God and the Blogosphere

There are innumerable discussions across the blogosphere that cover the Christian god’s temperament, powers, ability to create, will, morality … and on and on.

But why?

I have yet to discover why people continue to discuss the attributes of an entity that has no body, no voice, apparently exists somewhere in nether-nether land and, most importantly, is only mentioned within the pages of a centuries old book.

Yet pages and pages and pages (ad nauseam) of blog posts are devoted to prayers, scripture, discussion, debate, personal testimonies … along with incessant prodding (and often threats) on why “everyone” should believe in this being (and more importantly, his created “son”).

It is puzzling indeed … especially when one considers the ONLY evidence that such an entity exists is in the minds of those who choose to believe it does.

But let us say for a moment this being truly exists … truly “created” this world and its inhabitants … truly loves its creations … truly has prepared a glorious afterlife for them.  The question then becomes why-oh-why does it remain hidden? Why does it allow so much dissension and disagreement about its existence to continue?

Does it enjoy the entertainment as it watches us quibble and fuss and argue from its ethereal “home”? Perhaps it considers our squabbling as fun and games … a way to pass the endlessness of eternity?

Or perhaps … just perhaps … there is no such entity at all.

106 thoughts on “God and the Blogosphere

  1. Nan, it’s called faith. And some of us (even though we may not be like the majority of Christians you see on news broadcasts) choose to put our faith in something we don’t see but feel deep in our hearts, rather than political figures we do see but cannot fill our hearts or souls.

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    • Susan, I understand it’s “faith” why you and others like you believe in this entity.

      But the question remains … why does it remain silent and invisible? What purpose does this serve? Why must “faith” be the component that propels its existence? Why must it only be a “feeling” deep in one’s heart to support its actuality?

      When one considers the dissension that exists about this entity and its motives, actions, laws, doesn’t it make you wonder why it remains shrouded in mystery?

      P.S. Re your reference to political figures — you do have a point. 🙂

      Liked by 4 people

  2. When I was young and being indoctrinated in the SDA church, I asked a question similar to the one you do. I was told that God had showed himself with all that was around us and all good that happened to us. When I still wanted more solid proof, I was told it was God’s plan to leave it vague so that people would be required to have faith to follow him. That is we had concrete proof we wouldn’t have faith because we would know. Did not sound quite right to me then, and now I don’t buy it at all. Then they give you the sermon about the plane ticket. The idea being the ticket has enough information to get you from place A to place B but doesn’t include information like the pilot’s name or the fuel in the aircraft because you did not need to know that information. The sermon was to convince you the bible gave us enough information to get us from earthly life into heaven and we shouldn’t worry about what we did not know. Love your posts. Hugs

    Liked by 4 people

    • Re your comment: I was told it was God’s plan to leave it vague so that people would be required to have faith to follow him. — see my response to Susan.

      … we shouldn’t worry about what we did not know.” Now that’s some really sound advice. NOT!!

      Thanks, as always, for the compliment.

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  3. I find it a bit sad that people need to convince themselves that there’s ‘something out there’ that fills their heart and mind. After all, it’s invisible, doesn’t communicate, and takes imagination to conjure up. I find many people in my life fill my heart and head – real people, who display courage, warmth, compassion, and affection. They’re even online! 🙂

    Liked by 6 people

    • Carmen, just want to tell you how pleased I am with your wording “…fills heart and mind”.
      It turns out to be similar to the arguments I made, just a few days ago, in a friendly e-mail “disussion” (not sure if I can call it a discussion) on this subject, at the special request of my very religious daughter-in-law with a relative of hers, a middle-aged Catholic priest). In his second – and last – reply, he insists that his reasoning, the proof of God’s inevitable existence, is far superior over mine, as I reject blind faith. I have let him know that my faulty deductions, however, do not prevent me from enjoying marvelous experiences of life and the universe. Nothing more to be said. Greetings.

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      • It was in response to Susan’s initial comment, koppieop. 🙂 The arrogance with which so many religious people disdainfully dismiss others’ enjoyment of life – those of us who don’t believe in the supernatural – is mystifying. I experience joy and satisfaction from so many things in life (have you got grandchildren? – they’re a source of endless pleasure and wonder) and don’t find it necessary to have to imagine any kind of spiritual overlord from whence it all comes.

        I cannot figure out why that’s so difficult to accept and understand.

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        • Carmen, in defense of Susan — from all indications, she is a fairly moderate Christian. As such, she never gets insulting or argumentative … and I appreciate her feedback. While (as is obvious by my post) I don’t agree with anyone who believes in the Christian god, I am open to intelligent and non-emotional (and non-preaching) discussion of same.

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          • I, too, believe Susan is one of the ‘Christian Left’ and I have no ill will toward any of them. (I have close friends and family in that camp!). My comment was directed to her specific mention of something she felt ‘deep in her heart’ about an invisible, unknowable entity. My point was to assert that I feel something deep in MY heart for living, breathing humans. I see some of my cyber-friends have commented — the very ones I meant to single out in my comment. 🙂

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        • I love your question about my family Carmen, and I’m amused to tell you that one son and two daughters have given us respectively nine, nine, and three grandchildren. Totalling 21, that’s right. Two of them are Catholic nuns, but eight others have married, and if four pregnancies end successfully, we will have 23 greatgrandchildren next August.
          Ah, and there will be another marriage at the end of May, so we just keep counting….



          • Well, koppieop, if that was meant to impress me, it DID!! Wow! An un-ending source of joy, eh? We are doing better (in that department) than most of our friends, with eleven grandchildren and another on the way . . . 🙂 Such fun they are – and then they go home! 🙂

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        • Hello Carmen. I agree with you about happiness and joy. Sometimes I have to take a break from reality. However no matter if I am being very practical, or dreaming and whimsical, I still think my happiness comes from me. I can be affect by others or things, but only I can decide if I will be happy or not to be. I can find the joy in my life and those around me or I can look for the misery, and react accordingly for each. I decided a long time ago that I prefered to find as much joy, happiness, kindness, grand, and wonderful things I could in life and by extension other people. Sometimes I fail at it. You can not find much joy in an interaction with C.S.. This morning I tweeted this: “tRump & crew can ruin my country, but they can not ruin my grand mood”. I woke up, I decided to be happy and content today. So I am. Hope I wrote this correctly to say what I am trying to. Hugs to all.

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          • You always express yourself concisely, Scottie – I know exactly what you mean. Since I (and others on this thread) know that you live with pain almost constantly, it makes what you say that much more powerful. Yes, indeed, it is up to us how we deal with what we are ‘dealt’ in this life (I think of Arch when I say that, as he had an expression to convey the same thought) and there are people who have been ‘dealt’ way too much – whether it be emotional or physical – pain in this life. You never seem to lose your positive attitude, for instance. Another on this thread never seems to lose his awesome sense of humour.. .other bloggers, even though they’ve been through many trials in life, reach out to others in empathy -having learned what it means to relate to others and their pain – and say, “I get it”. You all make such a difference . .. And you’ve all realized that you don’t need an imaginary friend to experience happiness. It really is all about choices, as you’ve stately eloquently.

            I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to suggest that your attitude is contagious! 🙂

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  4. Yeah, if there’s one thing tRump has taught me, it’s that there’s lots of fake news out there. The babble and its god are, indeed, fake news. Ya’ gotta admit, fake news is a lot more fun than real news. Why, denying climate change, which is, of course, fake news, is a lot more fun than believing in it. Where’s the fun in that? Believing in magic invisible guys who live in magic invisible lands, even though fake, is a lot of fun. Just look at the blog post discussions you’ve mentioned. Fake news is not only fake, its bloody fun, too! Long live fake news, and long live all the non-harmful fun that comes along with it. $Amen$
    (The following comment was fake. Do not take it seriously. Or, if you do, please contribute 75 dollars to its author. He needs the cash).

    Liked by 4 people

  5. Puzzling indeed as you said. Unfortunately, this is a black or white issue for most. That is, either the god of religion exists or no god exists. So, from your perspective, this entity (the god of religion) doesn’t exist. Perhaps, however, you’re asking the wrong question.


    • Yup. Pretty much boils down to that “afterlife insurance policy.” Most don’t want to fact that fact, but it’s there nevertheless.

      Certainly death is not something any of us look forward to, but to hope and dream and have faith that an unseen and silent entity is going to “rescue” us from the darkness of non-existence seems like such a waste of the precious time we have on this planet.

      I’d rather be like my dogs. Eat, play, love — and let tomorrow take care of itself.

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      • Exactly. Once you shed yourself of the fanciful notion that it is all peaches and pie when you die, and accept the cold reality that we are just gone, it frees you to actually enjoy the life you have.

        Knowing that one day life will cease to be makes me want to enjoy and appreciate every day I get.

        Where theists get the notion we are loveless and cold, cannot apreciate beauty, and live miserable lives I do not know. But I suspect that is what they must tell themselves to hang onto the shred of a fairy tale, that has them floating on clouds in the afterlife.

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  6. The attributes of God theology is a rabbit hole which I would suggest most should avoid.

    I recall one argument going along the lines of:
    – God is perfect;
    – Because God is perfect then God cannot change;
    – Because God cannot change nothing we do can impact God etc
    Even as a Christian I thought it was a load of intellectual silliness.

    Other more humble Christians would argue that if there is a creator God we can learn of that God’s attributes through that God’s revealed Word and through creation. So on that basis I conclude:
    – Created Word:, a moody, entity who seems to present contradictions between what he says and does;
    – Created World: hard not to see the creator as anything other than indifferent to humanity and distant.

    As you conclude Nan, the evidence seems to point to there being no creator God, or at least not the one portrayed in the pages of the Bible.

    If the Bible is really the testimony of an all powerful deity that seeks to use that as a Testimony to humanity then one has to question the motivation of that deity, given the deity seems to have allowed so many difficulties that could easily have been overcome.

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  7. Existential Death Anxiety. According to people far smarter than me, it drove our symbolic capabilities, and those capabilities (language) have been devoted to transcending the mortal body. It’s what makes us human.

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  8. A bit drawn out here, but the ancient human required the need to understand the universe just as the modern human also has a need to understand the universe. Modern science contrary to some of the more desperate opponents of science has eliminated much of what the ancient humans did not understand and has contradicted much of what the old scriptures of all the ancient religions have always identified as truth.

    Humans by nature do not like major changes especially when it comes to traditional beliefs and behaviours that are threatened with rejection or change, such acts of tradition are common in the military pomp, political ceremonies, courts of law, the monarchies and of course religions. This situation has exposed what can only be expressed as an emotional weakness or strength, because how often do you hear claims of traditional family values in politics or generations of Catholic belief, priests and military officers etc?

    Traditional places of worship and the doctrine of their beliefs and religious faith is embedded in the human personality that I believe evolved originally only to assist in our phycological and social survival. These faiths as the traditional doctrine have continued to be passed on from generation to generation very often through methodical indoctrination. We have seen this from modern religions such as the Mormons who have established their own doctrine with their own set of traditions and now have generations of families within their congregations.

    The modern human has a brain that is more mystery to science than is measurable. The capacity, or more specifically the conscious and the sub-conscious minds are not controlled by humans as we may expect it to be, with the question of free will becoming part of this huge issue. The subconscious mind I believe, as many do, has deeply embedded memories that we are not aware of and cannot always consciously know or control that trigger certain emotions that will override reasonable conclusions and free thought on certain ideas, decisions and beliefs.

    Unfortunately, most religions will always fall back into the old scripture as they have done throughout history if anything involving science is contrary to their traditional faith as the first line of defence even if the scientific evidence is crystal clear. Some will look to apologetics who will invent ideas with some believers forming conspiracy theories as desperate measures to throw off such challenges.

    I believe most of these people of religious faith are unknowing victims of this emotionally adjusted state of mind that often produces levels of feel good qualities and celestial realism making it difficult for many to break free from and currently not fully understood by science. I also believe even after they eventually uncover the facts behind our brains processes and the truth about why people are locked into traditional but illogical faith based stories from old scriptures, brain manipulation and radicalisation we will always have some types of religious believers out there somewhere.

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    • OK. You are now banned. All that educational stuff is too deep for us mere mortals. (Just kidding)

      But you have to admit (which you sorta’ did), it’s pretty heavy stuff. Thanks for sharing.

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  9. Why does it remain hidden, you ask? Because it wants us to love her dearly. We wouldn’t if it straddled the gardens like it did in Genesis before it got tired of coming down to smell roast meat.
    It is for our own good it s hidden and we will know the TRUTH when we die

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  10. You don’t see your brain but you know it is there. You have to reach seek and find and open up your heart, Sometimes the simple things in life can turn your life around but they never will when your mind is closed.


    • Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. But I must ask — what is it you are suggesting that I “reach seek and find”? And what makes you think my mind is closed?

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        • Just so you know, TSL9, I reached, sought, and opened my heart, to the so-called god of the bible many years ago. Then one day, my brain told me there was nothing there.

          Perhaps your brain tells you an invisible and mute entity exists somewhere “out there.” That’s certainly your prerogative. I’m just saying I don’t agree.

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          • Your brain is a receptacle which can be inspired by the devil and the holy spirit.
            There is nothing at all that will change your mind because it is set you have decided and you have, something will happen in you life and you will wonder again I pray even on your death bed, I was really ill and the Lord changed my life.


          • I think you used an example of my brain that ancient people would have used who understood more about myths and monsters than they did scientific reality.

            You are correct, my mind is set about the existence of any gods, yours however believes it is in communication with the Christian God just as your many millions of Muslim, Hinduism, Judaism and Buddhism contemporaries who believe just as fervently in their god’s communications and divine guidance as you do in yours.

            Tell me, why would you believe all the others gods are rubbish when your ideology reliably bases this belief on a few passages of scripture that cannot be proven to be anything more than some unverified sheep herders scribble? If you were to examine the oldest known Bible known today, the “Sinai Bible” housed in the British Museum we find a massive 14,800 differences from today’s Bibles and yet it is still claimed to be and remains the word of God, how can this be possible?

            You changed your life, your powerful brain used your belief as the motivation to change your life. How do you think atheists change their lives and scale great heights in life?

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          • I am all glad we all have our own free will. The idea that we die into nothing always amazed me especially when we are remarkable as a human being, our remarkable world and forests, plants, lakes, seas, oceans, animals, insects, die to nothing all different all amazing in fact we as humans could never make. Diseases we try to cure, while we destroy the world with toxins and pollution rather stupid if you ask me.
            This world is amazing and it was made for us. Whether you believe it or not it just did not happen, and if it did God made it. Our brain is our conscience, we know good from bad that it why we are fools most of the time. Our reason for being on earth is to decide whether we want to return to heaven as we were all thrown out during a war in heaven. Amazing that we look up to the stars and learn more about that worlds within worlds with belief and cannot believe in God because he does not shake our hand as the world is not enough, we are like children we have to know for sure even if it is not visual yet we know the feeling of love and hate sadness empathy feelings that we know but do not see. YET when we believe in God our feelings are then fairy tales even though we can feel the spirit when we pray, even though we know some miracles happen, and small children who died and return say they saw grandma, let’s just say there is far more we don’t know than we know and our brain is something we know nothing about.


    • I do not see my brain and I do know it is there to determine what is really going on.

      It has nothing to do with opening the bodies blood pump, but my mind will always seek what is real, especially if a godly type of creator exists, however my brain categorically tells me it is unable to comprehend such a fantasy.

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        • The bird and mountains evolved into what they are today over millions of years. That makes perfect sense and 150 years of scientific evidence overwhelmingly supports this view.

          The spirit I have keeping me in survival mode still lives on looking after me and exists inside my head, however this spirit gives me no inclination to consider worshiping any ancient gods invented by a primitive people who created myths about their perfect god with the principles of eternal life after death in sin free heaven, or eternal torture in an alternative hell.

          You would have to take away the part of my brain that has the ability to rationalise, investigate and ascertain what is real evidence before I could entertain any such delusional perceptions.

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          • You say you believe without a doubt. Is this not an unwise position at the very least and were you indoctrinated as a child and schooled in a religious environment?

            I realise children at a young age will believe anything you tell them without doubt because they are not able to use cognitive reasoning skills like adults can.

            With all due respect, I assume you are an adult so why would you believe anything without doubt and without some creditable evidence? Have you ever considered the evidence of life on Earth and the universe in scientific terms and the forces that tie you to your religious belief are like all the other religions it comes from inside your head?

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          • I am 67 I was born Church of England, I went to a Convent School, then to a Church of England school. I also went to a Methodist church and inn the twenties I became a Mormon but found the life hard but they are good people. Then something happened in my life I will never forget illness and so much pain I thought that it was the end. Elders gave me a blessing and left at 3.00 am my whole body felt warm and I felt well it felt like a hug and I was suddenly so happy and knew that whatever happened God loved me. It never happened again but it was something I always have with me. It won’t be credible to you because it did not happen to you but sometimes evidence is not seen but felt.


          • I do not doubt this happened to you, but there is always a coherent explanation. You have taken control and possibly been on the cutting edge of utilising brain power through your faith and you do not realise it but attribute it to God.

            The human mind has the capacity to do many powerful things and scientists know the brain has amazing abilities to change and heal itself in response to mental experiences and have shown how exploiting the extraordinary healing powers of the brain can not only combat pain but aid recovery from strokes, improve ailing vision and combat symptoms of conditions such as Parkinson’s. Some scientists go even further to as far as saying as conventional treatments may become useless. Read more here.


            Of course, with anything you get sceptics, but because we are only in the infancy of brain science there is still a hell of a lot to learn.

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  11. Some very good questions and points Nan. 🙂

    What often fascinates me about hardline Conservatives or Fundamentalists of the Abrahamic religions is how they’ve managed CHANGE — or perhaps the more appropriate question is how poorly they’ve managed it within a supposed monistic system/existence. Asking all relgious believers where the empirical existence and nature of one God exists, more than adequately demonstrates the opposite: neverending diversity. Which of course is contradictory to “monotheism” and and at best no universal proof.

    The placebo effect mixed with familial and regional peer-pressure or peer-assimilation or peer-influence, added with the deep human desire to have relief and purpose from this harsh, gorgeous, daunting life is so overbearing for some/many… it creates fantastical “faith” and tales of the paranormal in a plethora of forms… as we see in all the many various religions on Earth.

    But that’s just the conclusion of one Freethinking Humanist. 😉

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  12. When somebody says “I believe in God,” they are not saying anything specific. All of the discussion comes from the fact that that phrase means something unique to most individuals. At its top level it is the equivalent to saying “I am trustworthy, you need not fear me” to others in society. If two “believers” meet and both affirm a belief in god, they have the beginnings of a trusting relationship. Basically it says “I am like you … enough.”

    When you begin to dissect what the phrase “I believe in god” means to people, you end up with schism. There are tens of thousands of sects of Christianity for a reason and that reason is that they do not agree what that phrase means.

    The discussion (in which I participate) is an attempt to get people to realize this fact, but people do not want to realize that fact because it pulls the rug out from under their worldview. Have you noticed the gymnastics Christian apologist go through to “prove” the existence of their god? (My favorite is Ray Comfort holding up a banana as proof that god created it for you and me as it fits into the hand oh so easily … etc. Of course, Mr. Comfort was holding up an ordinary yellow banana that has no seeds … in other words, it cannot replicate itself and is not natural. All seedless fruits are made by plant hybridization and are quite artificial.) You and I see though the vague, hand-waving, explanations of these apologists but for people committed to a god-based worldview, these obviously false offerings are soaked up as confirmation of their beliefs (confirmation bias in full sway).

    Recently a poll showed that the American people have finally realized that rich people have captured the government and now are running it only for their own benefit. (Hooray.) Seeing the real problem is a necessary step along the way to finally solving it. The same is true for the “god debate.” My concern is that the debate is serving to entrench as many people as it liberates. The rising tide of people willing to admit they have no particular religious affiliation (the “nones”) is a good sign, though.

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    • Very well stated Steve. Question everything! Examine, dissect, discover, understand everything. Repeat. Imagine where civilization my still be if Cornelius Drebbel, Hans Lippershey, or Zacharias Jansen hadn’t discovered and constructed the world’s very first microscopes in the early 17th century! And look now what worlds within worlds within MORE worlds they uncovered!!! The diversity is not only with all current 7.5+ billion humans on Earth, but all around us… what is seen and unseen! It begs the question, Is any form of monism, especially monotheism, a sign of delusion, lunacy… perhaps at best blatant denial? 🙂

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    • Good and thoughtful comment, Steve. Thanks!

      I hate to stray from the path of the post topic, but couldn’t resist responding to the first sentence of your last paragraph. That poll must have included a very limited sample because obviously there were several million people who seem to be either unaware or are totally content with the “rich people” running the government.

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  13. Here’s the answer to your question…2 Corinthians 4.3,4
    “But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.”
    “…Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” John 3.3

    Man’s pride is the reason for his spiritual blindness. God readily receives everyone who desires His salvation.

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    • Hello Lee,

      I’m assuming you are answering my “Why?” question.

      Please understand. I have been through the “born again” experience and am very familiar with the bible and the Christian perspective. However, I left this way of life many, many years ago — and have not regretted it for one moment.

      I know you believe quoting scripture will accomplish something in the heart of the “unsaved” because your bible says it will. But trust me when I say the words are simply taking up space on this blog’s page.

      Now if you would like to offer substantive input (without preaching and/or scripture) on why you think your god chooses to remain hidden, I’m sure my blog readers would enjoy a discussion with you. If not, I appreciate your visit.

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    • Lee, Pride is defined as a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one’s own achievements, the achievements of one’s close associates, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired.

      The only word in your post that can really be understood to express your reasons that we are non-believers.

      I cannot associate that word or the Biblical definitions you use with simply not believing that any gods exist. In fact, I feel quite sad not deep pleasure or satisfaction that people such as yourself cannot see any further than your ideology.

      Atheism is not an achievement widely admired as much as not believing that Batman is not real and is not classed as an achievement, and before you assume it, I am not possessed by your make believe Satan.

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      • Hello,
        In Proverbs 6.16-19, there is the list of 7 abominations to God. And pride is the very top one.

        But I’ll give it to you in a way that anyone can relate to…
        The heart of a person who rejects the offer of salvation is because entirely of pride. It really is just as simple as that. Such a person says they don’t believe in God so that they don’t have to face the issue.
        “Pride” says “I don’t need to be saved; I’m not so bad, I’ll take my chances on my perceived morality.”

        I hope that helps.

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          • There’s nothing I can say that will enable a person to see that which is of God.
            All I can do is share the hope that is within me. I was exceedingly guilty in my sin when the Lord Jesus Christ gave me life. If He will save me, He’ll save anyone.
            Just remember,
            His offer of life in His Son is there if you ever want it.


          • Hi Scottie,
            He loves you buddy.
            He’s not religion. Religion has so marred His image.
            He loves you Scottie.


          • Mock Him all you want Carmen. You’re not hurting me a bit. You’re only storing up wrath against yourself when you stand before Him at your judgement.


          • There is but ONE GOD and He is Allah. From The Koran: 5:73: “Surely, disbelievers are those who said: “Allâh is the third of the three (in a Trinity).” But there is no god but Allâh. And if they cease not from what they say, verily, a painful torment will befall the disbelievers among them.”
            The Christian is in denial of reality. A Holy Book, The Koran, is the proof of all life and all reality. The Christian will burn in the fires of the deepest Hell for doubting the TRUE reality of God. May Allah have mercy on the soul of the infidel Christian. They have eyes, yet they REFUSE to see reality. Their blasphemous ways corrupt the world and bring evil into it. (Also, quotes from my Holy Book, The Koran, matter more than the lying trash in the Christian bible. Therefor, MY Holy Book is right, and the Christian’s is wrong. So says Allah, and so say I).

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        • Lee, what you say is not true. I do not want to face the issue because there is no issue I need to face. Please read this next paragraph slowly and absorb it exactly at face value because I realise you are told what atheists believe and think by your expert theists and automatically my words will change into a warped definition that suits a rebuke from your doctrine.

          I do not believe any gods have ever existed at any time because there is not one tiny scrap of evidence to prove any of them exist outside of human minds, and that is the overwhelming issue atheists have in support of our position. Atheists also have so much evidence in validation of this belief, and based on this evidence a true atheist is 100% positive all gods do not exist. NO PRIDE REQUIRED, just old fashioned logic and good sense.

          Liked by 2 people

      • @Lee. Well to the topic of the post. Nan wrote “But let us say for a moment this being truly exists … truly “created” this world and its inhabitants … truly loves its creations … truly has prepared a glorious afterlife for them. The question then becomes why-oh-why does it remain hidden?” So I ask you the same thing. IF your deity wants me to be saved, wants me to be part of his family, and loves me so much….why hide? Why not manifest clearly and with no obstruction? If an all powerful deity wants me it would do so, if it can’t do that it is not all powerful and therefore not worthy of being worshipped. Hugs

        Liked by 1 person

          • No Lee that is not a christian answer, that is petulant. I am not building up wrath as there is not one to have the wrath. I can’t be held to account by something that doesn’t exist. If it does exist then where is it? As Nan asked why doesn’t it show itself openly to everyone. Hugs


          • Ah, so you don’t know then? No I have read enough fiction today. Working on a book by Ransom Riggs called library of souls. It is book three of Miss Peregrine’s peculiar children. It makes more sense than your holy book. It covers great topics like helping others, sacrifice when called for, and helping others. Great stuff. You should try it. Hugs

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          • My dear deluded friend, if you wish to quote religious texts as truth, then you must read this REAL one from the Koran because it is true: 3:85: “And whoever seeks a religion other than Islâm, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers.”
            Learn, my foolishly blind heathen, of the TRUTH of Allah, or burn forever for your deceitful lies in Hell. Lordy be, but what fools these Christians be.

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  14. I always think it quite interesting that so many Christians must revert to scare tactics at some point. They just can’t seem to understand non-believers are not threatened by non-existent entities.

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  15. I look at the “Why” from a neurological perspective. The more they talk about their deity, the more they write about their deity, the more they pray to their deity, the more neural circuits are activated, and the stronger their synapses get. The more easily they can be activated again, the more likely they will become permanent.They strengthen further by networking. Faith becomes stronger. As the bible says, faith is the evidence of things not seen. That’s my two cents.

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  16. As a pretty-much atheist who attends church, I think the prayers, scripture, etc offer personal comfort… A kind of meditative and reflective experience that helps the psyche. I don’t pray anymore but I do meditate, and I find it hard to break away from some of the other practices associated with church/worship. I don’t have a problem with anyone gaining personal encouragement from religion through blogging or whatever…

    The problem I have is when religion becomes a weapon and religious bloggers become self-righteous trolls. 😛


    • Hi Closet Liberal!

      A “pretty-much atheist”? 🙂

      To me, meditation is different than prayer in that you’re not looking for answers from a non-existent entity. As for breaking away from the other practices, I guess the question for me would be — do you believe the “stuff” the church puts out there?

      I totally agree with your last sentence!

      Liked by 1 person

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