The Virus and Abortion

Does anyone else see the correlation between those who reject COVID-19 vaccinations and those who are anti-Abortion?

Again and again the anti-vaxxers scream that it’s their PERSONAL RIGHT to reject the vaccine and/or to go maskless. They will frequently provide examples where they attended maskless gatherings of friends … “and no one contracted the virus!”

For some, it has become so important for them to “exercise their rights” (e.g., the Canadian truckers) that they lose all empathy for anyone who might be negatively impacted. Indeed, many are so adamant about enforcing their personal choice that they have physically attacked others and even disrupted public gatherings where masks were required. One individual even encouraged an armed attack against those who supported masks and/or vaccines!

Yet in many cases, these same individuals will attempt to take away a WOMAN’s right to seek an abortion. Even though it is as much HER RIGHT to make this choice as it is for them to refuse a vaccine, the circumstances magically change. And what makes this so diametric is that her choice physically affects no one but her. Certainly others may be emotionally impacted, but unlike the virus, she is the only one who will suffer any physical consequences.

Many years ago, someone came up with the expression “Pot calls the kettle black.” Nowhere does it seem more potently demonstrated than in the current battle between vaccines and abortions.

73 thoughts on “The Virus and Abortion

  1. Indeed, there is a double standard when it comes to women’s rights in ANY area, but especially our right to control our own body, our own destiny. It is hypocrisy at its finest and shows that this nation is still male-dominated in far too many areas. We cannot have an abortion, and in many cases Republicans have even fought to make birth control harder and costlier to obtain, and yet … men can easily walk into a doctor’s office or clinic and 10 minutes later walk out with a prescription for Viagra. The fight for our rights has not yet ended, and I doubt whether it ever will. Good post, Nan!

    Liked by 6 people

    • Of course you’re correct!

      I wondered as I was writing the post how many others had already noticed this discrepancy, but decided to go ahead and post it anyway. IMO, it needs to be “in your face” of any who believe this way!

      Liked by 3 people

    • Jill Dennison, unless and until the pro-abortion or pro-choice crowd shuts up about the matter, I don’t want to be told that “my body, my choice” is acceptable regarding the killing of the unborn but not regarding vaccine refusal. These idiots who want it both ways are full of it.


      • There is a big difference, but I certainly don’t expect you to understand that. Let me try to explain: a woman’s choice to have a child is one that has serious ramifications … for her. Not for anyone else, really, for it is the woman who will struggle to find ways to provide the essentials for her child. But the decision to have the vaccine is one that protects every human on the planet! A woman who has an abortion doesn’t endanger the lives of others, however a person who doesn’t receive the vaccine may very well be responsible for killing others he/she comes into contact with. We have reached almost 1 million deaths from Covid in the U.S. … it’s time for this selfish madness to STOP!

        Liked by 2 people

        • Jill Dennison, yes and no. On the issue of bodily autonomy, there is no difference really. If someone told me that I had to get a vaccine that I did not want, either because it was completely new and untested, that would violate my bodily autonomy if I was forced to get it under duress. You have been getting inaccurate information regarding this matter.


        • And you, rag, are thinking solely of yourself … along with every other individual who refuses the vaccine. If YOU should contract COVID, anyone that has been around you is immediately susceptible. They may or may not get sick, depending on their health and/or their vaccine status. But the point is, your lack of regard and concern for others has put them in jeopardy. Of course, you may never know who you infected or how serious that infection will be … but it’s apparent that you (and others like you) simply DON’T CARE. Quite frankly, it boggles my mind that people are so blind to this.

          When a pregnant woman chooses abortion, her action does not “infect” anyone.

          Liked by 2 people

    • Jill Dennison and Nan, both sides want the “my body, my choice” argument both ways. I find both sides to by hypocritical in this sense. What is even more pathetic is how a lot of people say shit like we do not have a Constitutional right to refuse vaccines and yet omit the fact that there is nothing in the Constitution that gives a woman a right to a taxpayer-funded abortion.

      Liked by 1 person

      • While government funds may be part of the “argument” against abortion, it is not even worthy of discussion because we are talking about the physical body of a female human being. Case in point … women who have DIED because MALE politicians made the completely arbitrary decision of disallowing abortion in ALL cases.

        The vaccine for COVID-19 was mandated because it had been proven to save human lives. Yet some individuals cared more about their “personal choice” and/or “personal freedoms” than they did about their fellow citizens/neighbors/relatives/friends.

        Comparing abortions with the virus immunizations is one of the poorest arguments ever advanced.

        Liked by 1 person

      • First, there is nothing in the Constitution that denies a woman the right to make her own medical decisions. But even if there were, the Constitution is a living, breathing document that was fully intended to grow as times changed, which is why there is a process for amending it. But second, most abortions are NOT paid for by the taxpayer, but rather by the woman and/or her health insurance.

        Liked by 2 people

  2. Reblogged this on Filosofa's Word and commented:
    Our friend Nan’s post today is spot on. One cannot simply cherry-pick one’s freedoms … if you believe in the freedom to control your own body, then you must also believe in MY freedom to control my own body. Good post, Nan … Thanks!

    Liked by 6 people

  3. Hello Nan, I’m sorry to come up with this doubt:
    Individuals that attempt to take away a woman’s right to decide matters of her own body, DO NOT SUPPORT abortion.

    What did I read or understand incorrectly?


    • I saw the same thing. I think Nan just worded it wrong. I know when I am passionate about a topic, my mind works much faster than my finger can type. And because I know what I am saying, when I reread what I have typed, I do not see the errors until after I have published a post. Then I have to scramble to correct my errors before any readers get to it.. Luckily on WP I can edit my own posts after publication.

      Liked by 1 person

    • I’m not sure how you could misunderstand what I wrote … ?? But in simplest terms:

      Certain people claim it is their right not to be vaccinated or wear masks — even though their actions can affect many others. But they have no problem taking away a woman’s right to have an abortion — which affects only her.

      It’s called hypocrisy.


  4. Generally speaking, if someone has a medical procedure, I am unaffected. Abortion is that. While I support woman’s rights, I also support free and open access to sex ed, and birth control. I wonder why we don’t call it pregnancy control?

    If some has a communicable disease of any kind and is near me, I can be seriously affected. Public health is being so ignored. What a shame.

    While I see the relationship, may I add supporting people’s right to vote, sex and racial equality, truth and science in education?

    Liked by 4 people

  5. “The same religion that burns books is also capable of burning people.”

    I doubt that I have quoted that exactly, and I don’t know who to credit with it. I read it just today, but I can’t find it now.
    I think it is the essence of the MAGA Christian nationalist hypocrisy.

    There is nothing moral, spiritual. or scriptural about their stance on abortion. It is simply a mechanism to keep women under the control of the church, even if they do not believe in the sky daddy. The same preachers who demand an end to abortion call for the killing of Democrats. (Rick Wiles. ttps://

    It is not life they value, but the ability to manipulate legislation to support their agenda.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. They are right (in every sense of the word), don’t you know, Nan? They KNOW how how every person in this world should live! And thanks to a certain Trump’skin, they are no longer silent about it! It is their “right”!
    We all see the hypocrisy, but they have no idea. The Truckers’ Convoy and the NEW BORDER GUARDS know this.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Great post Nan, these anti-everything suckers are so emotionally indoctrinated they cannot see the stupidity in their reasoning….or they can but choose to ignore it in the name of their most bigoted lord?

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Jill, presidents get too much credit and blame for the economy, providing only headwinds and tailwinds. But, if we are on give credit or blame, we should note Biden inherited an economy reeling from the pandemic, while Trump inherited an economy in its 91st consecutive month of economic growth, the third longest in history. Yet, the former president said to his followers he did all of that as the pretty good economy continued, but the pandemic sank it. The inflation is upon us as demand is higher than supply, due in part to the slow recovery in certain industries and insufficient workers to move things along. Are people taking advantage with higher prices than needed – yes, some worse than others. Hopefully, we can return to more normalcy as the pandemic subsides some. Keith


  9. I think people in general pick and choose what suits them. Free speech comes to mind. Everyone is for it until the opposition uses it. Picking abortion or vaccination seems to me just part of the buffet of American morality. There are even atheists that comment in these parts that are anti vax and pro choice. Many Americans that are pro life have been vaccinated willingly in the first round. There is a squeaky wheel getting all the grease.


  10. Nan, even simpler than this is people who have children going into public schools or into university have to document vaccinations and remedy any gaps. Why is that not an infringement on their freedoms? It is the same story – public health and community mindedness is essential. With freedom comes responsibility. Keith


  11. Just the other day I collected a number of anti-vaxx, pro-convoy signs that had popped up in our town on public property. Someone knew it was me, and I got a series of texts telling me they had the right to free speech. I responded that I too had that same right, and picking up the signs was me telling them I had heard enough. I suggested he put up his signs on private property, because leaving them on public property gave me the right to clear them out. In the end we agreed to disagree about our rights, but next day all the signs were gone from public property. I am not going looking to see where they went to.

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  12. One thing I’ve noticed is the high-jacking the pro-choice language, using slogans like “my body, my choice”.

    As far as removing a woman’s right to choose an abortion, they will say it’s not about women’s rights. They will say it’s about the baby’s rights, it’s a child abuse thing. To them, the child is always more important than the mother. She’s just a vessel, after all.

    Like so many problems today, it’s my rights against your rights against the rights of some other group. Nobody has any sense of community … there’s more to life than protecting & defending your rights. There’s responsibility to your neighbor, for one.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Just a sidenote on this post … I submitted it to the local newspaper readers’ opinion page. Of course it didn’t go unanswered by the anti-abortionists. I was pretty certain they wouldn’t stay silent. I was also pretty certain that they would miss the point entirely. And they did.

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  14. Nan, Rawgod, Jill Dennison, Keith, Silverapplequeen, Inspiredbythedivine1, David Prosser and John Zande, “my body, my choice” being used to justify abortion and yet not having any validity regarding refusal of vaccines or any other form of medical test is profoundly hypocritical. The people who are non-vaccinated are not flooding the hospitals in entirety. Some people who end up there are there despite being fully vaccinated, a fact cited by nurses. Stop reading and watching Left-leaning drivel.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Nan, Jill Dennison, Rawgod, OIKOS™- Art, Books & more, Silverapplequeen, Keith, Sklyjd and David Prosser, if “my body, my choice” is an acceptable argument for the legality of abortion, that argument should apply to other forms of bodily autonomy. If I want the vaccines or not, I should be able to make that choice. Unless and until most of the bugs are worked out, I don’t want to hear the phrase safe and effective.


  16. Jill Dennison, Neil Rickert, Nan, Rawgod, OIKOS™- Art, Books & more, Silverapplequeen, Keith, Sklyjd and David Prosser, I am not really anti-vaccine. I just believe in the idea of fully-informed consent. While it is an inflammatory subject, even though I personally oppose abortion, I believe that government should stay out of the matter. What irks me is when we have hypocrites who preach “my body, my choice” regarding bodily autonomy on matters such as abortion and yet not giving that argument any validity regarding any other medical issues. Either drop the “my body, my choice” argument entirely or apply it across-the-board.


    • Rag, it has been explained to you on my blog as well as several others that your reasoning has flaws. I’m not going to go into it again here. PLEASE drop it! Otherwise, I’ll have to moderate your comments.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Nan, in case you did not notice, I had not strawmanned anything that you said, nor have I issued any ad hominems against you. My reasoning has flaws? At least I am not talking out of both sides of my mouth on the issue of bodily autonomy.


        • My bodily autonomy should mean that you don’t get to cough covid virus all over me.

          Anyone who is truly a follower of Jesus would understand this, and would voluntarily wear a mask. I started masking up before there was any government mandate. It is the anti-Christians who object to masking. Yes, they say that they are Christian. They apparently don’t even know what that means.

          Government mask mandates and vaccine mandates did not have anything to do with your bodily autonomy. You could just stay away from the places where they were mandated. This is quite different from the case with abortion.

          By the way, I am not pro-abortion. I am pro-choice, because I don’t see that the government should be making these medical decisions. Allow the woman and her doctor to decide. I hope she decides against abortion, but it is not up to me to impose my views on her.

          Liked by 2 people

  17. Neil Rickert, my bodily autonomy should also mean that law enforcement should not be able to take me away in handcuffs and inject me with a so-called vaccine against my will with who knows what. My body, my choice.

    Nan, I would rather get my information from people who actually know what they are talking about. Changing the narrative and shifting the goalposts won’t convince anybody of the safety and effectiveness of the vaccines. For the record, I don’t get my medical information from Alex Jones.


      • Nan, people who want to enact Medicare For All, something that is taxpayer-funded, should have every right to decide what medical procedures are paid for. Regarding abortion vs. vaccine issues, if you want the “my body, my choice” argument to apply to bodily autonomy regarding abortion, it should apply to all other medical matters. The very people who want to enact vaccine mandates are the very people who wanted to exempt themselves from Obamacare.


  18. Fundamentally different. Not taking a vaccine, not wearing a mask is truly a personal choice. And, if those measures were so effective, if you do those things you should be protected from those who choose not to. Contrast that with abortion which takes the life of another human being. That is not a personal choice. That is murder.


    • You have totally missed the point of the post. But that’s not surprising. Mention “abortion” and some people can’t wait to share their bigoted opinion. Especially MALES.

      Not that you’re interested, but I’ve written many posts defending abortion (the first one in 2016) and will continue to do so — especially now that certain members of the Supreme Court seem to think THEY know what’s best for ALL the women in the United States.

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      • I did read your post. It’s an ignorant position. You are a sexist. That is obvious. Because I’m a man I should say a baby has the right to live? Give me a break. Killing a human, that is what a baby is, A HUMAN, is murder. It is wrong. You don’t have that right.


        • When it comes to this issue, you bet your life I’m a sexist!! Males DO NOT have the right or authority to tell women what to do with their bodies.

          How would you feel if you were LEGALLY required to have your testicles removed because they carry the sperm that binds with the egg — and the woman you have sex with has chosen not to have children. Problem solved. No human killed.

          And BTW, the entity that exists in the beginning stages of a woman’s pregnancy is not a “human” in the accepted sense of the word. It is a “blastocyst.”

          Liked by 1 person

          • That is just your way of justifying murder in your mind. What about 12 week abortion? What about 24 week abortion? What about late stage abortion? Do you support that too?


          • What I believe or think about late-term abortions is not the issue. The issue is that it is the woman’s decision and choice regarding what she wants to do about her pregnancy. At any stage.

            Moreover, late-term abortions are very often related to problems with either the fetus or the woman’s health. In any case, the decision still rests with the woman.


          • You ignored the point. You said early stages not a baby. So when does it become a baby in your opinion? This is not the woman’s body, this is a separate being that you murder. You are a monster when you hold that as a “right”.


          • Calling me a “monster” is hardly a way to have an adult conversation, so as of now, you are no longer welcome to comment on this topic.


  19. In contrast to the author who say men do not have a right to tell women what to do with their bodies, fine, I’m not telling you what to do with your body. A baby is not part of your body.


  20. Nan, nobody likes being told what they can have being done to their bodies. Having said that, anybody who says, “My body, my choice” on abortion but on no other medical matters is a colossal hypocrite.


    • As stated to you on NUMEROUS occasions (both here and on other blogs where you continue to belabor the point) you are entirely off-base in your “reasoning.” Further, if you persist in this line of reasoning on THIS blog, you can be assured your words will not see the light of day.

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  21. Nan, I know that unless and until it is overturned that Roe v. Wade is still in effect. Having said that, even though an unborn baby may not have any Constitutional rights until born, there is nothing in the Constitution on the issue of abortion, so any ruling either way about the legality of state interference is moot.

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  22. Nan, it takes a man and a woman to be able to procreate. Unless a pregnancy is achieved through other means, that is basically the way it works. While you are technically correct that it is nobody’s business if a woman has an abortion, as long as Planned Parenthood is able to oversee them and they get taxpayer money, that makes it the business of the taxpayers by default. If the abortion was paid for out of the pocket of the person having it, that would give legitimacy to your point.


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