In The Blogging World

Ever since I first began blogging (2008), I’ve found inspiration from newspaper and magazine articles, books of many stripes, and even from things I’ve read in the “Letters to the Editor.” I’ve been prompted at times to agree or disagree with TV commentators, offer my opinion on a Facebook post, share my thoughts regarding my family’s religious beliefs (different from mine), and more than once I’ve been motivated by something someone has written in a blog.

Probably the one area I’m most reluctant to write about is my personal life. While many bloggers enjoy sharing their personal life stories and experiences (sometimes in depth!), I tend to shy away from this topic.

I’ve said all this because I’ve been accused (as have some others) of merely writing on topics and/or comments that I’ve seen on other blogs. While other blog posts can and do offer food for thought, they are NOT my sole source of inspiration. (Although I must frankly admit there are some topics that simply beg for a response. 😛)

The point I want to make is this:  the primary reason I have this blog is because I love to write. Some people like to garden. Others find pleasure in baking cookies. Many like to hike. And some enjoy taking pictures of “critters” (not mentioning any names).

And within each of our special pursuits, we have variation. Not every gardener grows strawberries. Not every baker bakes chocolate-chip. Not every hiker takes the same path everyday. And not every writer limits themselves to one topic.

So to those who seem to think their blogs posts are my primary source of inspiration, stop flattering yourselves.

I’d like to add that the friends I’ve gained through blogging are irreplaceable. I’m so glad to have “met” each of you (well, maybe some more than others 😉) — and to have learned who you are as a person through your words (and pictures).

I think the one big “take-away” from all this is we are all unique individuals  … whether in the “real world” or the blogging world.

26 thoughts on “In The Blogging World

  1. Nan,

    I love WHAT you write! 🙂

    I agree that it’s wonderful to ‘meet’ individuals and to get to know them through their comments on various blogs. I get the impression that there are many ‘people’ persons who write — one of the reasons for interacting with others. I think you are wise not to reveal too much about your personal life; it’s one of the things I struggle with, and makes me wish I had been more anonymous from the beginning.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thank you, Carmen! I write as much for my readers as I do for myself. 🙂

      What I’ve found in my blogging experiences is you can learn a lot about someone just from the things they write about … and the way they write. You don’t always have to share all the “nitty-gritty” in order to learn about the person. Although sometimes all it takes is an off-the-cuff comment and you learn a whole lot about that person! 😎

      Liked by 2 people

  2. —I’m so glad to have “met” each of you (well, maybe some more than others—

    My intrigue is if this follower of yours belongs to the “more” class, or that he falls into the “other ” category.
    Of course, this question goes with a smile(y) because that is unimportant. What matters Nan, is that you have dedicated a decade to your urge for writing – and for reading your readers’ reactions!

    I wish you all the energy and interesting inspiration that you will want in this Blogging World to complete a second group of ten years. One by one.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Always love for you to visit Federico! You leave such very cool comments! ❤

      Thank you so much for your wishes! I do intend to continue … at least for a FEW more years.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Very pleased to read about “cool” comments when outside temperatures here are around 30° C. Above zero – just in case…

        A wise decision, Nan, to aim at a FEW more years instead of counting periods of ten years. Anyhow, one. by. one.


        Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you Noel, you cannot possibly measure my appreciation for your comment.
        Righto! I post reactions mainly when I think that emotions are concerned – either the blogger’s, the readers’, or mine own. So that fits in nicely with what you described as “full of life”.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I am gutted. My blog does not inspire you? Wait ’til I tell all my spider friends!

    Seriously, I echo Carmen’s words about your writing. As for this privacy myth …. well it’s pretty much a myth.
    Besides, I am not so interesting that I should worry too much about what people think.

    You keep writing, and I promise I’ll keep reading.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Hahaha! There were really individual bloggers out there that thought THEIR blogs were your “primary source of blogging inspiration“!!!??? That’s funny, but kind of not funny. In the clinical psychology field that is egocentricity at minimum, and a Narcissist complex at worst. In sports that is called a Primadonna, or a person incapable of being a team-player; a limelight lover.

    I’d like to add that the friends I’ve gained through blogging are irreplaceable. I’m so glad to have “met” each of you…

    Awww, thank you Nan! I think you are irreplaceable too! What you bring to and offer the blogosphere is invaluable topics of discussion in a CIVIL manner! What’s even better is that you keep your blog’s integrity and value to a good standard and ban those who bring nothing but fluff, propaganda, or hate to the discussions. Bravo Ma’am! You write any way you want about anything you want!!! You ROCK!!! ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I have always felt that inspiration is something you do shortly after expiration. I blog because I cannot not blog. At first I thought it would help me be less full of shit, but my shit seems to be inexhaustible. I love the fact that many of you comment on things I write because it is hard to get any kind of feedback ordinarily, let alone good feedback. I love being corrected as I hate being wrong. This is how we learn.

    Also, if I am not changing my mind on things, then I am not learning. Most people think contradicting oneself is a character flaw, when it is the opposite. I have learned so much from many of you and for that I am grateful.

    So, Nan, I found your blog and never hesitate to read it as you are rarely boring and almost always interesting. What more can we ask for?

    Liked by 8 people

    • Steve’s line, “I’ve always thought inspiration is what you do shortly after expiration” prompted me to write another story. 🙂
      We attended a memorial service for a friend yesterday. It was an Anglican service, so there were lots of prayers, hymns, a lovely remembrance tribute from a family member and the minister’s message. She was 86, had lived a full life, and we all got to hear a beautiful recording of “The Old Rugged Cross” from a Chancel Choir, of which she was a member for years — it was a poignant, personal touch. She had been in failing health for awhile and was quite explicit about her wishes for the reception afterwards. She told her family, “I want people to celebrate my life by having a party. I don’t want sandwiches at the reception and I don’t want the ladies in the community to have to make a thing. Have it catered! And make sure there’s lots of booze!”
      So we gathered yesterday afternoon to celebrate our friend’s life, drank wine and had a great time. She was a collector, so everyone was instructed to take an egg cup home in her memory. One of her bridesmaids was there (another 86-yr-old) and she said to me, “Pick one out for me and when you come to visit, I’ll use that for a shot glass!”.
      I’m telling you, I’m surrounded by inspiring characters – in ‘real’ life and cyber life! 😉


      • GREAT story! Thank you for sharing.

        I too hope people will “celebrate” my life when I’m gone. Not sure if I can afford a catered event, but I’ll definitely leave instructions that there’s lots of wine and beer. 🍷🍺😁

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        • “When you were born, you were crying and everyone else was smiling. Live your life so at the end, you’re the one who is smiling and everyone else is crying.”

          To this – well-known I think – quote by Ralph Emerson,I would like to add my wish that “everyone else” stop crying soon, and instead remember the good things I must have done at some time in my youth, my adult life and on the home stretch.
          With or without catering.-

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  6. I see blogging as a conversation. Sometimes just with ourselves or a few others or maybe if we are open to search engines (I am not though I use to be for many years) than a lot of people.

    When I started I think my blogging was mostly a conversation with myself. How can a person who has experienced abuse and is a writer (perhaps I flatter myself) do anything else but write from a personal perspective? Blogging for me has been self-therapy. And a way for me to hopefully not only inspire myself to “keep going” but to connect with others who like me find the art of “living” problematic.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Each of us write for different reasons. I think many of the bloggers who share personal experiences are doing so for the same reasons as you … it’s therapy. And blogging anonymously allows people to share things they might not want to discuss with friends and/or family. On top of that, it’s a fairly well-known fact that psychologists often suggest writing as therapy.

      In any event, I’m very glad you’re part of the/my blogging crowd.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I don’t see a problem with getting ideas from other blogs. I think it’s great to take an idea, and then expand on the discussion here or anywhere else.

    What does it matter where the idea comes from? I admire people who keep blogs, and sometimes have thought of starting one myself. But, I don’t know that I would have the fortitude or creativity.

    It has to take a lot of time and effort.


    • Rebecca, I appreciate your remarks about blogging … and you are correct. It doesn’t really matter where the idea comes from. It’s all about selecting a topic that generates discussion.

      Since I follow several blogs, it’s not unusual for me to come across posts and/or comments that I feel deserve more attention. But as I pointed out (in red), contrary to what some may think, this is not my sole source of inspiration.

      Yes, blogging can be very time-consuming, but it’s an excellent way to expand your world. You never know who you might “meet.” 🙂


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