In The Beginning … God?

Christians claim absolute certainty that this world and the universe of which it is a part was brought into existence by an unseen supernatural entity.

Why do they believe this?

Because a several thousand year old book they refer to as “The Holy Bible” says so in its opening dialogue, i.e,  In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

The questions that are never answered, however, are (1) who is God, and (2) who was there to witness this event?

Neither of these questions is answerable because the statement itself is called a “creation myth” —  a cultural, traditional or religious story describing the earliest beginnings of the present world. It is said creation myths are the most common form of myth, are found throughout human culture, and usually develop first in oral traditions.*

What is most fascinating about creation myths is they are frequently accepted as history, which is generally defined as “All that is remembered of the past.” Of course the question then becomes … if there were no human beings yet in existence, who was there to remember this event?

It has been commonly accepted throughout several centuries that the book in which this origination statement is made is “holy;” that is, belonging to, derived from or associated with a divine power, and as such, no matter its age or its contents, everything is factual or, at the very least, based on highly possible/probable happenings.

But this is fallacy.

To place credibility in such a story does not speak well of human reasoning powers. In fact, it demonstrates a complete lack of rational thinking. It is equivalent to a belief in fairies, unicorns, dragons, goblins, cyclops, gremlins, etc. — whose existence all came about through folklore. Such creatures were fabricated to thrill, terrify, entertain and, yes, even to inspire, much like the many and magical gods of the ancient past.

Yet rational, sane, and describably intelligent individuals will look you in the eye and without even the hint of a blink tell you this story is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

Some will undoubtedly ask, if not a god, then how did this world/universe get its start? The most direct answer is “I don’t know. I wasn’t there.” But God-Believers will not accept that answer. To them, it’s all or nothing. Even though their “proof” is contained entirely in a book that wasn’t even in existence “in the beginning.”

The indisputable facts are this. We — NONE of us — know how this world began. Scientists/Cosmologists have their theories, but that’s all they are. They weren’t there at its origination any more than those who wrote the creation stories.

P.S. For anyone who’s interested, here is a link to the MANY ways people have traditionally explained the origin of earth and its life.

*A form of human communication wherein cultural material and tradition is transmitted orally from one generation to another.

68 thoughts on “In The Beginning … God?

  1. Well the earth in the biblical sense is created before the universe. The earliest detection of that is Hubble deep space photos, where that light hitting the telescope was emitted 75 million years ago. That’s just barely more that 6000 years ago right? So I can’t answer your question, since things are out of order and the math doesn’t align with the Bible. You must be wrong.

    Liked by 5 people

  2. I’ll just quote Steve Ruis here, for he said it oh-so-very well a few days ago:

    Steve Ruis:

    Uh, “we exist, the cosmos exists, which requires an ontological explanation.” WTF? We exist, which requires our acceptance because if we don’t accept that fact, we are heavily deluded. It does not require an ontological explanation and … even if it did, this does not mean we are in a position to develop one. There are a great many questions we are not ready to answer. Every age is confronted with them. Imagine asking someone from the 1840’s whether colour or black and white television was superior? Forcing answers is stupid. Claiming answers when we clearly are not ready to answer such questions (e.g. Are there aliens in other galaxies?) is the hallmark of a charlatan.

    Liked by 9 people

  3. From that link’s Summation page (emphasis mine):

    The tremendous diversity of these [ancient] stories in their materials, characters, and themes suggests they developed independently, rather than being derived from one primeval story [Monism] told by the first human storytellers. The stories’ promotion of their tellers’ cultures and races, at the expense of others, likewise suggests independent development rather than common origin. By including what we would consider racism, sexism, violence, and exploitation of nature in their accounts of the origin of the world, storytellers may have inadvertently said much about human nature too.

    Despite their diversity, the great commonality of all these stories is a desire to explain the world and its history. Humans today have the same desire, and [today] they satisfy it with microscopes and telescopes, with satellites and seismographs, and with analysis of DNA [to name only very few]. Explanations developed millennia ago could not draw on such sophisticated technologies and so seem quaint today, and they were overprinted by the social and political agendas of their tellers, but they reflect the same human desire to understand the world around us.

    I am going to borrow some from Stephen Hawking’s Genius tv-series, episodes 4 and 5, if that’s okay Nan. 😉

    The Cosmos is an infinitely vast machine of chain-reactions. This includes your/our human bodies. [Hawking’s chain-reaction]-machine is actually a very simple version of what is going on inside your body. This is what you look like on a microscopic scale, and it really is quite incredible. Where my machine features dominoes and pool balls, your body has molecules, chains of atoms of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and other elements. You are made of billions of tiny machines, all triggering each other. You are a giant chain reaction machine. Discovering this has taken [many] centuries of work by scientists. It all began by looking at a drop of water [in the middle of the 17th century by Antonie van Leeuwenhoek].

    If there is enough energy impulses for these machines to loop and loop and loop, they will continue indefinitely if their are no disasters. However, and unfortunately, the minute something is wrong, even by, say, 1/16 of an inch, it’s not happening. In the real world and Universe, mistakes [by God?] are eventually made. “And if there are enough of them, the machine stops.” Nan, Hawking next goes into how thousands or millions of various molecular combinations, positive-negative polarities, and substances of almost infinite compositions, including amino-acids, the building blocks of life — This is only about 5-10 mins of a 1-hr episode 5. 😮

    Episode 4, Where Did the Universe Come From?, is even more fascinating and mind-blowing. By understanding Hubble and his telescope, the Doppler-effect, and the newest Big Bang Theory, it concludes like this:

    Genius volunteer:
    So seemingly being able to make any point at the center of the universe, we start to slowly reject the idea that we’re gonna find a point in space that is the center of the universe. And that’s when I start thinking any single point could be the center. I believe that this machine is telling us that the middle of the universe is a matter of our perspective.

    Everywhere is the center of the universe because it all came into existence at the same time, and it’s all moving away from everywhere at the same time [energy impulses/explosions everywhere]. Space didn’t exist before the Big Bang. Now space is expanding in all directions, and these simple facts mean wherever you are in the universe, it’s the center, where it all began.

    I am very comfortable with these theories and what they reveal about life, us humans, and where and how it all began! 🤩

    Liked by 4 people

    • Yep. And if one is OPEN-MINDED and not totally corrupted in their thinking by “ontological” and religious theories, they can readily see there is more — much more — to the origination story than what is presented in their “Holy Book.”

      Liked by 5 people

      • Totally agree Nan! I also am a little fond of how Hawking’s last sentence up there “Now space is expanding in all directions…” goes against one single point (Monism) and leans toward Pluralism, Perspective, and forms of Subjective Observation-Measurements… at least at this point in time in human evolution. 😀👏

        Liked by 2 people

      • Absolutely. The real story is so much more than these silly ancient mythological beliefs. It’s like a little gully in your backyard compared to the Grand Canyon.

        Liked by 1 person

    • @ Professor, you are far too smart for me, I will just be over here in the corner of the room with the pointed hat on. 😃😄😉😍 Hugs

      Liked by 3 people

      • Oh STOP IT Scottie. 🙄😏 We each have our superpowers to share, give, and refine for this life and others! I’ve already noticed how far YOU’VE come along in all these blog-discussions — you are asking great questions and offering great exchanges! Besides, you already had your huge wonderful warm heart for life and others! That’s a LOT MORE than many have or are losing. :/

        And btw, I’m only learning from many, many other great minds… past and present, so I cannot take much credit. But thank you for your kind words. Hugs for you too. ❤

        Liked by 5 people

    • I felt this quote from another post was right with you sir “I live on Earth at present, and I don’t know what I am. I know that I am not a category. I am not a thing—a noun. I seem to be a verb, an evolutionary process—an integral function of the universe.” Buckminster Fuller

      Liked by 5 people

      • Me too John! It seems that the more and more I learn the blueprints of all living organisms — subatomic up to micro-cosmic — and the energy/motion of non-living objects too and their interactions and effects on each other… I just recognize how utterly ludicrous any human concept or paradigm that is Monistic in nature or implicitly Monistic… simply is NOT or no longer observable or measurable anywhere that humanity has sufficiently studied. It seems the same is true BEYOND Earth as well! How freaking exciting is that!? 😲 Something new to discover and learn every day, week, month, year, century, ad infinitum!!! ❤

        Liked by 2 people

  4. I wonder sometimes, Nan, if many people just want a simple explanation. One which requires no deep thought, no having to probe scientific explanations, no wrapping one’s mind around complex subjects or having to challenge anything one has previously assumed. In that respect, ‘Goddidit’ satisfies the requirement. It’s a pat answer which is so acceptable to the masses that most people cannot even contemplate any other line of thought. It’s odd, though, that so few people are willing to admit that belief in a god is akin – as you say – to belief in every other imaginary ‘being’. 😦

    Liked by 8 people

    • You make a good point, Carmen. I sometimes think many humans (Christians in particular) never leave their “childhood thinking.” You know … fairies and goblins and elves are “real” when you’re young, so who’s to say they aren’t just as real today? Just because you can’t see them (or “God”), doesn’t mean they’re not there. Right?

      Liked by 2 people

      • I think it is tied the psychological need for a father figure. .. it’s a comforting thought and yes – like so many other aspects of our psyche – stems from our childhood. (I’m digging deep here; psychology classes were awhile ago) 🙂

        Liked by 6 people

          • I had a shitty father, Prof. Is it any wonder that I gravitated to a charismatic minister in the early 80’s? It’s no coincidence that so many women are attracted to men they perceive as good, kind, and patriarchal. Those of us who had effed up childhoods are putty in their hands. :(. Of course, I see that all now – at the age of 60.

            Liked by 5 people

          • Ugh, Carmen, I can’t tell you how many women throughout my life I’ve dated, two that I married then divorced me, that had “shitty fathers,” bad or abusive boyfriends or husbands. Too many to count. 😦 I read an article the other day about how badly sexual assault and rape cases (on women) and their test kits from victims from ALL MAJOR CITIES in the U.S. go untouched and untested!!! 😨😡 And do I need to mention how many women have been too afraid to report assault/rape over the decades and centuries!?

            I’m pretty convinced that if civilizations had been equally ruled or mostly ruled by women instead of the often inferior gender, the Neanderthals… this planet would be a TOTALLY different, better place right now! Happy you are empowered now Carmen. 🙂 ❤

            Liked by 2 people

    • Very well said, Carmen! I belonged to the — many people that just want a simple explanation —. But why, why did I not accept that explanation from the outset? When did that take place, probably at the age of 6,7 in Sunday School. Why did the simple tale of Adam and Eve seem strange to me at once? Was that how life started? In paradise and then, a thunderbolt out of the blue:and a wrathful voice, “Out! You sinners, get lost. You will bear your children with pain, and they and all their descendants will be damned forever”. From one moment to the next, unforgiven sinners. – I beg your pardon?

      So it will be easy to imagine my thoughts on the following histories, the Flood, the Red Sea, the Resurrection and other miracles of Jesus Christ, presented to me in “Biblical Tales for Children”, Now, eighty years later,.that nicely narrated and illustrated book is still in my possession, For memory’s sake, I guess. The only gift from my parents that I have preserved?

      But let me not digress, I lwould so much hear an explication of why did I not, for one moment, swallow those simple descriptions, and why do I feel allright being unable to give an answer?

      Liked by 2 people

    • I think deep thinking overtaxes a lot of people’s brains and you can see their eyes just glaze over. I’ve always loved cosmology and some of the metaphysical musings and time and space and for some reason, the ancestor simulation theories (Nick Bostrom), but I know no one I can discuss these ideas with. Most people have little interest. So glad I found you guys!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I remember at around age of 11 or 12, my pastor encouraged me to read the bible. And I was supposed to take it as true.

    I got about as far as Genesis 1:4, where it indicated that night and day are independent of the sun. So much for it being true.

    However, I did see the text as having literary value. So I took it to be a true rendition of an ancient pre-scientific attempt to describe the world.

    Somehow many Christians seem unable to come to that kind of understanding.

    Liked by 6 people

  6. To whom was God speaking when She said “Let there be light”?

    Again the argument goes—

    “But Argus … everything has to have been created, to have had a beginning somewhere! Sheesh~!”


    “Everything! End of story, no exceptions!”

    “God too?”

    Oink … glop … “Oh! You’re just being picky! Semantics!”

    Liked by 1 person

  7. For anyone actually considering that point, let me answer—

    God created everything qua Everything. But who created God?

    Answer: a Godier God created the Creator God. So there!

    Okaaaaaayyyyy — who created that Godier God?

    Answer: A Godier God than that Godier God (who created the Prime-mover First Cause God). So there!

    Okaaaaaayyyyy — who created that more Godier God? Was it a more Godier God yet?

    Answer: of course! Took you long enough you dum dog … sheesh … and before you ask agian, it’s an infinite progression, backwards! (So there.)


  8. Why would you care what a cult is saying about the creation of the universe? Why not also attack Islam and Judaism too while you’re at it since their beliefs are somewhat similar? Or perhaps, you just want to disprove one argument on creation so that you can say that your theory must be correct.


    • This topic has been discussed ad nauseous among this group. Nobody added anything that hasn’t been said over and over on past posts. Again, why not question islam on their beliefs? Anyone?


      • That question – “Why not question Islam?” has been asked many times as well. I’ll explain it to you for another time. Most people in North America are more familiar with Christianity. Many of us have grown up attending Sunday School, experiencing the social impact of Christianity and have read the Bible extensively (as opposed to the Koran).
        Believe me, I have many reservations about Islam and they paralllel those of Christianity.

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      • The tenets of Islam have little to no effect in this country. On the other hand, Christianity sticks its nose into every nook and cranny it can find and in one way or another affects the lives of every person who lives here. To many, it is a blight on the land and they are doing all they can to disinfect those afflicted by it. My blog posts give these people an opportunity to air their gripes and/or discuss the fallacies and misconceptions of Christian teachings.

        Furthermore, just like every person that has a blog, I write on topics that interest, disturb, fascinate, even anger me. After all, it is my blog. 😎

        Liked by 1 person

        • Like you, I was raised in a Christian family. Like you, I left the church. Like you, I have posted about the fallacies of Christian teachings. However, I don’t discuss the same tired topic of why Christianity is wrong and why I’m right (even if I believe I am). While you might not think that Islam affects you, you probably don’t live in a school district where the girls have had to wear the Islamic headdress and the class goes on field trips to mosques or in a state which has even allowed Sharia Law in their courts. Are you okay with Sharia Law? I think those in Europe who were like you and said that Islam didn’t affect them, know that that they made a huge mistake. Quite frankly, the problems with Christian teachings will soon pale in comparison to other social issues.


          • Just an FYI — I wasn’t raised in a Christian family. I “joined the ranks” when I was in my 20’s.

            Actually, I’ve written about several other topics — politics, ice cream, gun control, mass shootings, abortion, personal grievances, the death penalty, creative writing/poetry, racism, death and dying …

            I will admit my primary focus has been on Christianity, primarily because it invokes the most feedback. It’s a bit disheartening to write about something and only 2 or 3 people comment.

            As far as Islam and Sharia Law, I agree it could very well invade our country at some future date. However, until it becomes more of an acute problem, I doubt it will generate much discussion.

            Anyway, thanks for your feedback. I’ll keep it in mind.

            Liked by 1 person

          • @ chicagoja. No state in the US allows Sharia law. It is illegal in our legal code. The idea that any court would have to give way from the legal statues to instead enforce a religious law is a myth not worth addressing. It has not happened and can not happen. Well not until tRump and his christian religious supporters try to over turn the constitutional separation of church and state. Hugs

            Liked by 1 person

          • Unfortunately, that’s not true. A recent publication entitled,”Shariah in American Courts: The Expanding Incursion of Islamic Law in the U.S. Legal System” documents 146 cases in 32 states in which a party to litigation attempted to have the matter resolved by applying shariah, rather than the statutes of the state in question. The Governor in the state of Montana vetoed a bill that would have banned Shariah Law from being used in Montana courts, and so on.


          • Give me the something more than fear papers written by ideologues.

            This monograph is one of a series of Civilization Jihad Readers being published by the Center for Security Policy Press. Each monograph in this series assesses its own aspect of the various methods by which the Muslim Brotherhood conducts civilization Jihad in America.

            Get real. The court system in the USA is based on old English law, and no our own legal statues. No court can substitute statue law for a religious law. It can not happen. So either you are misinformed, or you choice to be an alarmist spreading false information. Either way your wrong.
            IN fact the courts in the Midwest are more in treat from the “sovereign” groups that think they are Christians that don’t have to follow the laws of the land and have actually threatened judges. You might want to look up real history. Hugs

            Liked by 1 person

          • You bet. While tRump and crew may play fast and lose with the laws, ( which is why they are under investigation. ) the fact is we are a country based on the legal system of laws and justice. It is the only thing that really makes our country what it is. It keeps us from being a third world banana republic. Hugs


      • @ chicagoja . As has been said, in this country Islam is not much a threat. They do not have the history of privilege that Christianity has. They do not expect the liberties to violate others rights that Christianity does. I keep having to explain that in the USA as a gay man Christianity and its followers are a much greater threat to my health and well being than Islam has ever been. So I deal mostly with the treat posed by what threatens me most and daily, that is Christianity. Hugs


          • I have actually. I lived in West Palm Beach in a really nice neighborhood a block from the inter coastal waterway. I got put in a wheel chair for 2 1/2 years. Around me were christian neighbors. Next door was a Muslim man and his family. Now when I got put int hat wheel chair I lost the ability to use my back yard because there was a drop off of several feet to get to it. After a few months I one day noticed the man next door at my back yard with a wheel barrel of concrete. Unasked he built a small ramp for me to get down into my back yard. The Christian neighbor’s did not do so. But a Muslim Man named Roosevelt Jones did. He took no money, and never mentioned the great gift he gave me. So please don’t tell me how bad Muslims hate us gays. Oh and yes he knew I was gay. Almost every day after I would go out in the back yard, his dog, a big Rottweiler, would jump over the wall, come have a nice chat with me, even get in my lap ( boy you know you have a lot of lapdog when it is a rottweiler ) and then jump back over the wall. So please spare me the scare tactics. Hugs

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          • I know a lot of wonderful Muslims. Like you said, at least in this one instance, better than a Christian, certainly. But does that mean that I want to adopt their cultural values. Not a chance.

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          • No, and nor do I want to adopt the cultural values of Christians. Especially not the fundamentalist ones giving everything tRump does a pass while continuing to preach loudly that the rest of us must abstain from sex no matter what, and females must bear the responsibility for sex that the male gets to enjoy and walk away from. That tRump and crew are exempt from all the gospel teaching of feed those who are hungry, clothes those naked, take in those homeless… you get the idea. Our christian religious leaders such as Tony Perkins, Ralph Reed, Bryan Fischer, and a few others I left out have long claimed our immoral actions would cause god to destroy the country, heck god even flooded Tony Perkins home out because of the bad gays, but then came tRump. Opps. He gets a pass. Why did morals change? No he was willing to give the christian leaders what they wanted, the right to discriminate against those icky gays, and the right to have ideologues on the courts to rule for religion!!!
            I get real sick of the hypocrisy at my age and even more sick at those who refuse to see it. Hugs

            Liked by 1 person

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