notion of law in a more general sense – such would, in fact, be a personal attack with absolutely no basis.

            I was, to be fair, making a personal attack on Donald Trump, accusing him of being a cheat, a liar, a racist and a clown. It’s water off a duck’s back for him, of course, but if you wish to take it personally then so be it.


  15. Thumbs up to you, Nan! I didn’t watch it, so I can’t give you my feedback, but I’m disgusted by the fact that people are ready to crucify Biden for not being at the top of his game, but willing to let the liar/conman/rapist/convicted felon get by with telling more than 50 lies in 90 minutes. And are we really willing to trash Biden’s many accomplishments over the past 3 years because of a less-than-illustrious 90-minutes? 🙄

    Liked by 2 people

    • You try telling 50 lies in 90 minutes, Jill. It’s not as easy as it sounds! And you might be wrong about it, anyway. Most of us lost count at about 35 ….. midway through question 1.


  16. I don’t think it was a good performance, but he had a great campaign speech the next day in North Carolina that was much more on point. If we consistently saw dopey performances from Biden I’d be more concerned about his age, but we don’t seem to be seeing that. Offhand I cannot explain the poor showing on Thursday, but it appears to be a one-off.

    Even though Biden’s performance wasn’t good, he was at least able to give answers to the questions – which is something Trump almost never did. Biden may not be popular, but he’s at least competent, and will put qualified people into his cabinet to run their departments, rather than bootlicking and grovelling sycophants who will shred the government apart.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Unfortunately, the news media pretty much shred Biden’s debate performance — and only briefly covered his campaign speech — so the general populace has (once again) been influenced by the pundits.

      Some have reported that Biden was suffering from a cold on the day of the debate and this was (partially) the reason behind his poor performance. Yet one can’t help but wonder about his sudden improvement at the campaign rally … ?

      If nothing else, your last remarks related to competent people vs. boot-lickers should be incentive enough for folks to continue supporting Biden.

      Liked by 1 person

      • One possibility, that I’m no expert on, is that Biden is actually suffering from some form of dementia, and Thursday was simply a “bad day”, and that Friday he had “recovered”. Certainly not unheard of, and I’ll grant that it’s possible. The important thing is this would require a medical diagnosis from a professional, rather than laymen speculating over the internet

        Maybe all Presidential candidates should be subjected to a thorough cognitive ability test, with the results made public? I’d really like to see how Mr Brainworm performs.


        • I TOTALLY agree with you as related to a cognitive ability test! Not just for Biden -AND- Trump, but also as part of the winnowing process of future presidential candidates. Just because a candidate might be young and seemingly fit doesn’t preclude potential mental concerns.

          Of course, if you believe Trump, he’s been tested and declared totally fit — both physically AND mentally. (Uh-huh … the proof is in the pudding.)

          Liked by 1 person

          • A negative result for Mr Trump in any such test would be a clear indication of another conspiratorial injustice – so we might as well forget that plan for now.


        • If there were such a test conducted you’d hope that it would be more than just a pass/fail, minimum standard sort of thing. One would hope that the President of The United States might before somewhere above average. Would you be confident of either of these two doing that consistently?
          Unfortunately, in positions of high responsibility, bad days can have some fairly serious consequences.


    • Yeah I watched some of his campaign speech the next day and he seemed like a completely different person – much more bold and confident! I would definitely prefer Biden to Trump as well. I guess the worry is that if he doesn’t perform well in these debates that would turn people off voting for Democrats.


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